Category Archives: Machine Learning
Uber Machine Learning Interview Questions

This page represents some of the following in relation with Uber Data Science / Machine Learning interview questions: Interview questions Data Science challenge Machine learning problems These questions / problems etc have been gathered from different websites and blogs including Glassdoor, Github, Blogs etc. Data Science / Machine Learning Interview Questions Uber’s surge pricing algorithm including optimization techniques which can be used. Here is a great write up on The secrets of Uber’s mysterious surge pricing algorithm, revealed How would you find / investigate an anomaly in a distribution? What are different Time Series forecasting techniques? Explain Principle Component Analysis (PCA) with equations? How would you go about solving Multicollinearity? …
Introduction to Machine Learning (Set 2) Interview Questions

This page represents a list of questions which can be used for preparation of machine learning interviews. Here is the link to first set of machine learning interview questions as part of this series. The following are some of the areas covered in this set of questions: Univariate vs Multivariate linear regression Supervised vs unsupervised learning Algorithms such as KNN, K-means, SVM etc. [wp_quiz id=”5748″]
Machine Learning (Ensemble Techniques) Interview Questions

This page represents a list of questions which can be used for preparation of machine learning interviews. The following are some of the topics covered in this set of questions: Ensemble learning: Ensemble learning algorithms are used to improve the prediction performance of individual learning algorithms based on bagging or boosting technique. Bagging (Boosting Aggregation) Boosting Decision trees Random forest [wp_quiz id=”5764″]
18 Microsoft Data Science Interview Questions

This is a list of 18 questions which has been asked in several Microsoft data science / machine learning interviews. These questions have been compiled from Glassdoor and other sources. We shall be posting a series of related objective questions (capsule) quizzes in very near future. Can you explain the Naive Bayes fundamentals? How did you set the threshold? Can you explain SVM? How do you detect if a new observation is outlier? What is bias-variance trade off ? Basic statistical questions such as define variance, standard deviation etc Discuss how to randomly select a sample from a product user population. Describe how gradient boost works. What is L1 and …
Machine Learning (Hypothesis Testing) Interview Questions

This page represents a list of questions which can be used for preparation of machine learning interviews. The following are some of the areas covered in this set of questions: Null Hypothesis; Another page which explains the concept in decent manner is Null Hypothesis definition and examples, how to state. P-value; In simple words, p-value represents likelihood (in terms of probability) of sample results occurring if the null hypothesis is assumed to be true. For example, a p-value of 0.03 would mean that given the null hypothesis is true, the probability that results occur in the sample is 0.03 which is very less. Thus, the alternate hypothesis can be true. Thus, …
Amazon Machine Learning Interview Questions Set 2

This page lists down second set of objective questions which represents interview questions that have been asked in various amazon machine learning interviews. Here is the first set of questions. These questions have been gathered from sources such as Glassdoor and other places on the internet. Following areas are covered in this set of questions: Generative and discriminative algorithms Gradient descent vs stochastic gradient descent (SGD) Cost functions [wp_quiz id=”5741″]
Amazon Machine Learning Interview Questions Set 1

This page lists down a set of objective questions which represents interview questions that have been asked in various amazon machine learning interviews. These questions have been gathered from sources such as Glassdoor and other places on the internet. Following areas are covered in this set of questions: Gradient descent vs stochastic gradient descent (SGD) Logistic regression vs neural networks Support Vector Machine (SVM) vs logistic regression [wp_quiz id=”5740″]
Machine Learning (Descriptive Statistics) Quiz 1 by

This quiz is sponsored by, a leading data science / machine learning training/consultancy provider (classroom coaching / online courses) based out of Hyderabad, India. Contact DeepAlgorithms to know details about their upcoming classroom/online training sessions. These questions can as well be used for checking/testing your for knowledge on data science for upcoming interviews. Following are some of the topics which are covered as part of this quiz: Data summary Inferential test [wp_quiz id=”5714″]
Introduction to Machine Learning (Set 1) Interview Questions

This quiz covers some of the following machine learning topics: Supervised vs unsupervised learning Introductory concepts on classification, regression, clustering etc. These questions can be used as practice tests for checking your basic-level knowledge in machine learning. They can also useful as interview questions for certification exams. Please feel free to suggest. [wp_quiz id=”5735″]
Upcoming Online Demos on AI/Data Science (13th – 18th Nov)

The following is the list of upcoming online demos on AI/Data Science in this week (13th – 18th Nov 2017). Company Topic Date/Time Details AI/Data Science Online Demo 18th Nov (11:00 AM) Drop us an email Data Science – Machine Learning with Python 18th Nov (11:00 AM to 12:00 PM) Register
Machine Learning (Decision Trees, SVM) Quiz by

This quiz is sponsored by, a leading data science / machine learning training/consultancy provider (classroom coaching / online courses) based out of Hyderabad, India. Contact DeepAlgorithms to know details about their upcoming classroom/online training sessions. These questions can as well be used for checking/testing your for knowledge on data science for upcoming interviews. Following are some of the topics which are covered as part of this quiz: Classification Decision trees Ensemble model SVM KNN [wp_quiz id=”5710″]
Machine Learning (Regression) Quiz by

This quiz is sponsored by, a leading data science / machine learning training/consultancy provider (classroom coaching / online courses) based out of Hyderabad, India. Contact DeepAlgorithms to know details about their upcoming classroom/online training sessions. These questions can as well be used for checking/testing your for knowledge on data science for upcoming interviews. [wp_quiz id=”5698″]
Azure Machine Learning (ML) Certifications

This blog represents a list of Azure certifications for data scientists, machine learning (ML) enthusiasts. Analysing Big Data with Microsoft R The following is a list of some of the topics covered as part of this certification: Read and explore big data Process big data Build predictive models with ScaleR Use R Server in different environments This certification costs $165.00. Greater details can be found on the page, Analysing Big Data with Microsoft R Perform Cloud Data Science with Azure Machine Learning The following is a list of some of the topics covered as part of this certification: Prepare Data for Analysis in Azure Machine Learning and Export from Azure …
Machine Learning Course Outline

This is a list of topics which can be covered as part of machine learning course curriculum. In other words, it is a representation of outline of a machine learning course. This course outline is created by taking into considerations different topics which are covered as part of machine learning courses available on, Edx, Udemy etc. In case, you are planning to take up a machine learning course in near future, make sure that most of the following is covered. An Outline to Machine Learning Course Curriculum Introduction to machine learning Regression Linear Regression with One Variable Linear Regression with Multiple Variables Logistic Regression Introduction to Neural Networks Representation …
I found it very helpful. However the differences are not too understandable for me