Category Archives: Python

Lasso Regression in Machine Learning: Python Example

Last updated: 6th Dec, 2023 Lasso regression, sometimes referred to as L1 regularization, is a technique in linear regression that incorporates regularization to curb overfitting and enhance the performance of machine learning models. It works by adding a penalty term to the cost function that encourages the model to select only the most important features and set the coefficients of less important features to zero. This makes Lasso regression a popular method for feature selection and high-dimensional data analysis. In this post, you will learn concepts, formula, advantages and limitations of Lasso regression along with Python Sklearn examples. The other two similar forms of regularized linear regression are Ridge regression and …

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Using GridSearchCV with Logistic Regression Models: Examples

GridSearchCV in machine learning with Logistic Regression

GridSearchCV method is a one of the popular technique for optimizing logistic regression models, automating the search for the best hyperparameters like regularization strength and type. It enhances model performance by incorporating cross-validation, ensuring robustness and generalizability to new data. This method saves time and ensures objective model selection, making it an essential technique in various domains where logistic regression is applied. Its integration with the scikit-learn library (sklearn.model_selection.GridSearchCV) simplifies its use in existing data pipelines, making it a valuable asset for both novice and experienced machine learning practitioners. How is GridSearchCV used with Logistic Regression? GridSearchCV is a technique used in machine learning for hyperparameter tuning. It is a …

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Posted in Data Science, Machine Learning, Python, statistics. Tagged with , , , .

Handling Class Imbalance in Machine Learning: Python Example

Techniques for Handling Class Imbalance Class imbalance may not always impact performance, and using imbalance-specific methods can sometimes worsen results. Xu-Ying Liu, Jianxin Wu, and Zhi-Hua Zhou, Exploratory Undersampling for Class-Imbalance Learning Above said, there are different techniques such as the following for handling class imbalance when training machine learning models with datasets having imbalanced classes.  Python packages such as Imbalanced Learn can be used to apply techniques related to under-sampling majority classes, upsampling minority classes, and SMOTE.  In this post, techniques related to using class weight will be used for tackling class imbalance. How to create a Sample Dataset having Class Imbalance? In this section, you will learn about how to create an …

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Handling Class Imbalance using Sklearn Resample

Last updated: 5th Dec, 2023 The class imbalance problem in machine learning occurs when the classes in a dataset are not represented equally, leading to a significant difference in the number of instances for different classes. This imbalance can cause a classification model to be biased towards the majority class, resulting in poor performance on the minority class. Thus, the class imbalance hinders data scientists by challenging the development of accurate and fair models, as the skewed distribution can lead to misleading training predictions / outcomes and reduced effectiveness in real-world applications where minority classes are critical. In this post, you will learn about how to tackle class imbalance issue …

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Linear Regression Cost Function: Python Example

Cost function in linear regression

Linear regression is a foundational algorithm in machine learning and statistics, used for predicting numerical values based on input data. Understanding the cost function in linear regression is crucial for grasping how these models are trained and optimized. In this blog, we will understand different aspects of cost function used in linear regression including how it does help in building a regression model having high performance. What is a Cost Function in Linear Regression? In linear regression, the cost function quantifies the error between predicted values and actual data points. It is a measure of how far off a linear model’s predictions are from the actual values. The most commonly …

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Posted in Data Science, Machine Learning, Python. Tagged with , , .

KNN vs Logistic Regression: Differences, Examples

Difference between K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) and Logistic Regression algorithms

In this blog, we will learn about the differences between K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) and Logistic Regression, two pivotal algorithms in machine learning, with the help of examples. The goal is to understand the intricacies of KNN’s instance-based learning and Logistic Regression‘s probability modeling for binary and multinomial outcomes, offering clarity on their core principles. We will also navigate through the practical applications of K-NN and logistic regression algorithms, showcasing real-world examples in various business domains like healthcare and finance. Accompanying this, we’ll provide concise Python code samples, guiding you through implementing these algorithms with datasets. This dual focus on theory and practicality aims to equip you with both the understanding …

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Python – How to Create Scatter Plot with IRIS Dataset


Last updated: 1st Dec, 2023 In this blog post, we will be learning how to create a Scatter Plot with the IRIS dataset using Python. The IRIS dataset is a collection of data that is used to demonstrate the properties of various statistical models. It contains information about 50 observations on four different variables: Petal Length, Petal Width, Sepal Length, and Sepal Width. As data scientists, it is important for us to be able to visualize the data that we are working with. Scatter plots are a great way to do this because they show the relationship between two variables. In this post, we learn how to plot IRIS dataset …

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Posted in Data Science, Python. Tagged with , , .

AIC in Logistic Regression: Formula, Example

Model evaluation using AIC in Logistic Regression

Have you as a data scientist ever been challenged by choosing the best logistic regression model for your data? As we all know, the difference between a good and the best model while training machine learning model can be subtle yet impactful. Whether it’s predicting the likelihood of an event occurring or classifying data into distinct categories, logistic regression provides a robust framework for analysts and researchers. However, the true power of logistic regression is harnessed not just by building models, but also by selecting the right model. This is where the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) comes into play. In this blog, we’ll delve into different aspects of AIC, decode …

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Posted in Data Science, Machine Learning, Python, R. Tagged with , .

