Big Data – Team to Hire for Big Data Practice

big data team

This article represents thoughts on Big data team composition and different considerations to make in order to hire and build an effective Big Data team. Please feel free to comment/suggest if I missed to mention one or more important points. Also, sorry for the typos. A Big data team would need to cover following two key areas for becoming an effective team ready to deliver on key Big Data initiatives. Data engineering Data science   Data Engineering Team You would want to build a team who plays key role in some of the following areas: Data processing (Hadoop Map/Reduce) Data storage (HDFS/HBase) Data coordination (Zookeeper) Data monitoring/management For above skills, …

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Learn R – Different Data Types with Code Examples

R Data Types

This article represents quick concepts on key data types in R programming language, along with code examples and some good go-to links for further read. For those new to R, I would like to quickly re-iterate that R programming language helps in performing data analysis and, is an integral part of data science as a practice. In other words, it is one of the go-to language/platform for data scientist to work with the data. Please feel free to comment/suggest if I missed to mention one or more important points. Also, sorry for the typos. Following are different data types in R that would be discussed in this article: Vector List Factor …

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Big Data – Functional & Technology Architecture for Beginners

This article represents a view associating functional and technology elements of Big Data reference architecture. The objective of this article is to present a view relating key functional areas in Big Data with relevant technologies. The diagram and related description could be of use to Big Data beginners (developers, architects, business analysts etc) wanting to get a high-level view on functional and technology aspect of Big Data. Please feel free to comment/suggest if I missed to mention one or more important points. Also, sorry for the typos. Following diagram represents the functional and technology landscape view of Big Data. The objective of the diagram below is following: Associate functional areas …

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Learn R – What are Vectors – Code Examples


This article represents high level concepts in relation with Vector data type in R programming language along with code samples. For those new to R language, it should be noted that R provides a console-based platform to perform analysis on data. R can be seen as a programming language for data scientist. Please feel free to comment/suggest if I missed to mention one or more important points. Also, sorry for the typos. Following are the key points described later in this article: What are Vectors? Vectors – Code Examples   What are Vectors? Vector, in R, can be defined as a collection of things of same data type. Simply speaking, it …

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Big Data – Top 6 Frameworks Required to Get Started

This article represents top 6 software frameworks (or tools) to get started with Big Data POC projects. This article may be of interest to those who are beginning with Big Data and want to understand about tools/frameworks required to get started with their Big Data POC projects. The article presents only the  bare minimum set of frameworks that are required to get started. I am sure there could be more to this list. However, my objective is to cover only the minimum set. Please feel free to comment/suggest if I missed to mention one or more important points. Also, sorry for the typos. Following are key functional areas in Big Data …

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Top 10 Interview Questions for Tech-Lead or Senior Developers

tech lead interview questions

This article represents top 10 tricky coding-related questions for those who are appearing for the position of senior developers, tech-lead or junior architect. Recently, I have been interviewing several candidates for the position of tech-lead. Thought to list down some of them for the readers. Please feel free to suggest additional questions if you come across any.   Name top 5 code smells that you came across while reviewing code of your team members? Name top 5 code refactoring techniques that you suggest to your team to keep it handy when writing code? What is difference between code usability and code re-usability? How do you determine whethar a code can …

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Javascript – StapesJS Hello World with Code Example


This article represents facts around what is StapesJS and why you would want to make a note of it or, in other words, get started with it. Please feel free to comment/suggest if I missed to mention one or more important points. Also, sorry for the typos. Following are the key points described later in this article: What is StapesJS? Key Reasons Why You May Love StapesJS StapesJS Hello World – Code Example   What is StapesJS? A tiny Javascript framework, StapesJS provides simple and easy-to-understand-and-use building blocks that could be helpful in coding our web apps using libraries/frameworks such as JQuery, ReactJS, Zepto etc. I must say that I have …

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Trends – Top 5 Javascript Web Frameworks – Oct 2014

This article represents top 5 Javascript frameworks for web apps as of this month, Octobar 2014. Please note that that I call them out as top 5 based on Google trends and that is it. To my amaze, I found meteorjs as a real cool one which I would try and post my opinion in future blogs. Please feel free to comment/suggest if I missed to mention one or more popular frameworks. Also, sorry for the typos.   Following are the top 5 frameworks: AngularJS ReactJS EmberJS MeteorJS KnockoutJS or BackboneJS   AngularJS One of my personal favorites, AngularJS is trending upward. Take a look at the plot below:   …

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Learn Javascript – OOPs Inheritance Concepts with Code Example


