Code Quality – Why Avoid Higher Cyclomatic Complexity?

This article represents my thoughts on why one should avoid a higher cyclomatic complexity (value more than 15 or so). Recently, I have been doing code reviews for multiple projects using Sonar. This is where I came across the rule called as “Cyclomatic Complexity”. The rule raises an alert for all the methods whose cyclomatic complexity is found to be more than 10. Thus, I thought of listing down reasons why one should pay attention to the cyclomatic complexity of method when he/she is writing fresh method or making changes to existing method. Personally, I do agree and strongly believe that one should avoid writing methods/function of code complexity higher than 15 or …

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Authentication using One Time Password (OTP) technique – Part 1

This gallery contains 3 photos.

Why two factor authentication? With the increase in password theft, phishing attacks and other hacking techniques, the conventional text based user name and password based authentication seem to be insufficient because of the rapid rise of network level threats. The traditional way of just memorizing the password to validate one’s identity is not enough and web sites and applications are now expecting one to possess email Id or a smartphone to communicate with another short-lived randomized password, One Time Password (OTP), as one more factor to the authentication. Here we will discuss the approach to generate the OTP and use it for the two factor authentication technique. In the next …

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Template – HTML5 BoilerPlate with Spring MVC & GAE

This article provides instructions on how to create your quick Google App Engine (GAE) based web application project using Eclipse IDE, based on Spring MVC and HTML5Boilerplate (or Initializr) HTML project templates. Note that this is my personal way to get started quickly with any GAE-based web projects within 5 minutes or so and upload the same on Google cloud. Please feel free to comment/suggest if I missed to mention one or more important points. Also, sorry for the typos. Following are key points described later in this article: Create HTML template projects using Initializr Create Google App Engine/Spring MVC template project Create Google Web Application project & Import Files …

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How Can I Become A Data Scientist?


This article represents thoughts, primarily, on how to become a data scientist. Please feel free to comment/suggest if I missed to mention one or more important points. Also, sorry for the typos. Following are the key points related with different aspects of data scientist, that are described later in this article: Key skills of a data scientist Key roles & responsibilities of a data scientist What would it take me to become a data scientist? What would I create as a Data Scientist? Key Skills of a Data Scientist Mathematics & Statistics Knowledge: A data scientist would do a great job if he/she has a strong mathematics and statistical background. …

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Big Data – How to Get Started with Data Science

This article represents my opinion on what would it take to get started with Data Science. As I started exploring Big Data, one thing that became clear is that I may not be successful with Big Data unless I have learnt and applied Data Science to make sense out of Big Data (the data with 3Vs: Volume, Velocity, Variety). This is where I started to find out on How to Get Started with Data Science. Please feel free to comment/suggest if I missed to mention one or more important points. Also, sorry for the typos. Following are the key points described later in this article: Data Science is NOT Easy …

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Big Data – Top 8 Use Cases for Beginners

This article represents top 8 Big Data use cases that beginners could get started with, and create one or more proof-of-concept (POC) projects around these use cases. I compiled the list after digging enough at various places on web, videos, webinar etc. Different use cases mentioned below are only briefly discussed and each of them shall be explained later in separate articles. Please feel free to comment/suggest if I missed to mention one or more important points. Also, sorry for the typos. Following are use cases are described later in this article: Social sentiment analysis Customer interaction analysis Pattern matching Publicly available data analysis Web pages data analysis Clinical data …

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Posted in Big Data.

Java – 4 Security Vulnerabilities Related Coding Practices to Avoid

This article represents top 4 security vulnerabilities related coding practice to avoid while you are programming with Java language. Recently, I came across few Java projects where these instances were found. Please feel free to comment/suggest if I missed to mention one or more important points. Also, sorry for the typos. Following are the key points described later in this article: Executing a dynamically generated SQL statement Directly writing an Http Parameter to Servlet output Creating an SQL PreparedStatement from dynamic string Array is stored directly Executing a Dynamically Generated SQL Statement This is most common of all. One can find mention of this vulenrability at several places. As a …

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Posted in Application Security.

JArchitect Version 4.0 on Mac OSX is GA for Download

Version 4.0 of JArchitect on Mac OSX is now available for anyone wishing to download and try it. JArchitect manage complex code base and achieve high Code Quality. With JArchitect, software quality can be measured using Code Metrics, visualized using Graphs and Treemaps, and enforced using standard and custom Rules via CQLinq queries. Features in JArchitect v4.0 include: A dashboard panel that shows the state of the current code base at a glance as well as a comparison to a baseline. Monitoring trends on 50 default “Trend Metrics” as well as custom trend metrics. These can be displayed through Trend Charts. Focus on recent rules violations (by using filters) that occur …

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Posted in News, Software Quality.

