Tag Archives: database
CEP vs Traditional Database Examples

In this blog, we will learn about the differences between complex event processing (CEP) and traditional database querying with the help of examples. We will learn about how these two methodologies tackle data to extract meaningful insights but in fundamentally different ways. In complex event processing, data flows dynamically which is then matched with pre-defined patterns thereby generating insights in real-time. Traditional Database Querying In a conventional database querying scenario, the data is stored first, and then queries are run against this stored data to find patterns or retrieve information. This process is reactive, in that the query is formulated based on a need to find out something specific about …
Types of SQL Joins: Differences, SQL Code Examples

Structured Query Language (SQL) is one of the most important and widely used tools for data manipulation. It allows users to interact with databases, query and manipulate data, and create reports. One of SQL’s most important features is its ability to join tables together in order to enrich, compare and analyze related data. These joins are termed as inner join, outer join, left join and right join. In this article, we will discuss the different types of joins available in SQL, their differences and provide examples of how each can be used. What is SQL Join? SQL Joins are a technique used in Structured Query Language (SQL) to combine two …
Consistent Hashing Concepts – Databases, DHT

This blog represents What’s The Funda (WTF) around consistent hashing and DHT (Distributed Hash Tables), Databases use cases where it is used. Problems with Traditional Hashing Mechanism Lets understand the traditional hashing mechanism using following diagram: Pay attention to some of the following aspects as per the above diagram: Hash table/map is an array with each of the array index pointing to a linked list having each node representing a key-value pair. Keys are passed through a hash function. The index of the array (bucket) to which a specific key-value pair would get associated is a function of hash value and total size of the array. For example, in above diagram, key such as “Sam …
Dummies Notes – How to Setup Oracle Data Guard
This article represents instructions which could be used to set up oracle data guard on a primary and one or more physical standby database. The article presumes that you have a basic understanding of what is Oracle Data guard and why it needs to be set up. Following are key aspects which are discussed later in this article: Primary Database Setup Physical Standby Database Setup Following is details on primary and physical standby database setup: Primary Database Setup: Configure the primary database appropriately including doing some of the following: Enable force logging Alter the database parameters such as following. This is one time activity and does not needed to be …
How to Install Oracle 11g (EE) on Docker
This article represents instructions on how to install & configure Oracle 11g Database (Enterprise Edition) on Docker. Well, I could have lived with installing Oracle 11g express edition, had I have the requirement of testing my application with Oracle database for single user. The primary reason for installing Oracle enterprise edition was to test the high availability using Oracle Data Guard solution. As we may knowing that Oracle Data Guard does not come with Oracle XE Database, thus, it becomes mandatory to work with Oracle EE Database edition which comes bundled with Data Guard solution. The primary challenge in installing Oracle EE database on Docker is the disk space problem …
I found it very helpful. However the differences are not too understandable for me