Author Archives: Ajitesh Kumar

Ajitesh Kumar

I have been recently working in the area of Data analytics including Data Science and Machine Learning / Deep Learning. I am also passionate about different technologies including programming languages such as Java/JEE, Javascript, Python, R, Julia, etc, and technologies such as Blockchain, mobile computing, cloud-native technologies, application security, cloud computing platforms, big data, etc. I would love to connect with you on Linkedin. Check out my latest book titled as First Principles Thinking: Building winning products using first principles thinking.

Lessons on Blockchain & Cryptocurrency for MBA Students

blockchain lessons for MBA students

Given that both, financial and non-financial businesses are trying to figure out how they could use Blockchain to impact their business in a positive manner, it is becoming imperative for MBA students to learn the basics of Blockchain & related technologies. The following are some of the topics which could be included in the course-curriculum for MBA courses related to Blockchain and cryptocurrency. Blockchain fundamentals Distributed ledger technology (DLT) Types of Blockchains (public, private/permissioned) Terminologies such as a unit of value, transaction, a block of transaction Consensus algorithms Authentication mechanisms for permissioned blockchain Blockchain platforms such as Ethereum, Hyperledger, Corda, EOS, Multichain etc. Smart Contracts Cryptocurrency – Bitcoin, Ether & Others Hard forks such as Bitcoin Cash Cryptocurrency exchanges Initial …

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Posted in BlockChain, Career Planning, Cryptocurrency. Tagged with .

Why create Performance Appraisal System on Blockchain?


In this post, I would discuss the need for creating a performance appraisal system by making use of Blockchain, Smart Contracts, and Cryptocurrency such as PATB (PAT on the Back) Coin. This article is in continuation to the article I posted on LinkedIn with the title as A Decentralized Performance Appraisal System using Blockchain & Smart Contracts? Performance Appraisal –  Need for Greater Trust, Transparency, and Rewarding Experience In age-old performance appraisal review system, the performance review is done by a couple of guys including the immediate manager/team leads and the reviewer. While some managers (and/or team leads) maintain the record of the all-round contribution of the employee throughout the year, most of …

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Posted in BlockChain. Tagged with , .

AI – Three Different types of Machine Learning Algorithms

Types of machine learning (AI)

This post is aimed to help you learn different types of machine learning algorithms which forms the key to artificial intelligence (AI). Machine learning algorithms Representation or Feature learning algorithms Deep learning algorithms The following represents different types of learning algorithms in form of a Venn diagram. What are Machine Learning (ML) Algorithms? Machine learning algorithms are the most simplistic class of algorithms when talking about AI. ML algorithms are based on the idea that external entities such as business analysts and data scientists need to work together to identify the features set for building the model. The ML algorithms are, then, trained to come up with coefficients for each of the features and how are they …

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Posted in AI, Data Science, Machine Learning. Tagged with , .

InsurWave Blockchain Platform – Technology & Other Details

insurwave blockchain platform used by Maersk

Insurwave is claimed to be world’s first marine insurance blockchain platform launched as a result of a joint venture by Ernst & Young (EY), GuardTime and insurance industry participants. This looks to be a permissioned blockchain platform requiring the member organizations (maritime companies, brokers, insurers, and reinsurers) to be authorized prior to becoming part of the Blockchain consortium. InsurWave Blockchain Platform is used to? The blockchain platform is used to achieve some of the following objectives: Store data related to assets Store data about identities, risk, and exposures Associate date to smart contracts Connects assets, transactions, and payments Integrate this information with insurance contracts. What’s the technology behind InsurWave? The following are some of the key aspects of the technology used …

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Posted in BlockChain, corda. Tagged with , .

LuminJS – How to Highlight Text in HTML Pages

luminjs to highlight text in html page

If you have been looking for some utility which could assist in highlighting the text or paragraph on the web or HTML pages, here is a new Javascript kid in the town. It is called as LuminJS. LuminJS is a Javascript library which could help in achieving some of the following objectives: Highlight the text on the web page in an animated manner. One could configure speed and styling (color) of the highlighting. One could create typing effect by making use of colors. Control the text which needs to be highlighted. One could use the progress bar for controlling purpose. Highlight the HTML nodes along with its children nodes. One …

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Posted in Javascript, UI, Web. Tagged with .

