Category Archives: Deep Learning

Autoencoder vs Variational Autoencoder (VAE): Differences, Example

autoencoder vs variational autoencoder - point vs distribution

Last updated: 12th May, 2024 In the world of generative AI models, autoencoders (AE) and variational autoencoders (VAEs) have emerged as powerful unsupervised learning techniques for data representation, compression, and generation. While they share some similarities, these algorithms have unique properties and applications that distinguish them. This blog post aims to help machine learning / deep learning enthusiasts understand these two methods, their key differences, and how they can be utilized in various data-driven tasks. We will learn about autoencoders and VAEs, understanding their core components, working mechanisms, and common use cases. We will also try and understand their differences in terms of architecture, objectives, and outcomes. What are Autoencoders? …

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Posted in Deep Learning, Generative AI, Machine Learning. Tagged with , , .

Model Parallelism vs Data Parallelism: Examples

Model Parallelism vs Data Parallelism

Last updated: 19th April, 2024 Model parallelism and data parallelism are two strategies used to distribute the training of large machine-learning models across multiple computing resources, such as GPUs. They form key categories of multi-GPU training paradigms. These strategies are particularly important in deep learning, where models and datasets can be very large. What’s Data Parallelism? In data parallelism, we break down the data into small batches. Each GPU works on one batch of data at a time. It calculates two things: the loss, which tells us how far off our model’s predictions are from the actual outcomes, and the loss gradients, which guide us on how to adjust the …

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Self-Prediction vs Contrastive Learning: Examples

Contrastive Learning - Learning Embedding Space wheer similar objects are grouped together

In the dynamic realm of AI, where labeled data is often scarce and costly, self-supervised learning helps unlock new machine learning use cases by harnessing the inherent structure of data for enhanced understanding without reliance on extensive labeled datasets as in the case of supervised learning. Simply speaking, self-supervised learning, at its core, is about teaching models to learn from the data itself, turning unlabeled data into a rich source of learning. There are two distinct methodologies used in self-supervised learning. They are the self-prediction method and contrastive learning method. In this blog, we will learn about their concepts and differences with the help of examples. What is the Self-Prediction …

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Large Language Models (LLMs): Types, Examples

Large language models - LLM - building blocks

Last updated: 31st Jan, 2024 Large language models (LLMs), being the key pillar of generative AI, have been gaining traction in the world of natural language processing (NLP) due to their ability to process massive amounts of text and generate accurate results related to predicting the next word in a sentence, given all the previous words. These different LLM models are trained on a large or broad corpus of text datasets, which contain hundreds of millions to billions of words. LLMs, as they are known, rely on complex algorithms including transformer architectures that shift through large datasets and recognize patterns at the word level. This data helps the LLMs better understand …

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Posted in Data Science, Deep Learning, Generative AI, Large Language Models, Machine Learning, NLP. Tagged with , .

Transfer Learning vs Fine Tuning LLMs: Differences

differences between transfer learning and fine tuning

Last updated: 23rd Jan, 2024 Two NLP concepts that are fundamental to large language models (LLMs) are transfer learning and fine-tuning pre-trained LLMs. Rather, true fine-tuning can also be termed as full fine-tuning because transfer learning is also a form of fine-tuning. Despite their interconnected nature, they are distinct methodologies that serve unique purposes when training foundation LLMs to achieve different objectives. In this blog, we will explore the differences between transfer Learning and full fine-tuning, learning about their characteristics and how they come into play in real-world scenarios related to natural language understanding (NLU) and natural language generation (NLG) tasks with the help of examples. We will also learn …

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Posted in Deep Learning, Generative AI, Machine Learning, NLP. Tagged with , , , .

Transformer Architecture in Deep Learning: Examples

Transformer Architecture

The Transformer model architecture, introduced by Vaswani et al. in 2017, is a deep learning model that has revolutionized the field of natural language processing (NLP) giving rise to large language models (LLMs) such as BERT, GPT, T5, etc.  In this blog, we will learn about the details of transformer model architecture with the help of examples and references from the mother paper – Attention is All You Need.  Transformer Block – Core Building Block of Transformer Model Architecture Before getting to understand the details of transformer model architecture, let’s understand the key building block termed transformer block. The core building block of the Transformer architecture consists of multi-head attention …

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Posted in Deep Learning, Generative AI, NLP. Tagged with , , .

Instruction Fine-tuning LLM Explained with Examples

Instruction fine-tuning LLM example

A pre-trained or foundation model is further trained (or fine-tuned) with instructions datasets to help them learn about your specific data and perform humanlike tasks. These models are called instruction fine-tuning LLMs. In this blog, we will learn about the concepts and different examples of instruction fine-tuning models. You might want to check out this book to learn more: Generative AI on AWS. What are Instruction fine-tuning LLMs? Instruction fine-tuning LLMs, also called chat or instruct models, are created by training pre-trained models with different types of instructions. Instruction fine-tuning can be defined as a type of supervised machine learning that improves the foundation model by continuously comparing the model’s …

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Posted in Deep Learning, Large Language Models, NLP. Tagged with , .

Distributed LLM Training & DDP, FSDP Patterns: Examples

DDP vs FSDP for LLM Training

Training large language models (LLMs) like GPT-4 requires the use of distributed computing patterns as there is a need to work with vast amounts of data while training with LLMs having multi-billion parameters vis-a-vis limited GPU support (NVIDIA A100 with 80 GB currently) for LLM training. In this blog, we will delve deep into some of the most important distributed LLM training patterns such as distributed data parallel (DDP) and Fully sharded data parallel (FSDP). The primary difference between these patterns is based on how the model is split or sharded across GPUs in the system. You might want to check out greater details in this book: Generative AI on …

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Posted in Deep Learning, Large Language Models, Machine Learning, NLP. Tagged with , , .

