Tag Archives: angularjs
How AngularJS Works – Explained with Angular Code

The article is first in the series of articles that are aimed to present the angularjs in a holistic perspective (by presenting angular code side-by-side) thereby representing How AngularJS works. While talking to various developers doing both, UI and server-side programming, one thing that came out as common is the fact that AngularJS has a deep learning curve. Keeping some of the issues/concerns shown by different classes of developers in relation with learning AngularJS, following are some of the areas that shall be explored in detail: Overall AngularJS initialization & rendering process AngularJS as a Dependency Injection framework Scope & key APIs Directives Lets look at first part in this article, e.g., …
Why AngularJS is Known to Have Steep Learning Curve?

The article presents my opinion on why AngularJS is popularly known as framework with a steep learning curve. After having spent so much time with AngularJS, where I wrote few Angular applications (one of them is http://function-point-analysis.appspot.com), and also deep dived into the AngularJS code, I ended up building a set of opinion on why at all is Angular said to have deep learning curve. Before going into the details, I must say that off-late both, server-side and UI programmers are found to be digging into the AngularJS land and both of them have consistently echoed about the toughness of land 🙂 at the surface level. Thinking about it, one could come …
AngularJS Interview Questions – Set 2

The article presents another set of 10 interview questions for you to try your understanding of AngularJS fundamentals. You may find some of them as tricky ones. Questions below primarily focus on angular application initialization process. Do note that I shall be coming up with multiple such set of questions in the near future as I swim deeper into Angular Sea. 🙂 Please feel free to suggest/comment if you disagree with any of the answers below. Question Set Can the angular application be initialized on only HTML element or ANY element? Ans: ANY element Can an HTML page have multiple “ng-app” directive for bootstrapping multiple AngularJS application? Ans: Yes With more …
AngularJS Bootstrap Single Page App Template – Code Sample
The article presents take-away code sample for quickly getting started with single page app using AngularJS and Bootstrap. For detailed instructions, we recommend you to take a look at some of the following blogs we wrote earlier: How to create single page application Creating Single Page Application with RESTful APIs and Spring MVC Following are key things to note: Routes defined for different views (pages) Container page where ng-view directive is placed in order to load different views Separate HTML page representing different views Unique controllers defined for each view (page) Container Page Copy and paste the code below in a new file and give a …
Hello World with KendoUI & AngularJS – Code Example

This article presents code samples and related concepts for what would it take for someone to get started with KendoUI and AngularJS. The code below is demonstrated on this page, http://hello-angularjs.appspot.com/kendoui-helloworld. Following will be discussed in this article: Key CSS/JS libraries from KendoUI and AngularJS AngularJS Code Representing Inclusion of Kendo.Directives Module Take away code to get started quickly Key CSS/JS KendoUI & AngularJS Libraries Following are important CSS/JS libraries that need to be included: kendo.common.min.css: This is KendoUI common CSS file that gets used across different themes. kendo.default.min.css (Web Themes): This represents default web theme for KendoUI. One could use some of the following available themes. All that …
Angular-UI Bootstrap Hello World Code Example

While working on several AngularJS tiny projects that are made live on my another website, I used Bootstrap to create good-looking UIs while eventing aspect was taken care by AngularJS. Then, I came across several pages on the web which talked about using great UI-widget based framework such as ExtJS, KendoUI for laying out quick & great looking UIs and use AngularJS as an eventing framework. This is where I also got introduced to Angular-UI project (http://angular-ui.github.io/). This is when I came to know AngularJS Bootstrap components which is written by Angular-UI team. The same could be found on following page: http://angular-ui.github.io/bootstrap/. As a demo, take a look at the …
AngularJS Hello World Unit Testing Code Example

The article intends to provide take away code to get started with unit testing while working with AngularJS. The underlying Javascript unit testing framework used for testing the AngularJS code sample is Jasmine. Controllers.js ControllersSpecs.js You may want to pay attention to some of the following facts in relation with unit testing vis-a-vis unit testing controller methods: Use AngularJS dependency injection feature to pass on dependencies to Angular components such as controller, filters, directives etc. Following code does the magic of injecting $rootScope and $controller which is also represented in the code samples later in this article. For rookies, following should be sufficient for cut-copy-paste to get started with unit …
AngularJS – Single Page App with RESTful APIs & Spring MVC

The article presents recipe to create single page application with AngularJS & Spring MVC where different pages are required to do transactions with server using RESTful API. The demonstration is created on this page, http://hello-angularjs.appspot.com/angularjs-single-page-app-restful-apis. Code samples and related concepts are presented for following requirements of single page app: Initially one page is loaded with side navigation. Clicking on side navigation loads new view (data) from server by consuming RESTful API using ngResource, $resource service with “query” action method Clicking on individual items link loads the related data from server, again by consuming RESTful API using ngResource, $resource service with “get” action method Submitting a set of data consumes a …
AngularJS – How to Create & Use Custom Service

