Author Archives: Ajitesh Kumar

Ajitesh Kumar

I have been recently working in the area of Data analytics including Data Science and Machine Learning / Deep Learning. I am also passionate about different technologies including programming languages such as Java/JEE, Javascript, Python, R, Julia, etc, and technologies such as Blockchain, mobile computing, cloud-native technologies, application security, cloud computing platforms, big data, etc. I would love to connect with you on Linkedin. Check out my latest book titled as First Principles Thinking: Building winning products using first principles thinking.

Support Vector Machine (SVM) Python Example

support vector machine - SVM

Support Vector Machines (SVMs) are a powerful and versatile machine learning algorithm that has gained widespread popularity among data scientists in recent years. SVMs are widely used for classification, regression, and outlier detection (one-class SVM), and have proven to be highly effective in solving complex problems in various fields, including computer vision (image classification, object detection, etc.), natural language processing (sentiment analysis, text classification, etc.), and bioinformatics (gene expression analysis, protein classification, disease diagnosis, etc.). In this post, you will learn about the concepts of Support Vector Machine (SVM)  with the help of  Python code example for building a machine learning classification model. We will work with Python Sklearn package for building the …

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Posted in AI, Data Science, Machine Learning, Python. Tagged with , , .

Fixed vs Random vs Mixed Effects Models – Examples

fixed and random effects models

Have you ever wondered what fixed effect, random effect and mixed effects models are? Or, more importantly, how they differ from one another?  In this post, you will learn about the concepts of fixed and random effects models along with when to use fixed effects models and when to go for fixed + random effects (mixed) models. The concepts will be explained with examples. As data scientists, you must get a good understanding of these concepts as it would help you build better linear models such as general linear mixed models or generalized linear mixed models (GLMM).  What are fixed, random & mixed effects models? First, we will take a real-world example and try and understand …

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Posted in Data Science, statistics. Tagged with .

CNN Basic Architecture for Classification & Segmentation

image classification object detection image segmentation

As data scientists, we are constantly exploring new techniques and algorithms to improve the accuracy and efficiency of our models. When it comes to image-related problems, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are an essential tool in our arsenal. CNNs have proven to be highly effective for tasks such as image classification and segmentation, and have even been used in cutting-edge applications such as self-driving cars and medical imaging. Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are deep neural networks that have the capability to classify and segment images. CNNs can be trained using supervised or unsupervised machine learning methods, depending on what you want them to do. CNN architectures for classification and segmentation include …

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Posted in Data Science, Deep Learning, Machine Learning. Tagged with , , .

Keras: Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) Example


Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) have emerged as a powerful tool in machine learning, and Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) is a popular type of ANN that is widely used in various domains such as image recognition, natural language processing, and predictive analytics. Keras is a high-level API that makes it easy to build and train neural networks, including MLPs. In this blog, we will dive into the world of MLPs and explore how to build and train an MLP model using Keras. We will build a simple MLP model using Keras and train it on a dataset. We will explain different aspects of training MLP model using Keras. By the end of …

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Posted in Deep Learning, Machine Learning. Tagged with , .

Neural Network & Multi-layer Perceptron Examples

Single layer neural network

Neural networks are an important part of machine learning, so it is essential to understand how they work. A neural network is a computer system that has been modeled based on a biological neural network comprising neurons connected with each other. It can be built to solve machine learning tasks, like classification and regression problems. The perceptron algorithm is a representation of how neural networks work. The artificial neurons were first proposed by Frank Rosenblatt in 1957 as models for the human brain’s perception mechanism. This post will explain the basics of neural networks with a perceptron example. You will understand how a neural network is built using perceptrons. This …

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Posted in Data Science, Deep Learning, Machine Learning. Tagged with , .

Positively Skewed Probability Distributions: Examples

positively skewed distribution example

Probability distributions are an essential concept in statistics and data analysis. They describe the likelihood of different outcomes or events occurring and provide valuable insights into the characteristics of a given data set. Skewness is an important aspect of probability distributions that can have a significant impact on data analysis and decision-making. In this blog, we will focus on positively skewed probability distributions and explore some real-life examples where these distributions occur. We will discuss what a positively skewed distribution is, what are its different types with formula and definitions. By the end of this blog, you will have a better understanding of positively skewed distributions and be able to …

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Posted in Data Science, statistics. Tagged with , .

Data Analytics Training Program (Beginners)

Data analytics training

Data analytics has become an integral part of businesses today, helping organizations make data-driven decisions that drive success. To become proficient in data analytics and solve complex business problems, it is essential to have a strong foundation in the key concepts and tools of data analytics. My online courses, which cover topics such as data-driven decision making / decision science, business statistics, python programming, machine learning, and business analytics, are designed to help learners of all levels become experts in these areas. Check out this page for detailed information: Become Data Analytics Pro! Each of these courses is designed to help learners acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed …

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Posted in Career Planning, Online Courses. Tagged with .

Generative vs Discriminative Models: Examples

generative vs discriminative models

The field of machine learning is rapidly evolving, and with it, the concepts and techniques that are used to develop models that can learn from data. Among these concepts, generative and discriminative models are two widely used approaches in the field. Generative models learn the joint probability distribution of the input features and output labels, whereas discriminative models learn the conditional probability distribution of the output labels given the input features. While both models have their strengths and weaknesses, understanding the differences between them is crucial to developing effective machine learning systems. Real-world problems such as speech recognition, natural language processing, and computer vision, require complex solutions that are able …

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Posted in Data Science, Machine Learning. Tagged with , .

