Author Archives: Ajitesh Kumar
Angular – Create PWA with Angular Material UI/UX
This article represents instructions and concepts related to How to create a Progressive Web Angular App (PWA) with Angular Material. Angular Material represents material design components for Angular apps. Create Progressive Web App (PWA) with Angular The following page represents instructions and related concepts on creating PWAs using different Angular versions such as Angular 4 and Angular 5: How to create PWA using Angular 4 and earlier versions How to create PWA using Angular 5 Why Angular Material Design? Angular PWA can be created with both, Bootstrap as well as Angular Material. From some of the following pages, it looks like Angular Material is preferred choice if you are looking …
How to Install Kubernetes in Ubuntu VM
This article represents a quick, crisp and to-the-point instructions on how to setup Kubernetes on Ubuntu VM. The steps below would help you get started with Kubernetes on your laptop with the help of Minikube. Minikube is a tool which runs a single-node kubernetes cluster inside a VM (virtualbox in this article) on your laptop. In this article, we will look at the steps for installing Kubernetes within an Ubuntu VM. The steps remain almost same for Ubuntu OS with the difference of how you enable the virtualization at BIOS level. Install VirtualBox (as part of installing a hypervisor) Enable Virtualization Install Kubectl Install Minikube Start/stop Kubernetes Install VirtualBox First …
Hyperledger Fabric – Are Channels Private Blockchain? (Deep Dive)
This article represents Hyperledger Fabric Channels concepts and related details in form of some of the following topics: What are Channels? Hyperledger Fabric Blockchain Network is a channel Channels are private and permissioned Blockchain Channels explained with examples Channels – channel configuration, genesis block Ordering service creates a transaction block per channel Blockchain network is categorized into two broad classes: Public network: Anyone can join this type of network. For example, bitcoin network. Private or permissioned network: A member needs to be authenticated by the assigned membership service provider (identity issuing authority service) for joining and conducting transactions in the network. Hyperledger Fabric can be said to be private or permissioned blockchain. …
Angular 5 – How to Create Progressive Web Apps (PWA)
This article represents steps and instructions on how to create a progressive web app (PWA) using Angular 5. In the previous article, we saw the steps to create PWA with Angular 4 and earlier versions, along with installation pre-requisites and introduction to PWA. This article will refer the previous article at various places. What are Progressive Web Apps (PWA)? Check out the details in my previous article, How to create progressive web app using Angular 4. The following are key requirements of PWA which shall be addressed in this article: Discoverable (Using manifest file) App-like offline experience (Using out-of-box Service-worker) Installation pre-requisites Install Lightspeed Chrome plugin for testing the aspects …
Angular – How to Create Progressive Web App with Angular 4
This article represents steps required to get started with / create progressive web app (PWA) using Angular 4.* and earlier versions such as Angular 2.*. You will note that we used the sw-precache NPM module for working with a service worker for seamless offline experience when the internet is not available. This is one of the key requirements of a progressive web app. Angular 5.* introduced the service-worker concept for providing out-of-the-box support for the App-like offline experience. We shall deal with using Angular 5 service worker for creating a progressive web app in a follow-up article. What are Progressive Web Apps (PWA)? A progressive web app has some of …
Hyperledger Fabric – Cryptogen Tool Not Found…Exiting
This error, Cryptogen Tool Not Found…Exiting occurred when I tried to build the first network by executing script using following commands for the first time after downloading and installing hyperledger fabric platform binaries/components and fabric samples: The following screenshot represents the error: Why the Error – Cryptogen Tool Not Found This error occurs, primarily, due to the reason that cryptogen tool can be not be found in the path. The path to cryptogen tool needs to be set to PATH variable. This can be confirmed by checking the logs of the script execution by putting the following code (set -x) in the beginning of the file,, as shown below. Note that the code set-x is used to expand …
Angular – Top 10 Security Best Practices vis-a-vis Security Risks
Are you concerned about security vulnerabilities in your angular app? Have you been wondering whether one or more of your angular apps are at security risks? Your worries regarding potential security bugs in your angular apps are well justified given security threats to web apps in general. This article would help you learn some of the top security best practices for your Angular apps. Some of these best practices may as well be applied for earlier versions of AngularJS. We shall be referring the security best practices in relation to some of the OWASP Top 10 Security Vulnerabilities. Some of the recommendations include out-of-box support from Angular Http utility such as DomSanitizer and HttpClient which is part of Angular 2, Angular 4 and Angular 5. Quick Recall …
Kubernetes – Practice Test / Interview Q&A on Service Discovery
This article represents concepts, revision / quick notes, and practice or sample test/interview questions and answers on Service Discovery topic of Kubernetes. These notes, Q&A could provide to be helpful for those appearing for Kubernetes administrator certification exams (CKA). Revision Notes – Service Discovery Kubernetes supports the following two modes of service discovery: Environment variable DNS Service environment details can be set based on the following format. Service name needs to be in uppercase. {SVCNAME}_SERVICE_HOST {SVCNAME}_SERVICE_PORT When using environment variables for service discovery, it is a mandate that the services must be created prior to the pods which want to access those services. DNS server creates a set of records for each service discovered via watching Kubernetes APIs. Services of type ExternalName can only be accessed …
Hyperledger Fabric Transaction Flow (Interview Q&A & Notes)
