Tag Archives: reskilling
Top 5 Machine Learning Tutorials for Nov 2017

This page represents a list of top five machine learning tutorials’ videos for the month of Nov 2017. These are most popular machine learning tutorial videos on Youtube.com in relation with machine learning. You may want to bookmark this page as it would get updated on daily basis based on the popularity on Youtube. Gradient descent, How Neural Networks Learn (21 Min) What is Backpropagation and What is it Actually Doing? (14 Min) Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence: Crash Course (12 Min) Capsule Networks: An Improvement to Convolutional Networks (22 Min) Intro to Feature Engineering with TensorFlow (8 Min)
Machine Learning Course Outline

This is a list of topics which can be covered as part of machine learning course curriculum. In other words, it is a representation of outline of a machine learning course. This course outline is created by taking into considerations different topics which are covered as part of machine learning courses available on Coursera.org, Edx, Udemy etc. In case, you are planning to take up a machine learning course in near future, make sure that most of the following is covered. An Outline to Machine Learning Course Curriculum Introduction to machine learning Regression Linear Regression with One Variable Linear Regression with Multiple Variables Logistic Regression Introduction to Neural Networks Representation …
2018 – Top Eight Technologies for Reskilling or Upgrading Skills

If you are planning to reskill yourself or upgrading your skills and looking for different technologies whose professionals are going to be in high demand in 2018, then, here is the list of eight (8) technologies one or more of which can be explored. This list is published by NASSCOM in association with BCG (Boston Consultancy Group) Technology Trends – 2017/2018 Artificial Intelligence, rightfully, looks to be most searched by people worldwide. Quick Definitions of Popular Technologies Virtual Reality Definition: Virtual reality (VR) is a computer technology that uses virtual reality headsets or multi-projected environments, sometimes in combination with physical environments or props, to generate realistic images, sounds and other …
AI & Other Courses Starting this Week (6th Nov – 10th Nov)

The page represents a list of courses related with some of the following areas, which are starting this week (6th Nov 2017): Artificial intelligence Design thinking [tabs ] [/tabs]
Top 13 Online Platforms providing IT Courses

In this age when everyone is talking about reskilling and upskilling, online platforms such as coursera.org, Khan Academy has taken a strong foothold in providing online education to knowledge seekers worldwide. The following is a list of some of the most popular online platforms or websites/web apps which can be used for self-paced learning or training or reskilling yourself in different technologies including AI (machine learning), Web and Mobile programming languages and related frameworks, Blockchain, Virtual Reality etc. Please feel free to suggest one or more online platforms which I did not mention. Coursera – https://www.coursera.org/ Khan Academy – https://www.khanacademy.org/ Codecademy – https://www.codecademy.com/ edX – https://www.edx.org/ Udacity – https://www.udacity.com/ Udemy …
I found it very helpful. However the differences are not too understandable for me