Tag Archives: chatgpt

6 Game-Changing Features of ChatGPT’s Latest Upgrade

OpenAI Latest ChatGPT Feature Launch

OpenAI has once again set the tech world abuzz with its latest enhancement to ChatGPT, making it a lot easier to use. With a clear focus on user-friendliness and accessibility, this update marks a significant leap forward. Here are the updates on the latest features: Ease of Access: No Sign-Up Required The sign-up barrier has been eliminated, allowing instant access to its ChatGPT. This ensures that access to ChatGPT is just a click away for anyone curious enough to explore it. Customizable Creativity: Choose an Image Style The integration of DALLĀ·E GPT into ChatGPT now includes an option to choose from various image styles, adding a layer of personalization to …

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How is ChatGPT Trained to Generate Desired Responses?

ChatGPT Training Process and Response Generation

Last updated: 27th Jan, 2024 Training an AI / Machine Learning model as sophisticated as the one used by ChatGPT involves a multi-step process that fine-tunes its ability to understand and generate human-like text. Let’s break down the ChatGPT training process into three primary steps. Note that OpenAI has not published any specific paper on this. However, the reference has been provided on this page – Introducing ChatGPT. Fine-tuning Base Model with Supervised Learning The first phase starts with collecting demonstration data. Here, prompts are taken from a dataset, and human labelers provide the desired output behavior, which essentially sets the standard for the AI’s responses. For example, if the …

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Posted in ChatGPT, Data Science, Machine Learning. Tagged with , .

First Principles Thinking using ChatGPT

ChatGPT Prompt for First Principles Thinking

Have you ever wondered why an object such as a chair is shaped the way it is, or why it’s even needed in the first place? What mystery unravels when we dig into the very essence of everyday objects and concepts around us? Navigating through a universe having well-established beliefs and customary wisdom, the hunt for innovative answers and deciphering the secrets hidden behind the everyday becomes not just a curiosity, but a necessity. This is where first principles thinking comes to the rescue. I have posted a detailed blog on First principles thinking – First principles thinking: Concepts & Examples. In this blog, let’s explore how we can utilize …

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Posted in Analytics, ChatGPT, Generative AI, OpenAI. Tagged with , , .

LLM Chain OpenAI Python Example

How LLM Chain works in LangChain

Have you ever wondered how to fully utilize large language models (LLMs) in our natural language processing (NLP) applications, like we do with ChatGPT? Would you not want to create an application such as ChatGPT where you write some prompt and it gives you back output such as text generation or summarization. While learning to make a direct API call to an OpenAI LLMs is a great start, we can build full fledged applications serving our end user needs. And, building prompts that adapt to user input dynamically is one of the most important aspect of an LLM app. That’s where LangChain, a powerful framework, comes in. In this blog, …

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Posted in ChatGPT, Generative AI, NLP, Python. Tagged with , , , .

Prompt Engineering: Core Principles, Examples

Prompt Engineering Principles & Examples

Ever chatted with Siri or Alexa and wondered how they come up with their answers? Or how do the latest AI tools seem to “know” just what you’re looking for? That’s all thanks to something called “prompt engineering“. In this blog, we’ll learn the key concepts of prompts engineering. We’ll talk about what prompt engineering is, its core guiding principles, and why it’s a must-know in today’s techy world. Let’s get started! What is Prompt Engineering? Prompt engineering is the art and science of designing, refining and optimizing prompts to guide the behavior of generative AI models like those built on the GPT architecture. While the underlying AI model might …

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Posted in ChatGPT, Generative AI. Tagged with , .

GPT Models In-context Learning: Examples

In context learning example

Have you ever wondered how AI models like OpenAI GPT-3 (Generative Pretrained Transformers-3) can generate impressively human-like text? Enter the realm of in-context learning that gives GPT-3 its conversational abilities and makes it extraordinary. In this blog, we’re going to learn the concepts of in-context learning, its different forms, and how GPT-3 uses it to revolutionize the way we interact with AI. What’s In-context Learning? In-context learning is at the heart of these large language models (LLMs), enabling GPT models to understand/comprehend and create text that closely resembles human speech, based on the instructions and examples they’re provided. As the model learns about the context based on the examples provided …

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Posted in Azure, ChatGPT, Generative AI, OpenAI. Tagged with , , , .