This article represents concepts in relation to, how does a transaction flow in Hyperledger Fabric Blockchain network, in form of notes and interview questions and answers. Those appearing for Hyperledger Fabric interview would find the questions and notes very useful for quick brush-up. Hyperledger Fabric is a platform for distributed ledger solutions. The following represents key participants in Hyperledger Fabric Blockchain network who are involved in the transaction flow right from the initiation of transaction proposal to committing a transaction into the distributed ledger. Application: Gets involved in following capacity: Sends the transaction proposal to endorsing peers Receives the transaction results from endorsing peers Broadcasts the transaction message to ordering service Endorsing peers: Do some of the …
Angular – How to Search or Filter Table by Column
This article represents concepts and code samples in relation to filtering or searching table by one or more column data when working with Angular (Angular 2.*, Angular 4.* Angular 5.*). One can achieve the search/filter table by column functionality by creating custom pipes. Although Angular recommends it by handling the logic in services, one can always create custom pipes as shown in this article. The following topic is discussed later in this article: No Out-of-box support for Filter or OrderBy in Angular How to create search filter for filtering table by column The details on creating custom pipes can be read from this page, Angular Pipes. No Out-of-box support for Filter or OrderBy in Angular Unlike AngularJS, …
Spring Boot & Angular App Hello World as One Deployable War
This article represents steps and related code samples to deploy an Angular app (created with Angular 2.*, Angular 4.* or Angular 5.*) with a Spring Boot / Spring Web app as one deployable unit (war file) on the web server such as Tomcat, Jetty etc. Different Deployment Strategies for Spring Boot and Angular App The following are the two different strategies which can be used for deploying web app built with Angular 5.* (and previous versions such as Angular 4.* or Angular 2.*) used for doing client side programming and Spring boot with Spring Web for server-side programming. Deploy Angular App and Spring Boot / Spring Web app as different applications running on different servers; This implies that users connect …
Hyperledger Fabric Distributed Ledger – Interview Questions / Notes
This article represents practice test / interview questions and answers and revision notes on Hyperledger Fabric Distributed Ledger**. These questions and answers can prove to be very helpful to check your knowledge on Hyperledger Fabric if you are appearing for Hyperledger Fabric interview in near future. Hyperledger Fabric is an open-source framework for building distributed ledger solutions. The distributed ledger is maintained by every peer participating in the network. It is stored as a combination of a transaction logs and a world state database (key-value pairs). Revision Notes – Hyperledger Fabric Distributed Ledger Concepts The distributed ledger is a combination of following: Blockchain to store immutable ordered/sequenced records; It is stored in form of transaction logs and stored in peers’ file system (local …
Hyperledger Fabric – Difference between World State DB & Transaction Logs
This article highlights key differences between World State Database (DB) and Transaction Logs which comprise the Hyperledger Fabric Distributed Ledger. Hyperledger Fabric Distributed Ledger can be said to be a combination of World State Database (DB) and transaction logs. It requires invocation of chaincode (smart contracts) for interacting with distributed ledgers (world state DB and transaction logs). The transactions are stored in the block in the same sequence in which they occured and this is responsibility of ordering service to ensure the ordering sequence of transactions in the block. World State Database Transaction Logs Stores the chain’s state information in form of key-value pairs Stores chain of blocks consisting of transaction details in form of sequence of transactions Stored in database such as LevelDB …
Hyperledger Fabric Introduction – Interview Questions / Revision Notes
This article represents practice test and revision notes on Introduction to Hyperledger Fabric. These questions and answers can prove to be very helpful to check your knowledge of Hyperledger Fabric if you are appearing for Hyperledger Fabric interview in near future. Hyperledger Fabric is an open-source framework for building distributed ledger solutions. The unique thing about Hyperledger Fabric is that it supports pluggable implementations of different components such as identity management, consensus algorithm etc. Revision notes on Introduction to Hyperledger Fabric Hyperledger Fabric can be used for creating private and permissionless Blockchain network. Blockchain Participants – Membership Members join Hyperledger Fabric Blockchain network using Membership Service Provider (MSP) service. Hyperledger Fabric allows custom MSP to be plugged. Distributed Ledger – Data and Database Hyperledger Fabric allows ledger data to be stored …
QISKit and IBM-QX for Running Quantum Computing Applications
IBM-Q is IBM’s initiative to build commercially available universal quantum computers for business and science. IBM-Q currently recommends using QISKit and Quantum Composer for building quantum computing experiments, programs and applications which could run on real quantum computing hardware provided by IBM cloud. The details on how to get started with building and running Quantum applications can be provided on IBM’s website, IBM Q Experience (IBM-QX). In this article, let’s look at further details in relation with QISKit SDK. QISKit SDK for building Quantum Computing applications IBM-Q recommends Python software development kit (SDK) namely Quantum Information Software Kit (QISKit) which can be used for building programs, applications that could run on IBM quantum computers (quantum computing hardware). Here are some reference links: Github page on QISKit: COnsists …
Certified Kubernetes Administrator Sample Test on Services Concept
This page represents practice test consisting of questions and answers on Kubernetes. This practice test covers the topic such as Kubernetes Services. The practice test can prove to be very helpful if you are preparing to take Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) certification examination in near future. It covers the Networking Concepts from CKA certification exam syllabus which can comprise of 11% questions in CKA certification exam. Check out other question sets on this page, Kubernetes Certification Exam (CKA) Sample Questions Sets. Revision Notes – Kubernetes concepts on Services A Kubernetes service is an abstraction which is used to define a logical set of pods. A Kubernetes service is assigned an IP address. In service spec definition, port refers to incoming port which is mapped to targetPort on Pod. By default, the value of …
I found it very helpful. However the differences are not too understandable for me