Author Archives: Ajitesh Kumar

Ajitesh Kumar

I have been recently working in the area of Data analytics including Data Science and Machine Learning / Deep Learning. I am also passionate about different technologies including programming languages such as Java/JEE, Javascript, Python, R, Julia, etc, and technologies such as Blockchain, mobile computing, cloud-native technologies, application security, cloud computing platforms, big data, etc. I would love to connect with you on Linkedin. Check out my latest book titled as First Principles Thinking: Building winning products using first principles thinking.

Cross Entropy Loss Explained with Python Examples

Last updated: 1st May, 2024 In this post, you will learn the concepts related to the cross-entropy loss function along with Python code examples and which machine learning algorithms use the cross-entropy loss function as an objective function for training the models. Cross-entropy loss represents a loss function for models that predict the probability value as output (probability distribution as output). Logistic regression is one such algorithm whose output is a probability distribution. You may want to check out the details on how cross-entropy loss is related to information theory and entropy concepts – Information theory & machine learning: Concepts What’s Cross-Entropy Loss? Cross-entropy loss, also known as negative log-likelihood …

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Posted in Data Science, Machine Learning. Tagged with , .

Logistic Regression in Machine Learning: Python Example

logistic regression model 3

Last updated: 26th April, 2024 In this blog post, we will discuss the logistic regression machine learning algorithm with a python example. Logistic regression is a regression algorithm specifically designed to estimate the probability of an event occurring. For example, it can be used in the medical field to predict the likelihood of a patient developing a certain disease based on various health indicators, such as age, weight, and blood pressure. It is often used in machine learning applications. In this blog, we will learn about the logistic regression algorithm, and use python to implement the logistic regression model with IRIS dataset.  What is Logistic Regression? The logistic regression algorithm …

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Posted in Data Science, Machine Learning, Python. Tagged with , , .

MSE vs RMSE vs MAE vs MAPE vs R-Squared: When to Use?

Regression models evaluation metrics MSE RMSE MAE MAPE R-Squared

Last updated: 22nd April, 2024 As data scientists, we navigate a sea of metrics to evaluate the performance of our regression models. Understanding these metrics – Mean Squared Error (MSE), Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE), Mean Absolute Error (MAE), Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE), and R-Squared – is crucial for robust model evaluation and selection. In this blog, we delve into the intricacies of these different metrics while learning them based on clear definitions, formulas, and guidance on when to use which of these metrics. Different Types of Regression Models Evaluation Metrics The following are different types of regression model evaluation metrics including MSE, RMSE, MAE, MAPE, R-squared, and Adjusted …

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Posted in Data Science, Machine Learning, statistics. Tagged with , , .

Gradient Descent in Machine Learning: Python Examples

Last updated: 22nd April, 2024 This post will teach you about the gradient descent algorithm and its importance in training machine learning models. For a data scientist, it is of utmost importance to get a good grasp on the concepts of gradient descent algorithm as it is widely used for optimizing/minimizing the objective function / loss function / cost function related to various machine learning models such as regression, neural network, etc. in terms of learning optimal weights/parameters. This algorithm is essential because it underpins many machine learning models, enabling them to learn from data by optimizing their performance.  Introduction to Gradient Descent Algorithm The gradient descent algorithm is an optimization …

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Posted in Data Science, Machine Learning, Python. Tagged with , , .

Loss Function vs Cost Function vs Objective Function: Examples

Difference between loss function vs cost function vs objective function

Last updated: 19th April, 2024 Among the terminologies used in training machine learning models, the concepts of loss function, cost function, and objective function often cause a fair amount of confusion, especially for aspiring data scientists and practitioners in the early stages of their careers. The reason for this confusion isn’t unfounded, as these terms are similar / closely related, often used interchangeably, and yet, they are different and serve distinct purposes in the realm of machine learning algorithms. Understanding the differences and specific roles of loss function, cost function, and objective function is more than a mere exercise in academic rigor. By grasping these concepts, data scientists can make …

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Posted in Data Science, Machine Learning.