Learning Curves Python Sklearn Example

Learning curve explained with python example

Last updated: 26th Nov, 2023 In this post, you will learn about how to use learning curves to assess the improvement in learning performance (accuracy, error rate, etc.) of a machine learning model while implementing using Python (Sklearn) packages. Knowing how to use learning curves will help you assess/diagnose whether the model is suffering from high bias (underfitting) or high variance (overfitting) and whether increasing training data samples could help solve the bias or variance problem. You may want to check some of the following posts in order to get a better understanding of bias-variance and underfitting-overfitting. Bias-variance concepts and interview questions Overfitting/Underfitting concepts and interview questions What are learning curves? …

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Posted in Data Science, Machine Learning, Python. Tagged with , , , .

XGBoost Classifier Explained with Python Example

XGBoost Classification Algorithm

Among the myriad of machine learning algorithms and techniques available with data scientists, one stands out for its exceptional performance in classification problems: XGBoost, short for eXtreme Gradient Boosting. This algorithm has established itself as a force to reckon with in the data science community, as evidenced by its frequent use and high placements in Kaggle competitions, a platform where data scientists and machine learning practitioners worldwide compete to solve complex data problems. The following plot is taken from Francois Chollet tweet. Above demonstrates the prominence of XGBoost as one of the primary machine learning software tools used by the top-5 teams across 120 Kaggle competitions. The data points in …

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Bagging Classifier Python Code Example

Bagging Classifier explained with Python code examples

Last updated: 25th Nov, 2023 Bagging is a type of an ensemble machine learning approach that combines the outputs from many learner to improve performance. The bagging algorithm works by dividing the training set into smaller subsets. These subsets are then processed through different machine-learning models. After processing, the predictions from each model are combined. This combination of predictions is used to generate an overall prediction for each instance in the original data. In this blog post, you will learn about the concept of Bagging along with Bagging Classifier Python code example.  Bagging can be used in machine learning for both classification and regression problem. The bagging classifier technique is utilized across a …

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PCA Explained Variance Concepts with Python Example

Last updated: 24th Nov, 2023 Dimensionality reduction is an important technique in data analysis and machine learning that allows us to reduce the number of variables in a dataset while retaining the most important information. By reducing the number of variables, we can simplify the problem, improve computational efficiency, and avoid overfitting. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is a popular dimensionality reduction technique that aims to transform a high-dimensional dataset into a lower-dimensional space while retaining most of the information. PCA works by identifying the directions that capture the most variation in the data and projecting the data onto those directions, which are called principal components. However, when we apply PCA, …

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PCA vs LDA Differences, Plots, Examples

PCA plot for IRIS dataset

Last updated: 18th Nov, 2023 Dimensionality reduction is an important technique in data analysis and machine learning that allows us to reduce the number of variables in a dataset while retaining the most important information. By reducing the number of variables, we can simplify the problem, improve computational efficiency, and avoid overfitting. Two popular dimensionality reduction techniques are Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA). Both techniques aim to reduce the dimensionality of the dataset, but they differ in their objectives, assumptions, and outputs. But how do they differ, and when should you use one method over the other? As data scientists, it is important to get a …

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Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test: Concepts, Examples

wilcoxon signed rank test

How can data scientists accurately analyze data when faced with non-normal distributions or small sample sizes? This is a challenge that often arises in the dynamic field of data science, where making precise inferences is crucial. Enter the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test—a non-parametric statistical method that stands as a powerful alternative to the traditional t-test. This blog post aims to unravel the concepts and practical applications of the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test, offering key insights for data scientists and researchers navigating complex data landscapes. The beauty of the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test lies in its wide applicability across numerous fields. From healthcare, where it can compare the efficacy of different …

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Posted in Data Science, Python, statistics. Tagged with , , .

Hierarchical Clustering: Concepts, Python Example

Hierarchical clustering a type of unsupervised machine learning algorithm that stands out for its unique approach to grouping data points. Unlike its counterparts, such as k-means, it doesn’t require the predetermined number of clusters. This feature alone makes it an invaluable method for exploratory data analysis, where the true nature of data is often hidden and waiting to be discovered. But the capabilities of hierarchical clustering go far beyond just flexibility. It builds a tree-like structure, a dendrogram, offering insights into the data’s relationships and similarities, which is more than just clustering—it’s about understanding the story your data wants to tell. In this blog, we’ll explore the key features that …

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AIC & BIC for Selecting Regression Models: Formula, Examples

model selection using AIC and BIC

Are you grappling with the complexities of choosing the right regression model for your data? You are not alone. When working with regression models, selecting the most appropriate machine learning model is a critical step toward understanding the relationships between variables and making accurate predictions. With numerous regression models available, it becomes essential to employ robust criteria for model selection. This is where the two most widely used criteria come to the rescue. They are the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) and the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC). In this blog, we will learn about the concepts of AIC, BIC and how they can be used to select the most appropriate machine …

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