Author Archives: Nidhi Rai
JArchitect Version 4.0 on Mac OSX is GA for Download

Version 4.0 of JArchitect on Mac OSX is now available for anyone wishing to download and try it. JArchitect manage complex code base and achieve high Code Quality. With JArchitect, software quality can be measured using Code Metrics, visualized using Graphs and Treemaps, and enforced using standard and custom Rules via CQLinq queries. Features in JArchitect v4.0 include: A dashboard panel that shows the state of the current code base at a glance as well as a comparison to a baseline. Monitoring trends on 50 default “Trend Metrics” as well as custom trend metrics. These can be displayed through Trend Charts. Focus on recent rules violations (by using filters) that occur …
Javascript – Why Use Modernizr?

This article represents quick concepts and reasons on why one would like to use Modernizr, a Javascript library. Please feel free to comment/suggest if I missed to mention one or more important points. Also, sorry for the typos. Following are the key points described later in this article: What is Modernizr? Why use Modernizr? What is Modernizr? As per the Modernizr website, Modernizr is a JavaScript library that detects HTML5 and CSS3 features in the user’s browser. When I first read this punchline, I could not really figure out as to what is the purpose of this library, or simply speaking, what are some of the important use-cases given …
ATG Developer Certification – 100+ Sample Questions

This article presents summary information and links to the pages related with sample questions, being categorized into different mock tests, that could be helpful to clear ATG Certification exams. The primary reason why I have put up the questions (and shall be adding many more mock tests in near future) is the fact that there are not many pages on web which present questions in well categorized manned such that test takers can get help with their preparation. In past, I had setup my team and have several members clear the ATG certification exams. However, they did find it difficult to take sample tests on web during their preparation period. These …
ATG Interview Questions – Part 2

This article lists down a set of 20 interview questions related with ATG Commerce. The help documentation on ATG could be accessed from this page. Please feel free to comment/suggest. Also, sorry for the typos. The questions presented in this article could be taken as online tests (with answers also given) on following pages. ATG Commerce – Free Online Test 1 ATG Commerce – Free Online Test 2 Also, find following pages on that consists of another set of interview questions on ATG: ATG Platform – Interview Questions Following is the list of questions: Components can be started or stopped using which of the following ACC BCC ATG Commerce merchandising …
ATG Interview Questions – Part 1

This article lists down a set of 20 interview questions related with ATG platform. One may note that ATG is a very popular eCommerce platform that got acquired by Oracle some years back. The help documentation on ATG could be accessed from this page. Please feel free to comment/suggest. Also, sorry for the typos. The questions presented in this article could be taken as online tests (with answers also given) on following pages: ATG Platform – Free Online Test 1 ATG Platform – Free Online Test 2 Also, find following pages on that consists of another set of interview questions on ATG: ATG Commerce – Interview Questions Following is the …
How Sublime Editor Can be Used For Blogging – Part 1

This article represents tips on how one could use Sublime Text Editor for writing their blogs in quicker manner. More so, if you are a developer and love blogging, you would find Sublime handy as you could write blog like coding by creating custom snippets as described later in the article. 🙂 The reason I have put this article as “Part 1” is because I believe I shall come across more such tips & techniques as I go ahead with my experience with Sublime and, I shall share them as another blogs. Please feel free to comment/suggest if I missed to mention one or more important points. Also, sorry for …
KnockoutJS Hello World – Code Example

This article represents high level concepts and code example for KnockoutJS, A Javascript framework based on MVVM pattern. The code below is demonstrated on the following page: Feel free to comment/suggest if I missed on any aspect. Following is demonstrated as part of hello world demo: ViewModel used to represent data and operations on a UI Data Binding: Declarative data binding used to create an associated view Activating Knockout Dynamic Updates: How UI updates dynamically Code Example: Hello World Code Sample ViewModel Representation View Model (in below example) could be represented in one of the following ways. In code below, the viewmodel object has a property namely, name. Following is an object …
Bootstrap UI Template for Quick Web UI

The article presents copy and paste bootstrap code that one could take and get started with quick UI. Personally, as a Java developer, I use it very often to create quick UI without focusing much on the UI details. From there on, I keep on adding further UI elements as and when required. You could get code samples from Bootstrap UI website. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN” “”> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv=”Content-Type” content=”text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1″> <title>Hello World</title> <link rel=”stylesheet” href=”//”> <script src=”//”></script> <script src=”//”></script> </head> <body> <header class=”navbar navbar-static-top” id=”top” role=”banner”> <div class=”container”> <div class=”navbar-header”> <button class=”navbar-toggle” type=”button” data-toggle=”collapse” data-target=”.bs-navbar-collapse”> <span class=”sr-only”>Toggle navigation</span> <span class=”icon-bar”></span> <span class=”icon-bar”></span> <span class=”icon-bar”></span></button> <a href=”/” class=”navbar-brand”>WebSiteName</a> …
Bootstrap UI TextField, Dropdown and Button – Code Examples

