Tag Archives: dockers
Configure Nexus Repository for Docker Registry (Windows)

In this post, you will learn about how to configure Nexus Repository OSS on Windows as a Docker Private Registry. The goal of doing this can be some of the following: Allow developers to push/pull images from local docker image repository installed within the company-wide private network Allow Jenkins jobs to pull images for running automated tasks One of the key aspects of DevOps automation using Docker containers is setting up private Docker registry which could be accessed by developers. This tutorial would help in setting up Nexus repository as a private Docker registry. How to Configure Nexus Repository OSS on Windows for Private Docker Registry The following are the steps to configure Nexus Repository OSS …
Microservices, Continuous Delivery & AWS Cloud – Part 1

This article represents details on how would the technology architecture look like when dealing with continuous delivery of microservices containers (Dockers) on AWS Cloud. Please feel free to comment/suggest if I missed to mention one or more important points. Also, sorry for the typos. Following are the key points which will be dealt with, in this and the following article (part 2): Technology architecture building blocks Technology architecture description Technology team and required skillsets In this article, we shall look into key technology architecture building blocks. In second part of the series, we shall look into steps needed to be configured to achieve the continuous delivery of microservices containers into AWS cloud …
Fixed – Docker Compose & Invalid Volume Specification
This blog presents solution to the error “Invalid Volume Specification” when executing “docker-compose up” command. I got the error when the volume specification in docker-compose.yml file looks like following: volumes: – ./conf/spark-master:/conf – ./data:/tmp/data Following is how error may look like: ERROR: for spark-master Cannot create container for service spark-master: Invalid bind mount spec “c:\\Users\\ashukla\\dockers\\spark\\conf\\spark-master:/conf:rw”: Invalid volume specification: ‘c:\Users\ashukla\dockers\spark\conf\spark-master:/conf:rw’ ←[31mERROR←[0m: Encountered errors while bringing up the project. The solution to this is following: Save a file named as “.env” in the same folder as docker-compose.yml Save the following in “.env” file: COMPOSE_CONVERT_WINDOWS_PATHS = 1
How to Dockerize Springboot Web App
This blog represents instructions and code samples on how to Dockerize a Springboot Web app. The source code be found from this git repository. Following are key aspects of this blog: Dockerfile & image Install the image Run the container and access the app Dockerfile & Image Download the code from this page and put them all in a folder. Before we go one to create the image, lets know a little more about the Dockerfile. Following points need to be noted in the Dockerfile: The image created is a Centos6 image The Java is installed in a predefined path “/opt/jdk” Then, Maven is installed and JAVA_HOME is set. The source …
Dockers Containers only to shine more with Kubernetes
A year back, I got started with Dockers Containers. 2-3 months down the road and I realized that thankfully I learnt a revolutionary technology because of some of the following reasons: Quick Learning: Docker containers were used to spin up my exploratory learning environment, on-demand demand, for any tool/ framework/Programming language I wanted to learn On-demand Self-service Environments: Docker containers were used to setup on-demand self-service dev/test environments. This was a huge productivity booster for developers and test engineers. Automated Deployments: With Docker containers, Jenkins, Repository etc, I saw the automated deployments getting created in dev/testing/UAT servers. Following are some of the areas where I felt the need for some …
Dockers – How to Get Started with Spark on Windows

This article represents tips on how to get started with Apache Spark on Windows using Dockers. Please feel free to comment/suggest if I missed to mention one or more important points. Also, sorry for the typos. If you are familiar with Dockers, the instructions below would help you get started with Spark in no time. Download the Spark from https://spark.apache.org/downloads.html page. Remember to select a package type with option such as “Pre-built…”. Once the zipped files are downloaded, unzip the files under the location “C:\Users\<Username>” Build Java8 image and start the container. Follow the instructions on this page, http://vitalflux.com/dockers-how-to-get-started-with-java8-dev-environment/. Once the container is started, go to the folder where you …
Dockers – How to Get Started with Java8 Dev Environment

This article represents take away code samples and tips on how to setup Java8 container using Dockers and get started. Please feel free to comment/suggest if I missed to mention one or more important points. Also, sorry for the typos. Following are the key points described later in this article: Java 8 Image Dockerfile Install Scripts to Install and Start Java8 Env Java 8 Image Dockerfile Following is Dockerfile for creating Java8 image. Name the file as java8_base.df. # Base is the Centos environment FROM centos:centos6 # Make the directories under which Java 8 will get installed RUN mkdir /opt/jdk RUN cd /opt # Install wget and tar which …
Code Samples to SSH into Docker Machine Virtualbox
This article represents quick code sample which would help you ssh into a docker machine. Please feel free to comment/suggest if I missed to mention one or more important points. Also, sorry for the typos. As you double-click Docker Quickstart Terminal, it opens up a terminal window thereby starting “default” docker-machine. If you want to login to this docker-machine, you could do that using following: Use Putty to login. As you open Putty, enter the IP such as and click open. It would open up a terminal. Enter “docker” as username and “tcuser” as password and that is it. Use command such as “docker-machine ssh default” in the docker …
Top 7 Reasons to use Dockers for Testing Your Application

This article represents some of the key reasons on why one should consider using dockers for testing their applications. Some of the points in this blog is taken from the video, Stop being Lazy and Test your Software presented by Laura Frank, currently working in CodeShip. Do check out videos for gathering greater details. Please feel free to comment/suggest if I missed to mention one or more important points. Also, sorry for the typos. Following are the key points described later in this article: What are key testing bottlenecks? How could Dockers alleviate Testing Bottlenecks Key Testing Bottlenecks Slower performing tests or slower running tests due to bad coding or not sufficient infrastructure Traditional testing …
Docker – Create Javascript Development Environment
This article represents Dockerfile code sample which could be used to create Javascript Development environment. Please feel free to comment/suggest if I missed to mention one or more important points. Also, sorry for the typos. Following are the key points described later in this article: Javascript Development environment Dockerfile representing JS Development Environment One script used for Images/Containers Javascript Development Environment Following tools are installed to make Javascript development environment. NodeJS runtime Typescript compiler Grunt-cli Bower JSHint for code quality check Jasmine for unit tests Dockerfile representing JS Development Environment Following dockerfile (nodejs_base.df) could be used to create NodeJS base image and represents NodeJS runtime. # Use centos6 base image …
I found it very helpful. However the differences are not too understandable for me