Category Archives: Tutorials
Learn to Create Hyperledger Fabric Blockchain with – Part 1

Hyperledger Fabric comes up with a script namely which can be used to Build Your First Network (byfn). Hyperledger Fabric script, (found in folder fabric-samples/first-network), can be used to build your first Hyperledger Fabric permissioned blockchain network. As I went about writing the post, it got much longer. Thus, I have split the post into two parts. In the first part, you will learn about some of the following: A quick introduction to some of the following: Installation pre-requisites before getting started with execution Initial configuration prior to executing How to go about executing Deep dive into execution to learn key aspects of building a permissioned blockchain network such …
Angular – How to Prevent XSS Attacks – Code Examples

This article represents concepts and related instructions, code example/sample in relation to Cross-site scripting (XSS) security vulnerabilities in Angular app and how to prevent XSS attacks. This instruction in this article is valid for Angular 5.* and Angular 4.* versions. Before we get started, read the related details on XSS on this page, Top 10 Angular security Best Practices. This article will look into some of the following details in relation to XSS vulnerability and how attacks due to XSS can be prevented using Angular out-of-the-box utilities. What is Cross-site Scripting (XSS) Attack? Different types of XSS Vulnerabilities Angular approach to prevent XSS attacks Angular recommendations to prevent Server XSS …
Kubernetes – How to Create / Delete Namespaces; Why Namespaces?

This article represents concepts related to Kubernetes Namespace and how to create/delete the namespaces. The following topics are discussed in this article: What are namespaces? How to create namespaces? How to work with namespaces? How to delete namespaces? What are Namespaces? Kubernetes namespace can be seen as a logical entity used to represent cluster resources for usage of a particular set of users. This logical entity can also be termed as a virtual cluster. One physical cluster can be represented as a set of multiple such virtual clusters (namespaces). The namespace provides scope for names. Names of resource within one namespace need to be unique. By default, Kubernetes starts with the following three …
How to Install Kubernetes on Mac OS/X

This article represents point-to-point instructions on how to install / setup Kubernetes on Mac OS/X. We will look into steps for installing Minikube for working with Kubernetes on Mac OS. The goal is to install stand-alone Kuberenetes for development purpose. The following are the steps: Install NodeJS & Docker Runtime for Mac Install Homebrew Install Xyve Driver (or Hyperkit Driver) Install Minikube Install Kubectl Start Minikube Access Kubernetes Dashboard Minikube Commands for Kubernetes Install NodeJS & Docker Runtime for Mac Make sure you have NodeJS and Docker Runtime installed for MacOS. Install Homebrew First and foremost, we need to install the Homebrew, the package manager of MacOS. Use the following command to setup Homebrew: Once installation is complete, execute the …
How to Install Kubernetes in Ubuntu VM

This article represents a quick, crisp and to-the-point instructions on how to setup Kubernetes on Ubuntu VM. The steps below would help you get started with Kubernetes on your laptop with the help of Minikube. Minikube is a tool which runs a single-node kubernetes cluster inside a VM (virtualbox in this article) on your laptop. In this article, we will look at the steps for installing Kubernetes within an Ubuntu VM. The steps remain almost same for Ubuntu OS with the difference of how you enable the virtualization at BIOS level. Install VirtualBox (as part of installing a hypervisor) Enable Virtualization Install Kubectl Install Minikube Start/stop Kubernetes Install VirtualBox First …
Angular 5 – How to Create Progressive Web Apps (PWA)

This article represents steps and instructions on how to create a progressive web app (PWA) using Angular 5. In the previous article, we saw the steps to create PWA with Angular 4 and earlier versions, along with installation pre-requisites and introduction to PWA. This article will refer the previous article at various places. What are Progressive Web Apps (PWA)? Check out the details in my previous article, How to create progressive web app using Angular 4. The following are key requirements of PWA which shall be addressed in this article: Discoverable (Using manifest file) App-like offline experience (Using out-of-box Service-worker) Installation pre-requisites Install Lightspeed Chrome plugin for testing the aspects …
Angular – How to Create Progressive Web App with Angular 4

This article represents steps required to get started with / create progressive web app (PWA) using Angular 4.* and earlier versions such as Angular 2.*. You will note that we used the sw-precache NPM module for working with a service worker for seamless offline experience when the internet is not available. This is one of the key requirements of a progressive web app. Angular 5.* introduced the service-worker concept for providing out-of-the-box support for the App-like offline experience. We shall deal with using Angular 5 service worker for creating a progressive web app in a follow-up article. What are Progressive Web Apps (PWA)? A progressive web app has some of …
Great Quantum Computing Tutorials from DWave System

I have been watching several quantum computing tutorial videos on YouTube and Ted, and, reading multiple web pages to find out one or more videos / documents which could make it easier for anyone to understand quantum computing and related concepts. This is where I landed on this document Quantum Computing Primer by DWave Systems. The following are some of the document highlights: Explained quantum computing concepts such as qubits being in superposition of states using light switches with ON and OFF states with reference to both classical and quantum computing. The following is the most interesting part of Qubits explanation: You start with the system in its quantum superposition …
Visual Studio Dev Essentials for Free Access to Online Training Portals

