Category Archives: Career Planning
Certified Kubernetes Administrator Sample Test on Services Concept

This page represents practice test consisting of questions and answers on Kubernetes. This practice test covers the topic such as Kubernetes Services. The practice test can prove to be very helpful if you are preparing to take Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) certification examination in near future. It covers the Networking Concepts from CKA certification exam syllabus which can comprise of 11% questions in CKA certification exam. Check out other question sets on this page, Kubernetes Certification Exam (CKA) Sample Questions Sets. Revision Notes – Kubernetes concepts on Services A Kubernetes service is an abstraction which is used to define a logical set of pods. A Kubernetes service is assigned an IP address. In service spec definition, port refers to incoming port which is mapped to targetPort on Pod. By default, the value of …
Kubernetes Certification Exam (CKA) Sample Questions Sets

This article represents a series of practice / sample tests on some of the following topics as per the Kubernetes CKA exams syllabus. Kubernetes certification expert page also provides weightage associated with different topics. Topics Weightage Application Lifecycle Management 8% Installation, Configuration & Validation 12% Core Concepts 19% Networking 11% Scheduling 5% Security 12% Cluster Maintenance 11% Logging / Monitoring 5% Storage 7% Troubleshooting 10% These questions are intended to provide you with practice tests to test your knowledge on different Kubernetes concepts before appearing for Kubernetes certification (CKA) exams. This page will be updated from time-to-time as more practice tests are added. Practice / Sample Tests on Kubernetes Topics …
Kubernetes Interview Questions and Answers – Set 4

This page represents practice test consisting of objective questions and answers on Kubernetes. This practice test covers the topic such as Pod Lifecycle. The practice test can prove to be very helpful if you are preparing to take Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) certification examination in near future. It covers the Core Concepts from CKA certification exam syllabus. Those preparing for interviews in relation with Kubernetes or cloud-native apps would also find these questions to be useful enough. These questions can as well prove to be useful for interns / freshers / beginners. Revision Notes – Kubernetes Concepts (Pod Lifecycle) A Pod status field is a PodStatus object which has got phase field. The phase of the pod is a simple, high-level summary of where the Pod is in its lifecycle Kubelet invokes …
Beginners – List of Robotics Courses to Get You Started

The following is the list of Robotics Courses on Coursera which will help you get started on learning Robotics concepts. Robotics Specialization:It is a series of six courses on Robotics covering the concepts related to some of the following areas: Robot flight and movement How do robots perceive their environment How do robots adjust their movements to avoid obstacles, navigate difficult terrains and accomplish complex tasks such as construction and disaster recovery. This is provided by University of Pennsylvania. The following is a list of courses covered under the umbrella of Robotics specialization: Aerial Robotics Computational model planning Mobility Perception Estimation and learning Building Arduino robots and devices: It covers concepts related with building robots using …
Quantum Computing Interview Questions and Answers – Set 1

This is the first in series of practice tests / interview questions and answers in relation to Quantum computing. It touches upon the basic concepts in relation to some of the following: Qubit Difference between a bit and Qubit Superposition of Qubit states Quantum entanglement This practice test will prove to be useful for Quantum Computing beginners / interns / freshers. Revision Notes – Quantum Computing Fundamentals Quantum computing is different than classical computing. Problems which are suited for quantum computing should be considered for Quantum computing. A Qubit is a two-state quantum mechanical system; A Qubit can be in superposition of both the states at the same time. A Qubit is similar to bit …
Hyperledger Interview Questions and Answers – Set 1

This is the first in series of practice tests / interview questions and answers in relation to Hyperledger products suite for building distributed ledgers / Blockchain business networks. This test focuses on checking your knowledge on different products such as following under hyperledger umbrella. Fabric Sawtooth Iroha Indy Burrow Cello Composer Quilt Explorer Revision Notes – Hyperledger Tools & Frameworks Hyperledger Fabric supports pluggable consensus algorithm (ordering service) and membership service provider Hyperledger Indy can be used to build distributed ledger (Blockchain) related with decentralized digital identities Hyperledger Burrow is used for creating a permissioned Ethereum smart-contract blockchain node that executes smart contract code following the Ethereum specification. Hyperledger Explorer can be used to view, invoke, deploy or query blocks, transactions and associated data, network …
Kubernetes Interview Questions and Answers – Set 3

This page represents practice test consisting of objective questions and answers on Kubernetes. The following topics are covered as part of this practice test / quiz: Container hooks and related lifecycle Pods The practice test can prove to be very helpful if you are preparing to take Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) certification examination in near future. It covers the Core Concepts from CKA certification exam syllabus. Those preparing for interviews in relation with Kubernetes or cloud-native apps would find these questions to be useful enough. These questions can prove to be useful for interns / freshers / beginners. Revision Notes – Kubernetes Concepts (Container Hooks / Pods) Kubernetes provides containers with following lifecycle hooks: PostStart PreStop Kubernetes supports implementation …
Spring Framework Interview Questions & Answers – Set 1