This article represents OOPs inheritance concepts in Javascript along with code examples. Please feel free to comment/suggest if I missed to mention one or more important points. Also, sorry for the typos. Following are the key points described later in this article: What is Inheritance? Inheritance – Code Example What is Inheritance? As per Wikipedia page on Inheritance, In object-oriented programming (OOP), inheritance is when an object or class is based on another object or class, using the same implementation (inheriting from a class) or specifying implementation to maintain the same behavior (realizing an interface; inheriting behavior). As per Webopedia page on inheritance, In object-oriented programing (OOP) inheritance is a …

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Learn Javascript – OOPs Encapsulation with Code Examples

encapsulation in javascript

This article represents one of the key OOPs concepts such as Encapsulation along with code examples. Please feel free to comment/suggest if I missed to mention one or more important points. Also, sorry for the typos. Following are the key points described later in this article: Encapsulation – Basic Concepts Encapsulation – Code Examples   Encapsulation – Basic Concepts As per Wikipedia page, Encapsulation is the packing of data and functions into a single component….It allows selective hiding of properties and methods in an object… In OOPs based language, access specifier such as “public”, “private” and “protected” are used to specify the access properties of member variables and methods. Following …

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Learn Javascript – Classes & Objects with Code Examples


This article represents OOPs concepts on classes and objects in Javascript along with code examples. In later articles, I shall also visit the topics of Inheritance and Encapsulation. Please feel free to comment/suggest if I missed to mention one or more important points. Also, sorry for the typos. Following are some of the key points described later in this article: What are Classes? What are Objects? Code Examples – Classes & Objects   What are Classes? Class is a construct used in several object-oriented programming languages such as Java/C++ etc, primarily, to model real-world objects. For instance, company, vehicle, shape, car, circle etc. Unlike programming languages such as Java where …

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Data Science – Commonly Used Plot Parameters in R Programming

This article represents some of the commonly used plot parameters across different plot commands, while you are working with different kind of plots in R. Please feel free to comment/suggest if I missed to mention one or more important points. Also, sorry for the typos. Following are the key points described later in this article: What are some of the common plots (commands) in R? Commonly Used Plot Parameters   What are some of the common plots (commands) in R? Following represents some of the plots (commands) used in R language for different purposes. I shall be writing different blog on different use-cases where one should use one or more …

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Data Science – Why Learn R?

This article represents thoughts on why it is OK to learn yet another programming language named as R for doing data analysis. Please feel free to comment/suggest if I missed to mention one or more important points. Also, sorry for the typos. Following are the some of the key points described later in this article: Why can’t I use Java/C etc for data analysis? Key Aspects of Data Analysis vis-a-vis R Language Why R fundamentally? Advantages & Disadvantages of R   Why can’t I use Java/C etc for data analysis? I have worked a lot with Java/C/PHP/C++ etc in my career. From whatever I have known about R by now, …

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AngularJS – How to Use AngularJS with Legacy UI Code?

This article represents tips on how to use AngularJS with legacy UI code which could present challenges such as those described later in this article. Please feel free to comment/suggest if I missed to mention one or more important points. Also, sorry for the typos. Following are some of the key points described later in this article: Is it that easy to create Angular apps in Legacy UI? Can I use AngularJS with existing forms? Is it OK to use Angular with JQuery-based UIs? Browser compatibility, especially, for IE-sensitive applications   Is it that easy to create Angular apps with Legacy UI Code? Yes, it is! All you need to do is …

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Learn PHP – How to Write A Class in PHP

This article represents some high-level concepts and a code example on how to write a PHP class and use it elsewhere. Please feel free to comment/suggest if I missed to mention one or more important points. Also, sorry for the typos. Following are some of the key points described later in this article: Why write a PHP class? Key aspects of a PHP class A PHP class – Code Example Using PHP class in PHP files   Why Write a PHP Class? As a beginner, I have come across this common thing that PHP developers tend to write one or more functions in the PHP files/scripts. As a matter of …

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PHP – How to Install Apache 2.4 with PHP 5.6 on Windows

This article represents instructions on what’s needed to be done to install Apache 2.4 with PHP 5.6 on Windows (64-bit). Please feel free to comment/suggest if I missed to mention one or more important points. Also, sorry for the typos. Following are the key steps/points described later in this article: Install Apache 2.4 Install PHP 5.6 Configure Apache 2.4 for PHP Configure PHP 5.6 Test Install Apache 2.4 This step looks to be obvious. However, after I am done with the entire installation, it looked to be a bit tricky especially when you got 64-bit Windows. If you go to website,, you are taken to download page for win32 …

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