Model Parallelism vs Data Parallelism: Examples

Model Parallelism vs Data Parallelism

Last updated: 19th April, 2024 Model parallelism and data parallelism are two strategies used to distribute the training of large machine-learning models across multiple computing resources, such as GPUs. They form key categories of multi-GPU training paradigms. These strategies are particularly important in deep learning, where models and datasets can be very large. What’s Data Parallelism? In data parallelism, we break down the data into small batches. Each GPU works on one batch of data at a time. It calculates two things: the loss, which tells us how far off our model’s predictions are from the actual outcomes, and the loss gradients, which guide us on how to adjust the …

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Posted in Deep Learning, Machine Learning. Tagged with , .

Model Complexity & Overfitting in Machine Learning: How to Reduce

model complexity vs model overfitting vs model accuracy

Last updated: 4th April, 2024 In machine learning, model complexity, and overfitting are related in that the model overfitting is a problem that can occur when a model is too complex for different reasons. This can cause the model to fit the noise in the data rather than the underlying pattern. As a result, the model will perform poorly when applied to new and unseen data. In this blog post, we will discuss model complexity and how you can avoid overfitting in your machine-learning models by handling the model complexity. As data scientists, it is of utmost importance to understand the concepts related to model complexity and how it impacts …

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Posted in Data Science, Machine Learning. Tagged with , .

6 Game-Changing Features of ChatGPT’s Latest Upgrade

OpenAI Latest ChatGPT Feature Launch

OpenAI has once again set the tech world abuzz with its latest enhancement to ChatGPT, making it a lot easier to use. With a clear focus on user-friendliness and accessibility, this update marks a significant leap forward. Here are the updates on the latest features: Ease of Access: No Sign-Up Required The sign-up barrier has been eliminated, allowing instant access to its ChatGPT. This ensures that access to ChatGPT is just a click away for anyone curious enough to explore it. Customizable Creativity: Choose an Image Style The integration of DALL·E GPT into ChatGPT now includes an option to choose from various image styles, adding a layer of personalization to …

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Posted in ChatGPT, News, OpenAI. Tagged with , .

Self-Prediction vs Contrastive Learning: Examples

Contrastive Learning - Learning Embedding Space wheer similar objects are grouped together

In the dynamic realm of AI, where labeled data is often scarce and costly, self-supervised learning helps unlock new machine learning use cases by harnessing the inherent structure of data for enhanced understanding without reliance on extensive labeled datasets as in the case of supervised learning. Simply speaking, self-supervised learning, at its core, is about teaching models to learn from the data itself, turning unlabeled data into a rich source of learning. There are two distinct methodologies used in self-supervised learning. They are the self-prediction method and contrastive learning method. In this blog, we will learn about their concepts and differences with the help of examples. What is the Self-Prediction …

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Posted in Deep Learning, Machine Learning. Tagged with .

Free IBM Data Sciences Courses on Coursera

Free Data Science Courses from IBM

In the rapidly evolving fields of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, staying ahead means continually learning and adapting. In this blog, there is a list of around 20 free data science-related courses from IBM available on that can help data science enthusiasts master different domains in AI / Data Science / Machine Learning. This list includes courses related to the core technical skills and knowledge needed to excel in these innovative fields. Foundational Knowledge: Understanding the essence of Data Science lays the groundwork for a successful career in this field. A solid foundation helps you grasp complex concepts easily and contributes to better decision-making, problem-solving, and the capacity to …

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Posted in Career Planning, Data analytics, Data Science, Machine Learning, Online Courses, Python. Tagged with , , , .

