Category Archives: Tutorials
Week Nov1, 2021: Top 3 Machine Learning Tutorial Videos

The field of machine learning is a vast topic and it can be hard to know where to start. In this blog post, we’ll cover the top three free tutorial videos on machine learning from YouTube published this week (Week of Nov 1, 2021). These videos will help you get started with the basics of machine learning & deep learning, introduce you to some popular algorithms in use today, and give you an idea of what’s possible when building a model from scratch. Build a Machine Learning Project From Scratch with Python and Scikit-learn Let’s say you want to build a machine learning project from scratch. Maybe you’re not sure …
Free Python & R Training from Spoken Tutorial Initiative

Many people today are interested in learning Python and R. Are you starting on data science and machine learning and looking to get trained with python and R skills? These two programming languages are very popular because they allow for the analysis of data sets that is not possible with other tools. The training offered at Spoken Tutorial Initiative will introduce you to Python and R, while also providing helpful tips on how to use them effectively. Spoken Tutorials Initiative by IIT Bombay is an initiative of NME (National mission on Education) through Govt. of India, ICT, MoE to promote IT literacy on free and open source software (FOSS) by …
50+ Machine learning & Deep learning Youtube Courses

In this post, you get an access to curated list of 50+ Youtube courses on machine learning, deep learning, NLP, optimization, computer vision, statistical learning etc. You may want to bookmark this page for quick reference and access to these courses. This page will be updated from time-to-time. Enjoy learning! Course title Course type URL MIT 6.S192: Deep Learning for Art, Aesthetics, and Creativity Deep learning AutoML – Automated Machine Learning AutoML Probabilistic Machine Learning Machine learning Geometric Deep Learning Geometric deep learning CS224W: Machine Learning with Graphs Machine learning MIT 6.S897 Machine Learning for Healthcare Machine learning Deep Learning and Combinatorial Optimization Deep …
MIT Free Course on Machine Learning (New)

In this post, the information regarding new free course on machine learning launched by MIT OpenCourseware. In case, you are a beginner data scientist or ML Engineer, you will find this course to be very useful. Here is the URL to the free course on machine learning: This course, titled as Introduction to Machine Learning, introduces principles, algorithms, and applications of machine learning from the point of view of modeling and prediction. It includes formulation of learning problems and concepts of representation, over-fitting, and generalization. These concepts are exercised in supervised learning and reinforcement learning, with applications to images and to temporal sequences. Here are some of the key topics for which lectures can be found: …
Configure Nexus Repository for Docker Registry (Windows)

In this post, you will learn about how to configure Nexus Repository OSS on Windows as a Docker Private Registry. The goal of doing this can be some of the following: Allow developers to push/pull images from local docker image repository installed within the company-wide private network Allow Jenkins jobs to pull images for running automated tasks One of the key aspects of DevOps automation using Docker containers is setting up private Docker registry which could be accessed by developers. This tutorial would help in setting up Nexus repository as a private Docker registry. How to Configure Nexus Repository OSS on Windows for Private Docker Registry The following are the steps to configure Nexus Repository OSS …
Learning Blockchain – Free Online Courses & Training – 1

This is the first blog representing a series of posts on enabling you to learn Blockchain online. Such posts would also represent some interesting projects for you to learn the different aspects of Blockchain implementation. This post is aimed to represent some links in relation to learning Blockchain concepts vis-a-vis free online courses, training. (Learning) Center for Blockchain Research (CBR) by Stanford: The following are free textbook and Coursera course on Cryptography: Free online Cryptography course on Coursera Free online textbook on applied cryptography (Case Study) Distributed Contracting Blockchain Network by Microsoft & EY: The diagram below demonstrates the following different aspects of blockchain: Permissioned blockchain registering entertainment, gaming industry …
Google Recaptcha with Angular and Spring App – Example

In this post, you will learn about how to implement Google Recaptcha with Angular and Spring/Java App. Get Recaptcha code (Key) from Google Angular – Process the Recaptcha code in Login/Sign up Component Spring/Java – RecaptchaVerifier utility class Spring/Java – Verify the Recaptcha Response in Server Side Code Get Recaptcha Code (Secret Keys) from Google Go to Google Recaptcha website and get the code for your website. The Google recaptcha code looks like following: Place the code in appropriate place in login, signup pages. In the login form, it would with code such as following: The Signup form with Google Recaptcha would look like following. The working example can be …
Build IVR System using Amazon Polly, Lambda and Twilio

Building an intelligent IVR system with a Bot handling the interaction with your end users and bringing in humans based on pre-defined events would bring a lot of automation and remove mundane manual activities which takes up lot of time for a person. This can be achieved using cloud services provided by cloud providers such as Amazon, Google, Azure etc and communication service providers such as Twilio. In this post, you will learn about how to create or build an intelligent or smart IVR system using some of the following: Use Amazon Polly to create one or more custom text-to-speech audios and store the same at predefined locations in AWS …
AWS Temporary Credentials with Java & Spring Boot