Blockchain & Cryptocurrency – Key Concepts to Know

blockchain concepts

The following are some of the most popular Blockchain and Cryptocurrency jargons or terminologies or concepts that are good to know when you are delving into technology landscape of Blockchain. Blockchain (What is Blockchain Technology?) Genesis block: The first block of a blockchain. Merkel’s tree algorithm: It is fundamental to blockchain technology. Simply speaking, a Merkle tree summarizes all the transactions in a block by producing a digital fingerprint of the entire set of transactions, thereby enabling a user to verify whether or not a transaction is included in a block. Cryptocurrency Cryptocurrency exchanges: These are businesses which allow users to trade cryptocurrencies for other assets. Distributed ledger: Blockchain is one type of …

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Posted in BlockChain. Tagged with .

Angular 6 – How to Create PWA (Progressive Web App)

progressive web app using angular 6

In this post, you will learn about steps that are required to create a progressive web app (PWA) with Angular 6. Unlike Angular 4 and Angular 5, it is very easy and quick with Angular 6. Just one command and you are done. The following are the steps required to create PWA with Angular 6. Create an angular app using the following command: Go to the root folder, (ProjectName). Execute the following command: The above command does some of the following: Adds the @angular/service-worker package Enables service worker to build support in the CLI. Imports and registers the service worker in the app module. Creates the service worker configuration file …

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Posted in AngularJS, Javascript, Web. Tagged with , , .

How to Upgrade from Angular 5 App to Angular 6

How to Migrate Angular 5 to Angular 6

In this post, you will learn about How to update or migrate your Angular 5 app (using Angular 5.1 or Angular 5.2 version) to use Angular 6.0.0. The following are some of the points covered: Pre-requisites Upgrade/Update steps for migrating Angular 5 to Angular 6.0.0 app. Pre-requisites The following needs to be done before you start on the migration: Make sure your NodeJS version is Node 8 or later. Make sure your code used HttpClientModule and the HttpClient service instead of HttpModule and Http service. Make sure to import animation services from @angular/animations rather than @angular/core. Upgrade/update Angular 5.* to Angular 6.0.0 The following commands need to be executed as part of …

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Posted in AngularJS, Web. Tagged with , .

Java – Configure MySQL for Google Appengine (Standard)

configure mysql for google appengine standard environment

In this post, you will learn about how to configure MySQL properties in your Spring Boot application for deploying it on Google AppEngine (Standard) environment. This article assumes that the MySQL database is set up as part of Google Cloud SQL fully-managed database service. The following will be covered: Configuration properties in Configure POM entries in pom.xml file Configuration properties in In file, while working with Spring Boot app with JPA repository, you need to have following configuration properties in file. The below assumes that you have a MySQL database with name as dbname and username/password as root/root. In above properties, the instance connection name can be …

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Posted in Google Cloud, Java, Web. Tagged with , , , .

Google Recaptcha with Angular and Spring App – Example

Google Recaptcha with Angular and Spring App

In this post, you will learn about how to implement Google Recaptcha with Angular and Spring/Java App. Get Recaptcha code (Key) from Google Angular – Process the Recaptcha code in Login/Sign up Component Spring/Java – RecaptchaVerifier utility class Spring/Java – Verify the Recaptcha Response in Server Side Code Get Recaptcha Code (Secret Keys) from Google Go to Google Recaptcha website and get the code for your website. The Google recaptcha code looks like following: Place the code in appropriate place in login, signup pages. In the login form, it would with code such as following: The Signup form with Google Recaptcha would look like following. The working example can be …

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Posted in AngularJS, Java, Tutorials, Web. Tagged with , , , .

