Tag Archives: finance

Niramai uses AI / Thermal Imaging for Breast Cancer Screening

Niramai uses AI to solve breast cancer screening

Niramai Health Analytix, a Bengaluru-based startup is creating an AI-powered software system for breast cancer screening. Niramai is using following technologies to achieve the objective of breast cancer screening: Thermal image processing using thermal sensing device (thermal camera) Machine learning algorithm Hardware devices integrated with real-time cloud-based diagnostics; These hardware devices are capable of capturing thermal images What/How of Thermal Image Processing? Thermal image processing, also termed as thermal imaging, is a method of improving visibility of objects in a dark environment by detecting the objects’ infrared radiation and creating an image based on that information. source: techtarget. The key to capturing thermal images of an object is a heat sensor (also called as thermal camera) which is …

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Tutorials – Building Machine Learning Models for Predicting Cancer

Machine Learning to predict Mesothelioma Cancer

In this article, I would introduce different aspects of the building machine learning models to predict whether a person is suffering from malignant or benign cancer while emphasizing on how machine learning can be used (predictive analysis) to predict cancer disease, say, Mesothelioma Cancer. The approach such as below can as well be applied to any other diseases including different types of cancers. Predicting Mesothelioma Cancer – Supervised Learning Problem Machine learning problems are classified into different kinds of learning problem. Most important of them are following: Supervised learning Unsupervised learning Supervised Learning In supervised learning, you have a history of data with each record being labeled. Thus, in case of predictive analysis of Mesothelioma cancer, there is …

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Neural Networks Interview Questions – Set 2

Neural network interview questions

This quiz represents practice test on artificial neural networks. These questions and answers can be as well used for your upcoming interviews for the position of machine learning engineer or data scientist. These questions can prove to be very useful for testing your neural networks knowledge from time-to-time. Also, these will be useful for interns / freshers / beginners of machine learning / data science. The topics covered in this practice test are following: Introduction to different types of neural networks such as Radial Basis Network, Recurrent neural network etc. Difference between multilayer perceptron (MLP) and Radial basis function network Practice Test on Neural Networks [wp_quiz id=”6000″]

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K-Means Clustering Interview Questions – Set 1

kmeans clustering interview questions

This is a practice test on K-Means Clustering algorithm which is one of the most widely used clustering algorithm used to solve problems related with unsupervised learning. This can prove to be helpful and useful for machine learning interns / freshers / beginners planning to appear in upcoming machine learning interviews. This practice tests consists of interview questions and answers in relation with following: Introduction to K-Means Clustering Cost function Practice Test on K-Means Clustering [wp_quiz id=”5961″]

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Top 8 Neural Networks and Deep Learning Tutorials

Neural networks tutorials

Here is a list of top 8 neural networks tutorials (web pages) for getting started on neural networks and deep learning. Introduction to Deep Neural Networks Neural Networks and Deep Learning: Free online book to learn concepts related with neural networks and deep learning. Very good for beginners. Concepts explained using Handwritten digits. The book is authored by Michael Nielsen. Neural Networks: The page explains and demonstrates various types of neural networks along with applications of neural networks like ANNs in medicine. Coursera Course on Neural Networks for Machine Learning: This can be used to learn fundamentals related with artificial neural networks and how they’re being used for machine learning, …

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Posted in Data Science, Machine Learning, Tutorials. Tagged with , , .

Martin Ford on Impact of AI & Robots on Society

Rise of the Robots by Martin Ford

This is a featured post on (Martin Ford), a futurist and author focusing on the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics on society and the economy. What Martin Ford has been saying / talking about? Here are some news feeds on Martin Ford which features his thoughts on AI and related topics: Who’s enjoying fruits of Innovation: In this article, he pointed out that AI is benefitting business owners, managers and investors more than the average workers. Earlier, workers knowing how to operate machines used to make them valuable enough to help them earn their livelihood. In the current age, machines are becoming autonomous and moving ahead in the …

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Posted in AI, gurus, Machine Learning, robotics. Tagged with , , , .

70 Regression Analysis Interview Questions & Practice Tests

Linear and logistic regression interview questions and practice tests

This page lists down practice tests (questions and answers), links to PDF files (consisting of interview questions) on Linear / Logistic Regression for machine learning / data scientist enthusiasts. These questions can prove to be useful, especially for machine learning / data science interns / freshers / beginners to check their knowledge from time-to-time or for upcoming interviews. Practice Tests on Linear / Multilinear Regression These are a set of four practice tests (consisting of 40 questions) covering linear (univariate) and multilinear (multivariate) regression in detail. Linear, Multiple regression interview questions and answers – Set 1 Linear, Multiple regression interview questions and answers – Set 2 Linear, Multiple regression interview …

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Posted in Data Science, Freshers, Interview questions, Machine Learning. Tagged with , , , , .

Logistic Regression Interview Questions & Practice Tests

logistic regression interview questions and practice tests

This page lists down a set of 30 interview questions on Logistic Regression (machine learning/data science) in form of objective questions and also provides links to a set of three practice tests that would help you test / check your knowledge on an ongoing basis. These questions and practice tests are intended to primarily help interns/freshers/beginners to help them brush up their knowledge in logistic regression from time to time.  The following is a list of topics covered on this page. Introduction to logistic regression Logistic regression examples Evaluating performance of logistic regression and related techniques including AIC, deviance, ROC etc. Difference between linear and logistic regression Here is another post on …

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Posted in Data Science, Freshers, Interview questions, Machine Learning. Tagged with , , , , .