Sequence to Sequence Models: Types, Examples

sequence-to-sequence model

Sequence to sequence (Seq2Seq) modeling is a powerful machine learning technique that has revolutionized the way we do natural language processing (NLP). It allows us to process input sequences of varying lengths and produce output sequences of varying lengths, making it particularly useful for tasks such as language translation, speech recognition, and chatbot development.  Sequence to sequence modeling also provides a great foundation for creating text summarizers, question answering systems, sentiment analysis systems, and more. With its wide range of applications, learning about sequence to sequence modeling concepts is essential for anyone who wants to work in the field of natural language processing. This blog post will discuss types of …

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Posted in Data Science, Machine Learning, NLP. Tagged with , , , .

Analytics Maturity Model for Analytics COE

As businesses continue to embrace digital transformation, data analytics has become an essential component of business strategy. As a result, many organizations have established or are in the process of setting up an Analytics Center Of Excellence (Analytics COE) to drive analytics initiatives and improve their overall data-driven decision-making capabilities. TO achieve this objective, analytics COE requires a framework for assessing the maturity of their analytics practice. This is where analytics maturity model kicks in. The Analytics Maturity Model can be defined as a framework that enables organizations to assess their current analytics capabilities, identify areas for improvement, and establish a roadmap for analytics maturity. It provides a structured approach …

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Posted in Analytics. Tagged with , .

Analytics COE Team: Roles & Responsibilities

data analytics center of excellence roles and responsibilities

Data analytics Centers of Excellence (CoEs) are the key to unlocking a company’s full potential with data. As a business leader, you know how important it is to stay ahead of the curve and have access to timely, accurate analytics that can help inform decisions. But having access to this data isn’t enough—you need an experienced team in place who understand the nuances of data analytics, can develop models and uncover insights that drive business decisions. That’s where data analytics CoEs come in. In this blog post, we’ll explore the roles and responsibilities of staff members in data analytics CoEs, as well as their importance in enabling organizations by delivering …

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Statistics Terminologies Cheat Sheet & Examples

probability distribution histogram

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by all the statistics terminology out there? From sampling distribution to central limit theorem to null hypothesis to p-values to standard deviation, it can be hard to keep up with all the statistical concepts and how they fit into your research. That’s why we created a Statistics Terminologies Cheat Sheet & Examples – a comprehensive guide to help you better understand the essential terms and their use in data analysis. Our cheat sheet covers topics like descriptive statistics, probability, hypothesis testing, and more. And each definition is accompanied by an example to help illuminate the concept even further. Understanding statistics terminology is critical for data …

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Posted in Data Science, statistics. Tagged with , .

Difference between Probability & Statistics

difference between probability and statistics

Are you confused about the difference between probability and statistics? You are not alone! Many struggle to determine the key distinctions between these two closely related topics. In this blog, we will discuss the major differences between probability and statistics with the help of examples, as well as how they are used in the field of data science. By understanding the nuances between probability and statistics, you will be able to use these concepts appropriate when solving data science related problems. So here we go! Probability & Statistics Difference – By Example Take a bag of marbles. You got your hand in the bag blindly and grabbed a handful of …

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Machine Learning Bias Explained with Examples

machine learning models bias variance vs complexity

In the artificial intelligence (AI) / machine learning (ML) powered world where predictive models have started getting used more often in decision-making areas, the primary concerns of policy makers, auditors and end users have been to make sure that these systems using the models are not making biased/unfair decisions based on model predictions (intentional or unintentional discrimination). Imagine industries such as banking, insurance, and employment where models are used as solutions to decision-making problems such as shortlisting candidates for interviews, approving loans/credits, deciding insurance premiums etc. How harmful it could be to the end users as these decisions may impact their livelihood based on biased predictions made by the model, thereby, …

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Posted in AI, Data Science, Machine Learning. Tagged with , , .

Geometric Distribution Concepts, Formula, Examples

Geometric Distribution Example

Geometric Distribution, a widely used concept in probability theory, is used to represent the probability of achieving success or failure in a series of independent trials, where the probability of success remains constant. It is one of the essential tools used in a wide range of fields, including economics, engineering, physics, and statistics. As data scientists / statisticians, it is of utmost important to understand its concepts and applications in a clear manner. In this blog, we will introduce you to the basics of Geometric distribution, starting with its definition and properties. We will also explore the geometric distribution formula and how it is used to calculate the probability of …

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Posted in Data Science, statistics. Tagged with , .

Data value chain: Framework, Concepts

data value chain framework

As organizations become increasingly data-driven, understanding the value of data is critical for success. The data value chain framework helps to identify and maximize the value of data by breaking it down into its components. In this post, we will explain what a data value chain is, why it’s important, and how to implement it. Data Value Chain Framework: Key Stages The data value chain (DVC) is a business model that helps organizations understand how to create, manage and utilize their data assets in order to realize maximum business value based on using them. It breaks down the various stages of an organization’s entire journey with its data into distinct …

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Posted in Data, Data analytics, Data lake, Data Science, Data Warehouse. Tagged with , .