ChatGPT Prompts Design Tips & Examples

Are you looking to unlock the full potential of ChatGPT? Do you want to learn how to design & create engaging and effective prompts that can help you generate high-quality responses? Look no further! In this blog, we’ll share some expert tips and examples on how to design ChatGPT prompts that get the most out of this powerful language model. As one of the most advanced large language models available today, ChatGPT has the ability to generate informative and engaging responses. But the key is to provide clear instructions and ask right questions if we want to get the best results. That’s where prompt design & engineering comes in. By …

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How to Access GPT-4 using OpenAI Playground?

Access GPT-4 through OpenAI Playground

How good it would be if we could access GPT-4 using the OpenAI Playground and harness the groundbreaking advancements OpenAI has made in generating human-like text? OpenAI has revolutionized the field of natural language processing (NLP) with its large language models (such as different versions of GPT-3.5), and the release of GPT-4 has further pushed the boundaries of what’s achievable. In this blog post, we will guide you through a step-by-step process to access GPT-4 model using the OpenAI playground. Step 1: Visit the OpenAI Playground To get started, open your web browser and navigate to the OpenAI Playground website. The URL for the OpenAI Playground is https://playground.openai.com/. Step 2: …

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Posted in ChatGPT, Generative AI, OpenAI. Tagged with , , .

ChatGPT Cheat Sheet for Data Scientists

ChatGPT Cheat Sheet for Data Scientists

With the explosion of data being generated, data scientists are facing increased pressure to analyze and interpret large amounts of text data effectively. However, this can be a challenging task, especially when dealing with unstructured data. Additionally, data scientists often spend a significant amount of time manually generating text and answering complex questions, which can be a time-consuming process. Welcome ChatGPT! ChatGPT offer a powerful solution to these challenges. By learning different ChatGPT prompts, data scientists can significantly become super productive while generating relevant insights, answer complex questions, and perform machine learning tasks with ease such as data preprocessing, hypothesis testing, training models, etc. In this blog, I will provide …

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Posted in ChatGPT, Data Science, Generative AI, Machine Learning. Tagged with , , , .

Google Bard Arrives in India, Ready to Take on ChatGPT

google bard in India

Google’s new AI-powered text completion tool called Bard (https://bard.google.com) is now available to users in India. The new tool provides several features that make it stand out from other similar tools, such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Microsoft’s Bing Chat which is built on top of ChatGPT. Bard can be used for a variety of tasks which is also done by ChatGPT, including some of the following: However, Bard goes beyond its competitor, ChatGPT, by allowing users to do some of the following: With Bard’s launch in India, users can now explore its unique features and experience the benefits of its integration with Google’s ecosystem. The tool is available for free …

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ChatGPT Prompt to get Datasets for Machine Learning

Chatgpt prompt for gathering datasets for machine learning tasks

As the field of machine learning continues to expand, having access to high-quality datasets has become increasingly important. Datasets are the foundation of any machine learning project and play a crucial role in determining the accuracy and effectiveness of the resulting model. In this blog post, we will learn about a template ChatGPT prompt that can be used to gather a variety of datasets for different types of machine learning tasks. As data scientists As data scientists, it is recommended that we use a systematic approach to identify and select the right dataset for our machine learning project. This involves considering the specific requirements of our project, such as the …

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ChatGPT for Data Science Projects – Examples

ChatGPT prompt for get insights

Data science is all about turning raw data into actionable insights and outcomes that drive value for your organization. But as any data science professional knows, coming up with new, innovative ideas for your projects is only half the battle. The real challenge is finding a way to turn those ideas into results that can be used to drive business success by doing proper data analysis and building machine learning models using most appropriate algorithms. Unfortunately, many data science professionals struggle with this second step, which can lead to frustration, wasted time and resources, and missed opportunities. That’s where ChatGPT comes in. As a language model trained by OpenAI, ChatGPT …

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ChatGPT Prompts for Focused Learning

List of machine learning topics for learning

Have you ever felt frustrated with the limited time you have to learn and understand key concepts or topics in your desired field in a focused manner? Do you feel lost with the technical terms and jargon used in the desired field? ChatGPT’s prompts can help you overcome these obstacles and make learning more efficient and effective. By leveraging the power of natural language processing and machine learning, ChatGPT provides you with personalized learning opportunities that cater to your specific needs and learning goals. Through this blog, we will explore a list of ChatGPT prompts which can help you learn about any topics in your desired field of interest in …

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Posted in Career Planning, ChatGPT, Generative AI. Tagged with , .