Are you looking for free subscription to world class online training portals? Here is a way to get it from Microsoft “Visual Studio Dev Essentials”. Microsoft has been aggressively investing billions of dollars in its cloud computing platform, Azure. At present, Azure is having data centers in 42 regions which is more than any other cloud provider. To promote Azure and empower the developers, Microsoft partnered with world class online training institutes to provide free access for 3 months. Here are few of the online training portals available through this program: Pluralsight LinkedIn Premium (business, tech and creative) Opsgility (cloud-focused) WintellectNOW (app development) Linux Academy (Linux and cloud technology) The above online training …
Tutorials – Building Machine Learning Models for Predicting Cancer

In this article, I would introduce different aspects of the building machine learning models to predict whether a person is suffering from malignant or benign cancer while emphasizing on how machine learning can be used (predictive analysis) to predict cancer disease, say, Mesothelioma Cancer. The approach such as below can as well be applied to any other diseases including different types of cancers. Predicting Mesothelioma Cancer – Supervised Learning Problem Machine learning problems are classified into different kinds of learning problem. Most important of them are following: Supervised learning Unsupervised learning Supervised Learning In supervised learning, you have a history of data with each record being labeled. Thus, in case of predictive analysis of Mesothelioma cancer, there is …
AWS Cloud9 IDE and Java / PHP Hello World

This article represents tutorial in relation to how to get started with creating your first Java / PHP Hello World program using AWS Cloud9 IDE. Supported Runtimes in AWS Cloud9 Before getting started with creating runtime environment and execute hello world programs in Java and PHP and other languages, lets look at what all runtimes are supported. Following screenshot represents the supported runtime: The above represents the fact that one could create programs / application using one of the following programming languages: C C++ Java Go Node.js PHP Python Ruby In this article, I have shown how to create hello world program using Java and PHP programming language. The following steps represent way to create your hello world programs. The following are some of the steps …
Top 8 Neural Networks and Deep Learning Tutorials

Here is a list of top 8 neural networks tutorials (web pages) for getting started on neural networks and deep learning. Introduction to Deep Neural Networks Neural Networks and Deep Learning: Free online book to learn concepts related with neural networks and deep learning. Very good for beginners. Concepts explained using Handwritten digits. The book is authored by Michael Nielsen. Neural Networks: The page explains and demonstrates various types of neural networks along with applications of neural networks like ANNs in medicine. Coursera Course on Neural Networks for Machine Learning: This can be used to learn fundamentals related with artificial neural networks and how they’re being used for machine learning, …
AWS Architects – Best Practices to build Efficient Systems

Here is a great resource (best practices and guidelines) which would help cloud architects (especially, AWS Solution architects) build the most secure, high-performing, resilient, and efficient infrastructure possible for their applications. That said, these cloud architecture whitepapers (pdf) would also prove helpful and useful for all kinds of cloud architects including Azure, Google Cloud, IBM, Oracle cloud etc. The following lists down the links for pages in related areas of interest: Operational excellence: Includes topics such as managing and automating changes, responding to events, and defining standards to successfully manage daily operations. Security: Includes aspects such as confidentiality and integrity of data, access-control, data audit etc Reliability: Includes topics such as recovery …
Architects – How to Calculate Service Availability Time?

This page lists down different aspects which can be considered by solution architects / technical architects / application architects on how to calculate service availability time. Given that microservices architecture style / cloud-native is adopted in modern age applications development, it would be good to know this piece of information. Service availability is commonly defined as the percentage of time that an application is operating normally. The following are different techniques which can be used to calculate service availability: Availability as function of MTBF and MTTR Availability with hard dependencies Availability with redundant components / services Service Availability as a function of MTBF and MTTR Service availability can be calculated based …
Top 4 Tutorials for Machine Learning Beginners

This page lists down top 4 video tutorials on machine learning for the year 2017. The tutorials is best suited for those who are very new (beginners / rookies) to the machine learning concepts. The video is primarily aimed to provide an introduction to machine learning. What is Artificial Intelligence (or Machine Learning)? What is machine learning and how to learn it ? The 7 Steps of Machine Learning Introduction to Machine Learning (MIT OpenCourseware)
Top 5 Machine Learning Tutorials for Nov 2017

This page represents a list of top five machine learning tutorials’ videos for the month of Nov 2017. These are most popular machine learning tutorial videos on in relation with machine learning. You may want to bookmark this page as it would get updated on daily basis based on the popularity on Youtube. Gradient descent, How Neural Networks Learn (21 Min) What is Backpropagation and What is it Actually Doing? (14 Min) Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence: Crash Course (12 Min) Capsule Networks: An Improvement to Convolutional Networks (22 Min) Intro to Feature Engineering with TensorFlow (8 Min)
I found it very helpful. However the differences are not too understandable for me