This is a practice test / interview questions and answers for Java Developers working on Spring Framework. These questions can be used to check your knowledge on Spring framework fundamentals. They could be useful and helpful in preparing you for upcoming interview in relation with Spring framework. The following are some of the topics in relation with Spring Framework Fundamentals which are covered in this practice test: Spring IOC concepts Configuration metadata Beans packages for IOC container Beans instantiation Different types of DI techniques (Constructor-based, Setter-based DI) Beans initialization (Eager / lazy initialization) Method injection techniques (lookup method, arbitrary method injection) Bean Scopes (Singleton, Prototype, Request, Session, Application, WebSocket) Practice Test on Spring Framework Fundamentals [wp_quiz id=”6035″]
Kubernetes – Interview Questions and Answers on Pods

This page represents practice test consisting of objective questions and answers on Kubernetes. The practice test can prove to be very helpful if you are preparing to take Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) certification examination in near future. It covers the Core Concepts from CKA certification exam syllabus. Those preparing for interviews in relation with Kubernetes or cloud-native apps would find these questions to be useful enough. These questions can prove to be useful for interns / freshers / beginners. These questions are related with some of the following topics: Kubernetes Pods New feature release in Kubernetes 1.8 such as taints and tolerations The following is link to other practice tests: Practice test on introduction to Kubernetes Practice …
Neural Networks Interview Questions – Set 2

This quiz represents practice test on artificial neural networks. These questions and answers can be as well used for your upcoming interviews for the position of machine learning engineer or data scientist. These questions can prove to be very useful for testing your neural networks knowledge from time-to-time. Also, these will be useful for interns / freshers / beginners of machine learning / data science. The topics covered in this practice test are following: Introduction to different types of neural networks such as Radial Basis Network, Recurrent neural network etc. Difference between multilayer perceptron (MLP) and Radial basis function network Practice Test on Neural Networks [wp_quiz id=”6000″]
Top 10 Tricky Interview Questions for Java Developers

Here is a list of top ten (10) tricky / popular interview questions and answers for Java developers. I got these questions out from Stackoverflow. You are a Junior or Intermidiate level Java developer and planning to appear for Java developer interviews in near future, you would find these questions to be useful enough. Q1: Is Java “pass-by-reference” or “pass-by-value”? Ans: Java is always “pass by value”. Read the details on this page, Is Java “pass-by-reference” or “pass-by-value”? Q2: How to create a memory leak in Java? Ans: This is possible by making use of Class loader and ThreadLocal. Read the details on this page, Creating a memory leak in Java Q3: What is difference between package private, public, protected, and private? Ans: A private member …
K-Means Clustering Interview Questions – Set 1

This is a practice test on K-Means Clustering algorithm which is one of the most widely used clustering algorithm used to solve problems related with unsupervised learning. This can prove to be helpful and useful for machine learning interns / freshers / beginners planning to appear in upcoming machine learning interviews. This practice tests consists of interview questions and answers in relation with following: Introduction to K-Means Clustering Cost function Practice Test on K-Means Clustering [wp_quiz id=”5961″]
70 Regression Analysis Interview Questions & Practice Tests

This page lists down practice tests (questions and answers), links to PDF files (consisting of interview questions) on Linear / Logistic Regression for machine learning / data scientist enthusiasts. These questions can prove to be useful, especially for machine learning / data science interns / freshers / beginners to check their knowledge from time-to-time or for upcoming interviews. Practice Tests on Linear / Multilinear Regression These are a set of four practice tests (consisting of 40 questions) covering linear (univariate) and multilinear (multivariate) regression in detail. Linear, Multiple regression interview questions and answers – Set 1 Linear, Multiple regression interview questions and answers – Set 2 Linear, Multiple regression interview …
Logistic Regression Interview Questions & Practice Tests

This page lists down a set of 30 interview questions on Logistic Regression (machine learning/data science) in form of objective questions and also provides links to a set of three practice tests that would help you test / check your knowledge on an ongoing basis. These questions and practice tests are intended to primarily help interns/freshers/beginners to help them brush up their knowledge in logistic regression from time to time. The following is a list of topics covered on this page. Introduction to logistic regression Logistic regression examples Evaluating performance of logistic regression and related techniques including AIC, deviance, ROC etc. Difference between linear and logistic regression Here is another post on …
Unit Testing Interview Questions – Set 1

This page lists down the practice tests / interview questions and answers for unit testing (general concepts) which applies for all programming languages. Those wanting to test their unit testing knowledge would find this test useful enough. The goal for this practice test is to help you do quick check of your knowledge in unit testing and prepare appropriately. More importantly, when you are preparing for interviews, these practice tests are intended to be handy enough. Those going for freshers / intern interviews in the area of programming language or for developer positions would also find these practice tests / interview questions to be very helpful. Following topics have been covered as part of …
Linear, Multiple Regression Interview Questions Set 4

This page lists down the practice tests / interview questions for Linear (Univariate / Simple Linear) / Multiple (Multilinear / Multivariate) regression in machine learning. Those wanting to test their machine learning knowledge in relation with linear/multi-linear regression would find the test useful enough. The goal for these practice tests is to help you check your knowledge in numeric regression machine learning models from time-to-time. More importantly, when you are preparing for interviews, these practice tests are intended to be handy enough. Those going for freshers / intern interviews in the area of machine learning would also find these practice tests / interview questions to be very helpful. This test primarily …
I found it very helpful. However the differences are not too understandable for me