Top 4 Tutorials for Machine Learning Beginners

machine learning tutorials for beginners

This page lists down top 4 video tutorials on machine learning for the year 2017. The tutorials is best suited for those who are very new (beginners / rookies) to the machine learning concepts. The video is primarily aimed to provide an introduction to machine learning. What is Artificial Intelligence (or Machine Learning)? What is machine learning and how to learn it ? The 7 Steps of Machine Learning Introduction to Machine Learning (MIT OpenCourseware)

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Tutorials – Top 6 Linear Regression Tutorials for 2017


This page lists down top 6 machine learning tutorials (from Youtube) for the topic, Linear (Univariate) and Multilinear (Multivariate) regression from the perspective of most viewed / popularity. Following are the topics for these videos: How to Do Linear Regression using Gradient Descent Interpreting Output for Multiple Regression using SPSS R programming for beginners – statistic with R Linear Regression with Gradient Descent – Intelligence and Learning Linear Regression – Machine Learning Fun and Easy Linear Regression Algorithm | Linear Regression in R How to Do Linear Regression using Gradient Descent This tutorial video is posted on the channel Siraj Raval. They have got some real cool tutorial videos on …

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Posted in Data Science, Machine Learning. Tagged with , , .

Linear, Multiple Regression Interview Questions Set 4

Logistic regression quiz question and answers

This page lists down the practice tests / interview questions for Linear (Univariate / Simple Linear) / Multiple (Multilinear / Multivariate) regression in machine learning. Those wanting to test their machine learning knowledge in relation with linear/multi-linear regression would find the test useful enough. The goal for these practice tests is to help you check your knowledge in numeric regression machine learning models from time-to-time. More importantly, when you are preparing for interviews, these practice tests are intended to be handy enough. Those going for freshers / intern interviews in the area of machine learning would also find these practice tests / interview questions to be very helpful. This test primarily …

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Posted in Data Science, Interview questions, Machine Learning. Tagged with , , .

Linear, Multiple Regression Interview Questions Set 3

machine learning interview questions

This page lists down the practice tests / interview questions for Linear (Univariate / Simple Linear) / Multiple (Multilinear / Multivariate) regression in machine learning. Those wanting to test their machine learning knowledge in relation with linear/multi-linear regression would find the test useful enough. The goal for these practice tests is to help you check your knowledge in numeric regression machine learning models from time-to-time. More importantly, when you are preparing for interviews, these practice tests are intended to be handy enough. Those going for freshers / intern interviews in the area of machine learning would also find these practice tests / interview questions to be very helpful. This test primarily …

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Posted in Data Science, Interview questions, Machine Learning. Tagged with , , .

Linear, Multiple Regression Interview Questions Set 2

Spring framework interview questions for freshers

This page lists down the practice tests / interview questions and answers for Linear (Univariate / Simple Linear) / Multiple (Multilinear / Multivariate) regression in machine learning. Those wanting to test their machine learning knowledge in relation with linear/multi-linear regression would find the test useful enough. The goal for these practice tests is to help you check your knowledge in numeric regression machine learning models from time-to-time. More importantly, when you are preparing for interviews, these practice tests are intended to be handy enough. Those going for freshers / intern interviews in the area of machine learning would also find these practice tests / interview questions to be very helpful. This …

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Posted in Data Science, Interview questions, Machine Learning. Tagged with , , .

Linear, Multiple Regression Interview Questions Set 1

Logistic regression quiz question and answers

This page lists down the practice tests / interview questions and answers for Linear (Univariate / Simple Linear) / Multiple (Multilinear / Multivariate) regression in machine learning. Those wanting to test their machine learning knowledge in relation with linear/multi-linear regression would find the test useful enough. The goal for these practice tests is to help you check your knowledge in numeric regression machine learning models from time-to-time. More importantly, when you are preparing for interviews, these practice tests are intended to be handy enough. Those going for freshers / intern interviews in the area of machine learning would also find these practice tests / interview questions to be very helpful. Note that …

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Posted in Data Science, Interview questions, Machine Learning. Tagged with , , .

Uber Machine Learning Interview Questions

Interview questions deep learning

This page represents some of the following in relation with Uber Data Science / Machine Learning interview questions: Interview questions Data Science challenge Machine learning problems These questions / problems etc have been gathered from different websites and blogs including Glassdoor, Github, Blogs etc. Data Science / Machine Learning Interview Questions Uber’s surge pricing algorithm including optimization techniques which can be used. Here is a great write up on The secrets of Uber’s mysterious surge pricing algorithm, revealed How would you find / investigate an anomaly in a distribution? What are different Time Series forecasting techniques? Explain Principle Component Analysis (PCA) with equations? How would you go about solving Multicollinearity? …

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Introduction to Machine Learning (Set 2) Interview Questions

machine learning interview questions

This page represents a list of questions which can be used for preparation of machine learning interviews. Here is the link to first set of machine learning interview questions as part of this series. The following are some of the areas covered in this set of questions: Univariate vs Multivariate linear regression Supervised vs unsupervised learning Algorithms such as KNN, K-means, SVM etc. [wp_quiz id=”5748″]

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