Self-Supervised Learning vs Transfer Learning: Examples

self-supervised-learning vs transfer learning

Last updated: 3rd March, 2024 Understanding the difference between self-supervised learning and transfer learning, along with their practical applications, is crucial for any data scientist looking to optimize model performance and efficiency. Self-supervised learning and transfer learning are two pivotal techniques in machine learning, each with its unique approach to leveraging data for model training. Transfer learning capitalizes on a model pre-trained on a broad dataset with diverse categories, to serve as a foundational model for a more specialized task. his method relies on labeled data, often requiring significant human effort to label. Self-supervised learning, in contrast, pre-trains models using unlabeled data, creatively generating its labels from the inherent structure …

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Posted in Data Science, Machine Learning, NLP. Tagged with , , .

OKRs vs KPIs vs KRAs: Differences and Examples


Last updated: 21st Feb, 2024 The difference between OKRs , KPIs, and KRAs is often confused, but the concept is a great way to measure the progress toward achieving your business objectives. As business analysts, product managers, and project or team leaders, it is important to understand the concepts of OKRs, KPIs, & KRAs and what’s the differences between them. In this blog post, we will discuss OKR vs KPI vs KRAs and how they can be used for setting goals/objectives and measuring different aspects of your team’s and organization’s performance in achieving those goals. We’ll also go over real-world examples so you can get a better understanding of how these metrics …

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Posted in Analytics, Data analytics, Product Management. Tagged with , , , .

CEP vs Traditional Database Examples

Complex Event Processing Architecture

In this blog, we will learn about the differences between complex event processing (CEP) and traditional database querying with the help of examples. We will learn about how these two methodologies tackle data to extract meaningful insights but in fundamentally different ways. In complex event processing, data flows dynamically which is then matched with pre-defined patterns thereby generating insights in real-time. Traditional Database Querying In a conventional database querying scenario, the data is stored first, and then queries are run against this stored data to find patterns or retrieve information. This process is reactive, in that the query is formulated based on a need to find out something specific about …

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Posted in Big Data, Database. Tagged with , .

Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) & LLM: Examples

Retrieval augmented Generation RAG pattern for LLMs

Last updated: 26th Jan, 2024 Have you ever wondered how to seamlessly integrate the vast knowledge of Large Language Models (LLMs) with the specificity of domain-specific knowledge stored in file storage, image storage, vector databases, etc? As the world of machine learning continues to evolve, the need for more sophisticated and contextually relevant responses from LLMs becomes paramount. Lack of contextual knowledge can result in LLM hallucination thereby producing inaccurate, unsafe, and factually incorrect responses. This is where context augmentation with prompts, and, hence retrieval augmentated generation method, comes into the picture. For data scientists and product managers keen on deploying LLMs in production, the Retrieval Augmented Generation pattern offers …

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Posted in Generative AI, Machine Learning, NLP. Tagged with , , .

Attention Mechanism in Transformers: Examples

attention mechanism in transformer

Last updated: 1st Feb, 2024 The attention mechanism allows the model to focus on relevant words or phrases when performing NLP tasks such as translating a sentence or answering a question. It is a critical component in transformers, a type of neural network architecture used in NLP tasks such as those related to LLMs. In this blog, we will delve into different aspects of the attention mechanism (also called an attention head), common approaches (such as self-attention, cross attention, etc.) to calculating and implementing attention, and learn the concepts with the help of real-world examples. You can get good details in this book: Generative Deep Learning by David Foster. You …

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Posted in Large Language Models, NLP. Tagged with , , .

NLP Tokenization in Machine Learning: Python Examples

NLP Tokenization Types and Examples in Machine Learning

Last updated: 1st Feb, 2024 Tokenization is a fundamental step in Natural Language Processing (NLP) where text is broken down into smaller units called tokens. These tokens can be words, characters, or subwords, and this process is crucial for preparing text data for further analysis like parsing or text generation. Tokenization plays a crucial role in training machine learning models, particularly Large Language Models (LLMs) like GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) series, BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers), and others. Tokenization is often the first step in preparing text data for machine learning. LLMs use tokenization as an essential data preprocessing step. Advanced tokenization techniques (like those used in BERT) allow …

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Posted in Machine Learning, NLP, Python. Tagged with , , .