Tag Archives: devops
15 Tricky DevOps Architect Interview Questions & Answers

DevOps and DevSecOps are two sides of the same coin. They both share some goals, but they also have their differences. It is important to understand what each one means so that you can implement them properly in your organization. In this post, you will learn about some of the questions (and answers) which could be asked in the DevOps Architect interview. The following are some of the topics you might want to cover for doing interview preparation for DevOps Architect position: DevOps & DevSecOps concepts Setting up DevOps implementation DevOps reference architecture DevOps reference implementation Continuous delivery concepts & reference architecture Technologies (Tools s& Frameworks) Here is a related …
DevOps Maturity Model – Telstra DevOps Implementation

In this post, you will get a quick glimpse of how Telstra successfully rolled out DevOps across the entire organization (170 teams). The details have been taken from this post. You could use the details given below to lay out the maturity model for DevOps implementation in your organization. The following is the DevOps Maturity Model which Telstra team looks to have worked upon: Here are the key aspects of the DevOps practice (implementation) vis-a-vis maturity model: Ad-hoc implementations Teams across the organization doing ad-hoc implementations Different tools & framework used across different teams Different processes followed Teams do not seem to have a proper understanding of what is DevOps, benefits of DevOps etc. Proof-of-concept …
How to Start DevOps or DevSecOps in your Organization

Is your organization starting to face issues related to delay in moving software changes into production due to build failures, environment-related failures, collaboration related issues between dev, QA, security professionals? Is your organization starting to face stiff competition from startups and other competitors due to delay in moving new features to customers in a faster manner? Is your organization looking to serve the customers in a faster manner with new features and bug fixes? If these are some of your concerns, you may want to start considering the adoption of DevOps or DevSecOps principles in your software development lifecycle. In this post, you would learn about some of the following …
Configure Nexus Repository for Docker Registry (Windows)

In this post, you will learn about how to configure Nexus Repository OSS on Windows as a Docker Private Registry. The goal of doing this can be some of the following: Allow developers to push/pull images from local docker image repository installed within the company-wide private network Allow Jenkins jobs to pull images for running automated tasks One of the key aspects of DevOps automation using Docker containers is setting up private Docker registry which could be accessed by developers. This tutorial would help in setting up Nexus repository as a private Docker registry. How to Configure Nexus Repository OSS on Windows for Private Docker Registry The following are the steps to configure Nexus Repository OSS …
Top 6 IT Automation Framework for DevOps (2017-2018)

This page lists down top 6 IT automation framework which can be used to achieve DevOps goals in relation with IT automation. Chef: Chef claims to achieve speed, scale, and consistency by automating the infrastructure. Ansible: Open-source framework in order to scale automation, manage complex deployments and speed productivity. Puppet: Puppet claims to achieve IT automation in relation with delivering and operating software. CFEngine: Open-source light-weight automation fraemwork for automating large-scale, complex and mission critical IT infrastructure. It claims that it is known for its speed, stability, security and scalability. SaltStack: IT automation framework for DevOps RunDeck Trends for IT Automation Tools (2017) Below represents the trends of Chef, Puppet …
6 Key Elements of DevOps based Software Development

This article represents key aspects of DevOps approach which can be used to achieve continuous delivery/continuous deployment of software unit thereby achieving key business object of low-time-to-market and competitive edge. Please feel free to comment/suggest if I missed to mention one or more important points. Also, sorry for the typos. List of 6 Cs which are core to DevOps Approach Following diagram represents key aspects in achieving continuous delivery/deployment of a software unit while working based on DevOps approach. Collaborative Development Continuous Integration Continuous Testing Continuous Deployment or Release Continuous Feedback Continuous Monitoring
Docker – Quick Java 8 or Java 7 Dev Environment with Dockers

This article represents code samples which could be used to build and start Java 7 or Java 8 Docker containers appropriately based on the needs with a single script and command such as “./startJava.sh -v 7 Java7” for Java 7 and “./startJava.sh -v 8 java8” for Java 8. This would be useful to try and test your Java code against Java 7 and Java 8 versions very easily based on the fact that you could start both Java7 and Java8 containers simultaneously and, run your code in these containers at the same time for testing. Please feel free to comment/suggest if I missed to mention one or more important points. …
Dockers – How to Get Started with Java8 Dev Environment

This article represents take away code samples and tips on how to setup Java8 container using Dockers and get started. Please feel free to comment/suggest if I missed to mention one or more important points. Also, sorry for the typos. Following are the key points described later in this article: Java 8 Image Dockerfile Install Scripts to Install and Start Java8 Env Java 8 Image Dockerfile Following is Dockerfile for creating Java8 image. Name the file as java8_base.df. # Base is the Centos environment FROM centos:centos6 # Make the directories under which Java 8 will get installed RUN mkdir /opt/jdk RUN cd /opt # Install wget and tar which …
I found it very helpful. However the differences are not too understandable for me