Transformer Architecture Types: Explained with Examples

encoder decoder architecture

Are you fascinated by the power of deep learning large language models that can generate creative writing, answer complex questions, etc? Ever wondered how these LLMs understand and process human language with such finesse? At the heart of these remarkable achievements lies a machine learning model architecture that has revolutionized the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) – the Transformer architecture and its types. But what makes Transformer models so special? From encoding sentences into numerical embeddings to employing attention mechanisms that capture the relationships between words, we will dissect different types of Transformer architectures, provide real-world examples, and even dive into the mathematics that governs its operation. Let’s explore …

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Posted in Deep Learning, Generative AI, Machine Learning. Tagged with , , .

Pre-trained Models Explained with Examples

NLP pretrained models

NLP has been around for decades, but it has recently seen an explosion in popularity due to pre-trained models (PTMs), also termed foundation models. This blog post will introduce you to different types of pre-trained (a.k.a. foundation) machine learning models and discuss their usage in real-world examples. Before we get into looking at different types of pre-trained models in NLP, let’s understand the concepts related to pre-trained models. What are Pre-trained Models? Pre-trained models (PTMs) are very large and complex neural network-based deep learning models, such as transformers, that consist of billions of parameters (a.k.a. weights) and have been trained on very large datasets to perform specific NLP tasks. The …

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BERT vs GPT Models: Differences, Examples

BERT base BERT Large neural network architectures

Have you been wondering what sets apart two of the most prominent transformer-based machine learning models in the field of NLP, Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) and Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT)? While BERT leverages encoder-only transformer architecture, GPT models are based on decoder-only transformer architecture. In this blog, we will delve into the core architecture, training objectives, real-world applications, examples, and more. By exploring these aspects, we’ll learn about the unique strengths and use cases of both BERT and GPT models, providing you with insights that can guide your next LLM-based NLP project or research endeavor. Differences between BERT vs GPT Models BERT, introduced in 2018, marked a significant …

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Posted in Deep Learning, Generative AI, Machine Learning. Tagged with , , .

Demystifying Encoder Decoder Architecture & Neural Network

encoder decoder architecture

In the field of AI / machine learning, the encoder-decoder architecture is a widely-used framework for developing neural networks that can perform natural language processing (NLP) tasks such as language translation, text summarization, and question-answering systems, etc which require sequence-to-sequence modeling. This architecture involves a two-stage process where the input data is first encoded (using what is called an encoder) into a fixed-length numerical representation, which is then decoded (using a decoder) to produce an output that matches the desired format. In this blog, we will explore the inner workings of the encoder-decoder architecture, how it can be used to solve real-world problems, and some of the latest developments in …

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Posted in Deep Learning, Generative AI, Machine Learning, NLP. Tagged with , , , .

Machine Learning Definition, Examples, Method, Types

Machine Learning Modeling Workflow

Last updated: 3rd Jan, 2024 Machine learning is a machine’s ability to learn from data. It has been around for decades, but machine learning is now being applied in nearly every industry and job function. In this blog post, we’ll cover a detailed introduction to what is machine learning (ML) including different definitions. We will also learn about different types of machine learning tasks, algorithms, etc along with real-world examples. What is machine learning & how does it work? Definition 1: Simply speaking, machine learning can be defined as an approach to model our beliefs about real-world events. For example, let’s say a person came to a doctor with a …

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Posted in Data Science, Deep Learning, Machine Learning. Tagged with , , .

Large Language Models (LLMs) & Semantic Search: Examples

Large Language Models and Semantic Search

Have you ever marveled at how typing a few words into a search engine yields exactly the information you’re looking for from the vast expanse of the web? This is largely thanks to the advancements in semantic search, bolstered by technologies like Large Language Models (LLMs). Semantic search, which focuses on understanding the intent and contextual meaning behind queries, benefits from LLMs to provide more accurate and relevant results. However, it’s important to note that traditional search engines also rely on a sophisticated mix of algorithms, indexing, and ranking systems. LLMs complement these systems by enhancing their ability to interpret complex queries, making your search experience more intuitive and effective. …

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Posted in Deep Learning, Generative AI, Large Language Models, Machine Learning. Tagged with , , , .

Generative AI Examples, Use Cases, Applications

encoder decoder architecture RNN 2

Last updated: 12th Dec, 2023 Machine learning, particularly in the field of Generative AI or generative modeling, has seen significant advancements recently. Generative AI involves algorithms that create new data samples and is widely recognized for its ability to produce not only coherent text but also highly realistic images, videos, and music. One of the most popular Generative AI example applications includes Large Language Models (LLMs) like GPT-3 and GPT-4, which are specialized in tasks like text generation, summarization, and machine translation. This technology has gained immense popularity due to its diverse applications and the impressive realism of the content it generates. As a data scientist, it is crucial to …

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Posted in Data Science, Deep Learning, Machine Learning. Tagged with .

Different Types of CNN Architectures Explained: Examples

VGG16 CNN Architecture

Last updated: 4th Dec, 2023. In the fast-paced world of computer vision and image processing, the problem of image classification consistently stands out: the ability to effectively recognize and classify images. As we continue to digitize and automate our world, the demand for systems that can understand and interpret visual data is growing at an unprecedented rate. The challenge is not just about recognizing images – it’s about doing so accurately and efficiently. Traditional machine learning methods often fall short, struggling to handle the complexity and high dimensionality of image data. This is where Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) comes to rescue. And, there are different types of CNN architectures based …

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