Category Archives: Cloud
AWS – Steps to Achieve Continuous Delivery of Microservices Containers
This article enlists the key steps that would be required to create a continuous delivery setup for pushing cloud-native app (microservices with Docker containers) on AWS Cloud platform. Each of the points listed below will be detailed in separate blogs. Setup Jenkins with Git Setup Springboot microservices within Docker container Integrate Jenkins with AWS EC2 Container Registry (ECR) Setup AWS EC2 Container Service (ECS) Setup ECS Cluster with one EC2 instance Create ECS with a task definition and ELB (Elastic Load Balancer) Setup Setup a Web app using microservices Following apps/tools will be used to achieve above objective: Jenkins Git Springboot microservices Docker Containers AWS cloud services such as ECR, ECS, …
Microservices, Continuous Delivery & AWS Cloud – Part 1

This article represents details on how would the technology architecture look like when dealing with continuous delivery of microservices containers (Dockers) on AWS Cloud. Please feel free to comment/suggest if I missed to mention one or more important points. Also, sorry for the typos. Following are the key points which will be dealt with, in this and the following article (part 2): Technology architecture building blocks Technology architecture description Technology team and required skillsets In this article, we shall look into key technology architecture building blocks. In second part of the series, we shall look into steps needed to be configured to achieve the continuous delivery of microservices containers into AWS cloud …
9 Linux Foundation Projects for IOT, Cloud, Big Data

This article represents top Linux foundation projects in relation with IOT, Cloud and Big Data. With the convergence of these three technology domains, it becomes of utmost important to keep a track of news/announcements happening in these areas. The reference of all the projects could be found on this page. Following are the key linux foundation projects in relation with IOT, Cloud and Big Data. IOT (Internet of Things) AllSeen Alliance: A cross-industry consortium dedicated to enabling interoperability of billions of devices, services and apps that comprise the internet of things (IOT). Bookmark announcements and news for latest information. IoTivity: An open-source software framework enabling seamless device-to-device connectivity to address …
Spring MVC Web with Google NoSQL Datastore on GAE Cloud

The article represents key aspects of integrating your Spring MVC web application with Google NoSQL Datastore while working on Google App Engine cloud computing platform. Additionally, it presents code samples for you to get started in a quick manner. You may access the sample application talked about in this article on this page, Welcome to GAE World! Following has been discussed: High-level architecture & design Setup NoSQL Data Model (NoSQL data entity vis-a-vis Google Datastore) Implementation including code samples such as following: Controller (HelloController) JSP (hello.jsp) DAOs (GoogleDSCommentDAO) High-level Architecture & Design Following are key technologies used for the implementation discussed in this article: Spring MVC Google Datastore (NoSQL Database) …
Design Tips for Developers to Secure Cloud Applications

If you are a developer working on one or more cloud applications and want to know design and coding tips to make sure that you take care of appropriate security concerns, following represents some of the important areas to consider: Data Design: Data design is one of the key areas of concerns when one is developing cloud applications. This is primarily because cloud service model such as SAAS (Software-as-a-service) allows data related with different customers to be hosted on same database server. And, if data model, primarily related with multi-tenancy, is not designed in the nice manner, there are high possibilities of data breach wherein the attacker could get access …
How to Design & Develop Cloud-Ready Applications?

I have come across many a developers who were seen to have blank face when talked about the fundamentals on how to design and develop cloud ready applications. Taking a step back, most of them are still unaware of what is meaning of cloud computing and, do they require to acquire one or more specific skill sets to design and develop cloud ready applications? In short, a cloud-ready applications can be developed using any programming language. All that is required is to keep in mind few design and development fundamentals in this relation. By the way, as per the technology trends for 2014 published by several analysts, it is high …
Top Security Considerations for your Cloud Applications
I have been working/reviewing a cloud application where data security has been shown as top security concerns for most of the customers. Following are key areas for consideration when planning for security for your cloud applications: Internal theft: One of the most crucial security thefts come from unscrupulous employees who can pass/leak data to the competitors. The customers using the cloud applications are suggested to advise their employees on this front. Physical access control & monitoring: The physical access to the data center hosting the cloud application should be restricted and monitored at all times. Login access control: Only authenticated users should be allowed to login.In addition, the authenticated users …
I found it very helpful. However the differences are not too understandable for me