Machine Learning (Descriptive Statistics) Quiz 1 by

Logistic regression quiz question and answers

This quiz is sponsored by, a leading data science / machine learning training/consultancy provider (classroom coaching / online courses) based out of Hyderabad, India. Contact DeepAlgorithms to know details about their upcoming classroom/online training sessions. These questions can as well be used for checking/testing your for knowledge on data science for upcoming interviews. Following are some of the topics which are covered as part of this quiz:

  • Data summary
  • Inferential test

Table of Contents

Which of the following measures of central tendency tends to be most influenced by the Outliers?

Correct! Wrong!

If the null hypothesis of a statistical test is that μ≤11, then the alternate hypothesis would be

Correct! Wrong!

You decide to test the hypothesis that the average time for an Electirician to complete a certain task is 10 minutes. You do not know the population standard deviation. You have collected 16 data points in this regard (sample). What test would you use

Correct! Wrong!

We are an online shopping portal. We can tell if someone who is on our website is a mac user or a PC user. Test the hypothesis that the ratio of people who buy out of those who logon (as a percentage) is higher for mac users than PC. Which Statistical Test will be used in this case?

Correct! Wrong!

We are an online shopping portal. We can tell if someone who is on our website is a mac user or a PC user. We want to test the hypothesis that among people who purchase something from our website mac users tend to spend more money than PC users. Which Statistical Test will be used in this case?

Correct! Wrong!

We are interested in understanding the difference between siblings. Specifically, we would like to study cases where there are nontwins but only two children in the family. We intend to test the hypothesis that the IQ of the elder sibling is equal to younger one. Which Statistical Test will be used in this case?

Correct! Wrong!

There are 8 sales managers who are deployed to six different cities. They are randomly rotated every 4 months, but it is ensured that each manager has only one stint in each city. After six such rotations each manager has been to each city once. Their sales Revenues (Rupees) need to be compared to determine if the managers performances are statistically different from each other. Which Statistical Test will be used in this case?

Correct! Wrong!

Two different weight loss drugs are tried on participants who come in with a certain disease. Each participant is randomly assigned one of the two drugs. The reduction in weight (as a percentage) is recorded for each participant. We would like to see if one drug is more effective than the other. Which Statistical Test will be used in this case?

Correct! Wrong!

We would like to test the hypothesis that the distance from a certain Shopiing-Mall in a particular city affects the price/square foot of houses within a 5 kilometer radius of the mall. Which Statistical Test will be used in this case?

Correct! Wrong!

We are interested in analyzing the 2014 elections in Telengana which fielded two popular parties. You ask 200 randomly sampled voters and decide to do a statistical analysis to determine if there is any relationship between gender and the affiliation towards either of the two parties. Which Statistical Test will be used in this case?

Correct! Wrong!

Machine Learning (Descriptive Statistics) Quiz 1 by
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Ajitesh Kumar

Ajitesh Kumar

I have been recently working in the area of Data analytics including Data Science and Machine Learning / Deep Learning. I am also passionate about different technologies including programming languages such as Java/JEE, Javascript, Python, R, Julia, etc, and technologies such as Blockchain, mobile computing, cloud-native technologies, application security, cloud computing platforms, big data, etc. I would love to connect with you on Linkedin. Check out my latest book titled as First Principles Thinking: Building winning products using first principles thinking.
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