This article demonstrates how one could create custom services in AngularJS and use them within controllers or other services using dependency injection. In this article, the service demonstrated is Calculator service with just one API named as “calculate”. The API takes two numbers and operation type and calculate the result appropriately. The demo could be found on this page, http://hello-angularjs.appspot.com/angularjs-create-custom-services Following are three key steps in creating using custom services: Create the code for service (take a look at example below showing Calculator class with a constructor, Calculator() Register the recipe or method to inject the service. Injector service uses this to inject the service Inject the new custom service in …
AngularJS – Post Data with ngResource, RESTful APIs and Spring MVC

The article presents concepts and some take-away code samples for developers wanting to POST data to RESTFul APIs using ngResource ($resource) service with SpringMVC on server side. The demo for this example could be found on this page, http://hello-angularjs.appspot.com/angularjs-restful-apis-post-method-code-example. The primary reason why I loved this approach rather than using $http service is the fact that using ngResource allows you to have abstraction such as a $resource class & its instance on which you have action methods to interact with RESTful APIs. It makes it quite easier to work with RESTful integration. On $resource class object, one could directly call action methods such as get, save. However, on …
Function Point Analysis Tool with AngularJS

The article introduces the function point analysis tool that was created using AngularJS and Bootstrap frameworks. The tool can be accessed at http://function-point-analysis.appspot.com/. Following are some of the Key features of AngularJS that have been demonstrated as part of this tool: Two-way data binding; As the functions are added, the model value such as total function points count changes, and thus view is updated to reflect the new count. Templates used to display inputs in the table displaying functions and its counts Directives such as ng-repeat (adding a table row), ng-show Scope object used as a bridge between view and the controller Form elements such as select, input[number]. Form element …
AngularJS – Consume RESTful APIs with ngResource or $http

The article presents concepts and code samples on how to consume RESTful APIs with help of AngularJS $resource or $http service. The server side code is written on top of Spring MVC framework. Please feel free to point out suggestions on this blog.Following are key techniques using which one could consumer RESTful APIs Use low-level $http service to retrieve data using GET method. The demo could be found on this page Use $resource service to retrieve data using GET or QUERY action method. The demo could be found on this page RESTful APIs with Low-level $http Service One could directly use low-level $http service to consumer RESTful APIs …
AngularJS – How to Post JSON Data using AJAX & SpringMVC

The article presents code samples that one could use to quickly get started with posting JSON data using AngularJS $http service while working with SpringMVC web application. The demo for the code below could be found on this page, http://hello-angularjs.appspot.com/angularjs-http-service-ajax-post-json-data-code-example. Earlier, I posted this article where one could post the html data (text/html) using AJAX & SpringMVC. Following are key steps: Create SpringMVC Controller methods and a POJO Create AngularJS Controller Method Create View SpringMVC Controller methods and a POJO Following are key steps: Create a controller method to access the page consisting of UI that will be posting using AJAX Create a controller method that shall be receiving the …
AngularJS & SpringMVC – How to Fix 415 Unsupported Media Type Error

The article presents tips on how to fix 415 Unsupported Media Type error while working with AngularJS & SpringMVC web application when one tries to POST JSON data using $http service. The sole reason I wanted to write this blog is to help many of my friends who are most likely to hit this one when they work on posting JSON data to SpringMVC web controller using $http service. Possible scenarios: Most likely, you might not have included Jackson libraries in the classpath. Thus, go to http://wiki.fasterxml.com/JacksonDownload and download all the jar files. Alternatively, get slightly back-dated version of all of the libraries in one jar file from http://www.java2s.com/Code/Jar/j/Downloadjacksonall199jar.htm. …
AngularJS – How to POST Data using AJAX & Spring MVC – Part 1
The article presents the code example that one may use to post data to server using AngularJS $http service, while working with Spring MVC web application. The same is demonstrated in the following page: http://hello-angularjs.appspot.com/angularjs-http-service-ajax-post-code-example. This article is first in the series of articles on different techniques that could be used to POST different formats of data to the server when working with AngularJS and Spring MVC. In this article, the code samples demonstrate how to post plain HTML text data (text/html) format to the server. Following are key steps: Create Spring MVC web controllers methods Create AngularJS controller method using $http service to post data Create view to receive input …
AngularJS – How to Get Data from AJAX & Spring MVC

The article presents steps one need to code in order to get data from server using XMLHttpRequest (XHR) while working with Spring MVC Java web application. Watch the demo and code samples at http://hello-angularjs.appspot.com/angularjs-http-service-ajax-get-code-example. Following are key steps: Write two methods in Spring MVC controller, one to load the page and other to serve AJAX request Write AngularJS code to get the data (model) in the controller method using $http Write the view to display the data Spring MVC Controller Methods Following are two methods one need to write in the Spring MVC Controller: Method below serves the page, views/httpservice_get.jsp when accessed using the following URL: http://hello-angularjs.appspot.com/angularjs-http-service-ajax-get-code-example. Try …
I found it very helpful. However the differences are not too understandable for me