HTTP 403 Error Solution – Access-Control-Allow-Origin

http 403 error

In this post, you will get to know about the Http 403 error, No ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ header, and how to fix this problem. I am currently working with this app, hrXecutive, the recruitment digital assistant. In this app, the front-end is done with Angular 5.* and Backend is done with Spring Boot 2.0.0. It is currently hosted on Google App Engine Standard environment. Although the app is bundled with both Spring Boot and Angular artifacts, in local setup for faster development, I wanted to work independently on both Angular and Spring Boot app. The angular app runs on port 4200 and Spring Boot app runs on port 8080. While trying to invoke an …

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Posted in AngularJS, Java, Web. Tagged with , .

Selenium Interview Questions and Answers – Set 1

selenium interview questions and answers

In this post, you will take the objective test (interview questions and answers) to check your knowledge of Selenium. This could prove to be helpful in preparing for upcoming interviews related to Selenium automated testing. Selenium Quiz – Objective Questions and Answers [wp_quiz id=”6931″] Selenium Sample Interview Questions The following are some of the interview questions which can be prepared: What is the difference between Selenium 2 and Selenium 1? When would you want to use Selenium Grid? What are the different web element location strategies which are used to locate elements on the web page? What is the difference between Selenium IDE and Selenium WebDriver? What is the difference between andWait …

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Posted in Career Planning, Interview questions, QA, Testing. Tagged with , , , .

Selenium Web Scraping Hello World with Java

selenium for web scraping using Java

Selenium is, primarily, used for automating web applications for testing purposes. However, it could also be used for doing web scraping if required. In this post, you would learn about how to use Selenium for Web Scraping using Java. The following are some of the topics described in this article. Maven project with Selenium Artifact Entry in POM.xml Steps for Writing Web scraping Automation Maven Project with Selenium Artifact Entry in POM.xml Create a Maven Project within your Eclipse IDE and place the following entry in pom.xml file. Get the latest artifacts from Maven Page for Selenium Java page. The above would result in the download of appropriate Java libraries …

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Posted in Java, RPA. Tagged with , , .

AI & RPA to Automate the Talent Acquisition Processes

Robots for Talent Acquisition

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is not only finding its usage in almost all the existing business processes but also, enabling business stakeholders and entrepreneurs to think of innovative ideas to come up with new business processes and gain competitive advantage. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) makes use of AI to make intelligent decisions and automate end-to-end business processes to achieve human-like efficiency and effectiveness, thereby, augmenting humans to be more productive and achieve more in less time. Talent acquisition is a business domain where there are many business processes which are repetitive in nature and could make use of AI for business process automation and achieve the goal of greater efficiency and scale. …

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Posted in AI, RPA. Tagged with , .

Google Cloud Text-to-Speech Java Code Example

Enable Google Cloud Text-to-Speech Service

Google Cloud Text-to-Speech is a text-to-speech conversion service which got launched a few days back by Google Cloud. This was one of the most important service missing from Google Cloud AI portfolio which is now available and completes the loop for text-to-speech and speech-to-text services by Google Cloud. In next few weeks, you will learn about different usages of Google Cloud text-to-speech service with other Google cloud services. In this post, you will learn about some of the following: Setup Eclipse IDE-based Development Environment Create a Maven or Spring Boot (Spring Starter) Project Setup Eclipse IDE-based Development Environment The following are some of the key aspects of setting up the …

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Posted in AI, Cloud, Google Cloud, Java. Tagged with , , .

Integrate MailGun with Spring Boot and Java App

Mailgun integration with Spring Boot and Java

In this post, you will learn about integrating your Spring Boot & Java app with MailGun REST API. The following are some of the points covered: Create & Configure/Load MailGun API details MailGun EmailService custom implementation Spring RestTemplate implementation Invoke/Test Email Service Create & Configure/Load MailGun API Details The following represents the Config class used to load the configuration beans by loading the properties from file. The following represents the code in file: You could get the above details from MailGun Dashboard. MailGun EmailService Custom Implementation Pay attention to some of the following in the code sample given below: Custom RestClient (Spring RestTemplate) is used for making calls …

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Posted in Java. Tagged with , , .