Javascript – Why Use Modernizr?

This article represents quick concepts and reasons on why one would like to use Modernizr, a Javascript library. Please feel free to comment/suggest if I missed to mention one or more important points. Also, sorry for the typos. Following are the key points described later in this article: What is Modernizr? Why use Modernizr?   What is Modernizr? As per the Modernizr website, Modernizr is a JavaScript library that detects HTML5 and CSS3 features in the user’s browser. When I first read this punchline, I could not really figure out as to what is the purpose of this library, or simply speaking, what are some of the important use-cases given …

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BPM – Key Aspects of Process Discovery Phase

This article represents different aspects of process discovery phase which is key to any business process implmentation project. The analogy to process discovery phase in regular software project is “requirements gathering phase”. However, it requires different approach than regular software requirements gathering phase owing to the very complexity of business process. Please feel free to comment/suggest if I missed to mention one or more important points. Also, sorry for the typos.   Following are the key points described later in this article: Different aspects of process discovery Key Deliverables Key Stakeholders Effort & time involved   Different aspects of process discovery Following are key phase of process discovery that a …

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AngularJS – Recommended Directory Structure for Angular Apps

This article represents the recommended folder structure that you would want to create/adopt for your next Angular App. Please feel free to comment/suggest if I missed to mention one or more important points. Also, sorry for the typos. Following are the key aspects of organizing your angularJS app files into the recommended folder structure described and displayed later in this article: Identify key Angularjs elements (files/folders):Following are key elements of AngularJS that need to be stored in form of files within different folders: Core Module: Core module representing the Angular app Components:Components such as following that are used in the core module: Services Filters Directives Important point to note is …

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Java – Top 5 Exception Handling Coding Practices to Avoid

exception handling coding practices

This article represents top 5 coding practices related with Java exception handling that you may want to watch out for or better say, avoid, while doing coding for exception handling. Recently, I have been involved with code review of multiple Java projects and found following as most commonly seen coding instances across various Java projects. As a matter of fact, I recently ran sonar code analysis on Spring Core project (Spring Framework) and found the below mentioned instances related with exception handling. Please note that these are suggested to be avoided as a general coding practice and do not mean that they can not be used at all. There are …

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AngularJS – 10 Best Practices to Create Custom Directives


This article represents top 10 best practices that one may want to apply while creating custom directives. Please feel free to comment/suggest if I missed to mention one or more important points. Also, sorry for the typos. Following is listed the best practices for creating custom directives: Naming Convention: Prefer using two or three letter prefix (except ng) while naming directives to avoid collision with future HTML releases. Using “ng” as prefix might collide with AngularJS OOTB directives in future. Directive Definition Object (DDO): Prefer returning DDO rather than a function. TemplateUrl Usage: Prefer storing HTML template code in a seperate file and assign the path to templateUrl variable. Attribute …

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How to Setup Eclipse IDE for Sonar Analysis

This article describes steps required to configure your eclipse for SonarQube such that developers are not required to leave the eclipse IDE to manage their source code quality. Please feel free to comment/suggest if I missed to mention one or more important points. Also, sorry for the typos. Following are the key points described later in this article: Installing & Configuraing SonarQube in Eclipse Analyzing code using SonarQube Installing & Configuring SonarQube in Eclipse Follow the steps given on following pages to install and configure SonarQube in your Eclipse IDE. The page on Installing SonarQube in Eclipse consists of steps required to install SonarQube in the IDE. Once downloaded, it …

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How to Quickly Get Started with Sonar


This article represents steps required to quickly get up and running with Sonar and keep it handy for your personal Java/.NET/PHP etc related projects. Please feel free to comment/suggest if I missed to mention one or more important points. Also, sorry for the typos. Following are the key points described later in this article: Sonar setup instructions Configure HelloWorld Project for Code Analysis Sonar setup instructions Following are two key aspects of getting Sonar and dependencies installed, configured and setup for usage. Installation of SonarQube Installation of Code Analyzer Installation of SonarQube Following is instruction-set to get setup with SonarQube: Go to Sonar community edition page and download. Unzip the …

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AngularJS – Non-nested Directive-to-Directive Communication – Code Example

non nested directives communication

This article presents concepts and code example around non-nested directives-to-directives communication in AngularJS. The demo for the code example presented later in this article can be accessed on this page, Demo – Non-nested Directives-to-Directives Communication. Please feel free to comment/suggest if I missed to mention one or more important points. Also, sorry for the typos.   Following are the key points described later in this article: What is Directive-to-Directive Communication? Service Helps Directives Communicate Code Example – Non-nested Directives Communication   What is Directive-to-Directive Communication? When the change in one or more attributes of one directive need to trigger one or more events in other directives resulting in updating of their …

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