Tag Archives: cloud
AWS reInvent – Top 7 New Machine Learning Services

In this post, you will learn about some great new and updated machine learning services which have been launched at AWS re:Invent Conference Nov 2018. My personal favorite is Amazon Textract. Amazon Personalize Amazon Forecast Amazon Textract Amazon DeepRacer Amazon Elastic inference AWS Inferentia Updated Amazon Sagemaker Amazon Personalize for Personalized Recommendations Amazon Personalize is a managed machine learning service by Amazon with the primary goal to democratize recommendation system benefitting smaller and larger companies to quickly get up and running with the recommendation system thereby creating the great user experience. Here is the link to Amazon Personalize Developer Guide. The following are some of the highlights: Helps personalize the user experience using some of …
CareNGrow powers Preventive Healthcare Platform with AI & Cloud-Computing

CareNGrow is building a preventive healthcare platform based on AI and cloud-computing technologies. One of the goals is creating and monitoring the physical, psychological, and behavioural health profile of children in schools. The following represents key workflow steps which is implemented while examining a kid / child: Data gathering Transfer data over internet to cloud Feed the data into the analytics platform Perform the data analysis (Predictive Analytics) Generate health reports This is a brainchild of a young doctor, Dr. Meghana Kambham. CareNGrow is already making waves in different startup competitions owing to the work they have been doing. In this relation, they have been announced as one of the UberExchange winners. Check …
AWS Cloud9 IDE and Java / PHP Hello World

This article represents tutorial in relation to how to get started with creating your first Java / PHP Hello World program using AWS Cloud9 IDE. Supported Runtimes in AWS Cloud9 Before getting started with creating runtime environment and execute hello world programs in Java and PHP and other languages, lets look at what all runtimes are supported. Following screenshot represents the supported runtime: The above represents the fact that one could create programs / application using one of the following programming languages: C C++ Java Go Node.js PHP Python Ruby In this article, I have shown how to create hello world program using Java and PHP programming language. The following steps represent way to create your hello world programs. The following are some of the steps …
Top 6 Container Orchestration Tool for Cloud-native Apps (2017-2018)

This page represents a list of top 6 container orchestration and management tool which can be used for your next cloud-native apps. Before getting into details, lets look at the trends (Google trends). Trends for Container Orchestration and Management Tools List of Container Orchestration and Management Tools Here is the list of container orchestration and management tools: Kubernetes: Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. Following are some of the key features: Automatic places containers based on their resource requirements and other constraints Self-healing Horizontal scaling Automated rollouts and rollbacks Service discovery and load balancing Secret and configuration management Storage orchestration The following …
Azure Cloud Certification Cost / Fees

This page represents a price list (fees / cost) of azure cloud computing certifications (MCSA and MCSE). Please feel free to suggest if you were able to found discrepancy. The source of the price list is Azure Websites. The following is a list of three classes of certification which one could take based on the experience, expertise and career goals. MCSA: Cloud platform Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA) MCSA: Linux on Azure MCSE: Cloud platform and infrastructure; MCSE stands for Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert. Azure Cloud Certifications Fees / Price List/ Cost MCSA: Cloud Platform Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate Developing Microsoft Azure Solutions $165 Implementing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions $165 …
Top 8 Cloud Computing Platform Certifications

This article represents a list of top cloud computing platforms’ certifications which can be taken by professionals looking forward to demonstrate their expertise with one or more cloud computing platforms. Here are the cloud computing platforms for which certifications information have been provided later in this article: Azure AWS IBM Cloud Google Cloud Oracle Cloud Vmware VPC Alibaba Salesforce Microsoft Azure Certifications Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA) There are two types of certifications under this category: MCSA: Cloud platform MCSA: Linux on Azure Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert (MCSE) This is a ceritification related to gathering expertise in cloud platform and infrastructure. Here is the page for MCSE: Cloud platform and …
Setup Environment for Google AppEngine Java Project
This blog presents tips and techniques on how to set up environment for deploying Java web app on Google AppEngine using GCloud SDK. Same environment can as well be used for deploying Spring boot web app. Following steps are described later: Install Google Cloud SDK Install Cloud SDK Appengine Java component Create Appengine project in Google Cloud Console Authorize GCloud Configure Appengine project using GCloud Install Google Cloud SDK Download and install Google Cloud SDK. The instructions for downloading and installing Google Cloud SDK can be found on Installing Cloud SDK page. Unzip or Untar the downloaded file and go to the google-cloud-sdk folder. Execute install.sh or install.bat appropriately from …
Microservices, Continuous Delivery & AWS Cloud – Part 1

This article represents details on how would the technology architecture look like when dealing with continuous delivery of microservices containers (Dockers) on AWS Cloud. Please feel free to comment/suggest if I missed to mention one or more important points. Also, sorry for the typos. Following are the key points which will be dealt with, in this and the following article (part 2): Technology architecture building blocks Technology architecture description Technology team and required skillsets In this article, we shall look into key technology architecture building blocks. In second part of the series, we shall look into steps needed to be configured to achieve the continuous delivery of microservices containers into AWS cloud …
9 Linux Foundation Projects for IOT, Cloud, Big Data

This article represents top Linux foundation projects in relation with IOT, Cloud and Big Data. With the convergence of these three technology domains, it becomes of utmost important to keep a track of news/announcements happening in these areas. The reference of all the projects could be found on this page. Following are the key linux foundation projects in relation with IOT, Cloud and Big Data. IOT (Internet of Things) AllSeen Alliance: A cross-industry consortium dedicated to enabling interoperability of billions of devices, services and apps that comprise the internet of things (IOT). Bookmark announcements and news for latest information. IoTivity: An open-source software framework enabling seamless device-to-device connectivity to address …
Spring MVC Web with Google NoSQL Datastore on GAE Cloud

The article represents key aspects of integrating your Spring MVC web application with Google NoSQL Datastore while working on Google App Engine cloud computing platform. Additionally, it presents code samples for you to get started in a quick manner. You may access the sample application talked about in this article on this page, Welcome to GAE World! Following has been discussed: High-level architecture & design Setup NoSQL Data Model (NoSQL data entity vis-a-vis Google Datastore) Implementation including code samples such as following: Controller (HelloController) JSP (hello.jsp) DAOs (GoogleDSCommentDAO) High-level Architecture & Design Following are key technologies used for the implementation discussed in this article: Spring MVC Google Datastore (NoSQL Database) …
Top Security Considerations for your Cloud Applications
I have been working/reviewing a cloud application where data security has been shown as top security concerns for most of the customers. Following are key areas for consideration when planning for security for your cloud applications: Internal theft: One of the most crucial security thefts come from unscrupulous employees who can pass/leak data to the competitors. The customers using the cloud applications are suggested to advise their employees on this front. Physical access control & monitoring: The physical access to the data center hosting the cloud application should be restricted and monitored at all times. Login access control: Only authenticated users should be allowed to login.In addition, the authenticated users …
I found it very helpful. However the differences are not too understandable for me