The article presents quick code samples on Bootstrap form and its elements such as textfield, dropdown, button etc that one could copy and paste and get started quickly. For those unaware of what is Bootstrap, following is a very brief write-up: Bootstrap is a popular UI framework which helps one to create great UI for both Web and Mobile projects. The information and code samples could be accessed on All I could say is that the day I came across Bootstrap, I managed to create great UIs for all of my Java projects in no time. Something that I always looked upon others to help me with. Something which …
Top Bookmarks – How to Get Started with Spring MVC & Eclipse

The article lists down top bookmarks (pages) which helped me to quickly get started with Spring MVC with Eclipse. Also, presents some key information at a very high level. Spring MVC Framework Tutorial Spring MVC Form Handling Example Spring MVC Hello World Example Spring 3 MVC Hello World Example Spring 4 MVC Hello World Tutorial – Full Example Following are high level steps to get started with your first Spring MVC project using Eclipse: Download Java EE eclipse and configure server for ease of deployment from within Eclipse. Create a Dynamic Web Project in Eclipse. Drag and drop below mentioned Spring and other libraries into the folder WebContent/WEB-INF/lib. One of …
Top 5 Unit Testing Best Practices

The article lists down top 5 unit testing best practices that one could adopt to be able to write great unit tests with greater code coverage. Test-Along, if not Test-Driven Many a times, rookies have been found to start writing unit tests once they have written most of the code, e.g., towards the end of the coding. However, to make the most of unit tests, one should write them as they write the code. This is somewhat different and less difficult than writing tests first and code later as in test-driven development (TDD). Following are some of the advantages of doing “test-along” development: One could achieve greater code coverage by …
Mobile Testing Tools & Methodologies used @ Expedia

The article lists down tools & methodologies used for testing Expedia mobile apps (both mobile web & native). Test-driven Development (TDD) TestNG: TestNG is a unit testing framework similar to JUnit. Apart from unit tests, TestNG can also be used to cover other categories of tests such as functional, end-to-end, integration etc. EasyMock: It is, primarily, used for mocking and custom solution for stubbing. As a mocking framework, EasyMock provides mock objects for interfaces by generating them on the fly using Java’s proxy mechanism. Automated Acceptance Testing Frank (iOS): Frank, primarily, allows you to write and execute automated acceptance tests (using Cucumber) against your iOS application to verify its functionality. Simply …
Tea-Time Java Quiz #1
Lessons from Google on Distributed Storage System

The article lists down the lessons learnt by Google Engg. team while they implemented Google BigTable, a distributed storage system, which is used to manage structured data of more than 60 Google products or so. Read further about Google BigTable on this page. KISS Principle for Simpler Design & Coding With distributed systems bound to be complex and the related codebase expected to evolve over a period of time, it may be good idea to keep the design and coding simple for ease of code maintenance and debugging. One could apply the KISS principle by breaking down the problem into smaller pieces and do the design and coding appropriately. Read …
Learning Coding Tips from Martin Fowler is OK!

This article is first in the series of “Developers Hall of Fame” pages that we have recently started, and talks about some of the works of Martin Fowler, the Software Engineer, from whom I personally learnt a great deal and also recommend others, primarily rookies, from time-to-time. In his about me page, he introduces himself to be “an author, speaker… essentially a loud-mouthed pundit on the topic of software development“. Note that this page shall be updated at regular intervals with Martin’s work that would benefit developers at large in software design and development. Before I go ahead and include some of his pages which could be of great benefits …
New Initiative: API Bar

We would like to introduce our new initiative, namely API Bar, in relation with business APIs that are getting released/published day in day out as part of business strategy by companies of every size (large, medium, small). The reason we have named the initiative as API Bar is that the way APIs (making the business competitive) are coming up every day seems like APIs presented in bottles with different labels with developers trying to figure out which APIs to use and why? 🙂 As part of this initiative, we shall be doing following activities and publish our findings appropriately from time-to-time: Evaluate the APIs from technical perspective while exploring different …
I found it very helpful. However the differences are not too understandable for me