AWS Security Token Service (STS) is an Amazon web service which enables you to request temporary, limited-privilege credentials for AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) users or for users that you authenticate (federated users). By default, the AWS Security Token Service (AWS STS) is available as a global service, and all AWS STS requests go to a single endpoint at You can optionally send your AWS STS requests to endpoints in any of the AWS regions shown in the table that follows. In this post, you would learn how to use AWS security token service to create temporary security credentials with Spring Boot and Java app. I would recommend …
Amazon S3 with Spring Boot & Java – Sample Code

Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) is an AWS object storage platform which helps you to store the files/data in form of objects, and, store and retrieve any amount of data from anywhere – websites and mobile apps, corporate applications, and data from IoT sensors or devices. Each file stored in Amazon S3 (as an object) is represented using a key. The following are some of the usecases where S3 could be used. Thus, it becomes of utmost importance to understand how to interact with Amazon S3 API using AWS SDKs including AWS Java SDK. Backup & recovery Data archiving Big data analytics Disaster recovery Cloud-native application data Hybrid cloud storage …
Amazon Polly Hello World with Java & Spring Boot

Amazon Polly is one cool AWS service which can be used to achieve requirements such as creating business, security alerts via phone call. When integrated with communication providers such as Twilio, several value-added services could be created using Amazon Polly AWS service. In this post, you will learn about creating a sample Java app which uses Amazon Polly service for converting text to speech. You should be able to listen to the following text using the program given below: Hello World! How are you doing? This is Polly. I am happy to talk with you. The following are some of the aspects covered in this post: Create a Spring Boot app …
Spring Boot CommandLineRunner Code Example

Spring Boot helps you quickly get started with building a Spring-based web app in no time. All you need to do is go to Eclipse IDE, create a new Spring Starter Project and that is it. This is provided you installed Eclipse plugin, Spring Tools (aka Spring IDE and Spring Tool Suite) by going to Help > Eclipse Marketplace… and searching for “spring tools” keyword. Often, one wants to run a Spring Boot app as a Java application as like a traditional Java program and test different parts of their app. In this post, you will get a template code for quickly getting started with Command Liner which would help …
Python Quick Coding Tutorials for Experienced Developers

Learning Python has taken centerstage for many developers as Python is one of the key language for working in the field of data science/machine learning. If you are an experienced developer, this post would help you quickly get started with Python programming. In this post, you will quickly learn some of the following in relation to Python programming: Data types Input/output operations Defining functions Conditional expressions Looping constructs String functions Defining Module Defining Classes Exception handling Python Programming Concepts Data types: Python interprets and declares variables when they are equated to a value. The following represents how variables are casted to specific data types. float(variable): Casts variable to float int(variable): …
How to Get Started with Amazon Polly using AWS CLI

Amazon Polly is a text-to-speech service which turns text into life-like speech, allowing you to create applications that talk in a human voice. The human voice could be selected appropriately while configuring the service based on the region/location where the speech needs to be delivered. For example, for India, it supports voice with Name as Aditi and Raveena. The complete list can be found on this page, AWS Polly Available Voices. There could be many applications which could be built around Amazon/AWS Polly by integrating Polly with other AWS services or telephony services such as Twilio. For example, phone alerts/notifications, reminders, feedback, results etc. In this post, you would learn …
Docker – How to Install WordPress & MySQL using Docker

WordPress or PHP developers may find it difficult to do a fresh installation of WordPress and MySQL in a quick manner. This is where Docker comes to rescue. With Docker, one can quickly commission (or setup or install) and de-commission WordPress & MySQL development environment in no time. In this post, you will learn about some of the following: Pre-requisites – Docker Installation How to install WordPress and MySQL as container apps using Docker Access wordpress in browser Access wordpress installation within Docker container Access MySQL installation within Docker container Pre-requisites – Docker Installation Before getting started with WordPress/MySQL , first and foremost, Docker needs to be installed. Briefly speaking, …
How to Install Hyperledger Explorer & Access Fabric Network

Hyperledgder Explorer is a Blockchain explorer which can be used to view the details on the one or more blockchain network (channels) created using Hyperledger Fabric 1.0. In this post, you will learn about some of the following: Introduction to Hyperledger Explorer App Installation/Setup of Hyperledger Explorer Configure hyperledger explorer for the first network Starting the Explorer App Introduction to Hyperledger Explorer App Hyperledger Explorer is a Nodejs based web app which runs on Node/ExpressJS with MySQL as the backend database. It provides details related Fabric blockchain network (channels) based on configuration provided in the file, blockchain_explorer/config.json. The following represents some of the key details provided by the explorer app vis-a-vis …
I found it very helpful. However the differences are not too understandable for me