Category Archives: Interview questions
Top 10 Simpler Interview Questions, Architects Find Difficult to Answer

This article represents my list of top 10 interview questions which I see people, appearing for technical architect position, find difficult to answer. Although these questions seem to be simpler and subjective, I found candidates finding it difficult to answer. Do check the list below and see if you cracked all of them. Please feel free to comment/suggest if you would want me to include other questions. Sorry for the typos. Top 10 Interview Questions, Technical Architects Find Difficult to Answer Architecture & Design: Questions below are intended to test the candidates understanding on architectural frameworks and their abilities/capabilities to lay down system architecture/design. What are 3-4 most common …
Top 5 Interview Questions for Mobile Hybrid Apps Developer

This article represents top 5 most commonly asked interview questions for mobile hybrid apps developers. Please feel free to comment/suggest if you think of another most commonly asked interview questions in relation with hybrid apps development. Also, sorry for the typos. Top 5 Interview Questions for Mobile App Developers What are hybrid mobile apps? Ans: A detailed answer could be found here How are hybrid apps different from building native apps and mobile websites? Ans: Detailed answer could be found on this page. Why build native apps, when hybrid apps development frameworks are there? Ans: Some of the following could not be achieved effectively using web frameworks: Access to …
Data Science – 175 Probability & Statistics Interview Questions

This article presents URL and short description of around 175 probability & statistics objective questions which could prove very useful and helpful for those who are planning to attend one or more data scientist interviews in time to come. These tests/quizzes were created when I was learning probability and statistics some time back and, found various concepts interesting enough to be converted into quizzes for my future references. As probability & statistics form key to data science, it may be worth spending some time on these tests and check your understanding. You may also use this for your future reference. These questions could also be used for checking your concepts …
Top 10 Interview Questions for Tech-Lead or Senior Developers

This article represents top 10 tricky coding-related questions for those who are appearing for the position of senior developers, tech-lead or junior architect. Recently, I have been interviewing several candidates for the position of tech-lead. Thought to list down some of them for the readers. Please feel free to suggest additional questions if you come across any. Name top 5 code smells that you came across while reviewing code of your team members? Name top 5 code refactoring techniques that you suggest to your team to keep it handy when writing code? What is difference between code usability and code re-usability? How do you determine whethar a code can …
ATG Developer Certification – 100+ Sample Questions

This article presents summary information and links to the pages related with sample questions, being categorized into different mock tests, that could be helpful to clear ATG Certification exams. The primary reason why I have put up the questions (and shall be adding many more mock tests in near future) is the fact that there are not many pages on web which present questions in well categorized manned such that test takers can get help with their preparation. In past, I had setup my team and have several members clear the ATG certification exams. However, they did find it difficult to take sample tests on web during their preparation period. These …
ATG Interview Questions – Part 2

This article lists down a set of 20 interview questions related with ATG Commerce. The help documentation on ATG could be accessed from this page. Please feel free to comment/suggest. Also, sorry for the typos. The questions presented in this article could be taken as online tests (with answers also given) on following pages. ATG Commerce – Free Online Test 1 ATG Commerce – Free Online Test 2 Also, find following pages on that consists of another set of interview questions on ATG: ATG Platform – Interview Questions Following is the list of questions: Components can be started or stopped using which of the following ACC BCC ATG Commerce merchandising …
ATG Interview Questions – Part 1

This article lists down a set of 20 interview questions related with ATG platform. One may note that ATG is a very popular eCommerce platform that got acquired by Oracle some years back. The help documentation on ATG could be accessed from this page. Please feel free to comment/suggest. Also, sorry for the typos. The questions presented in this article could be taken as online tests (with answers also given) on following pages: ATG Platform – Free Online Test 1 ATG Platform – Free Online Test 2 Also, find following pages on that consists of another set of interview questions on ATG: ATG Commerce – Interview Questions Following is the …
AngularJS Interview Questions – Set 4

The article represents another set of 10 interview questions primarily related with dependency injection. Following are another set of questions that have already been published earlier. Interview questions – Set 1 Interview questions – Set 2 Interview questions – Set 3 Question Set Question:Describe what happens when Angular compiler comes across “ng-controller” directive? Ans: As the Angular compiles the HTML and come across the “ng-controller” directive (e.g.,<body ng-controller=”HelloCtrl”>), it asks the injector to create an instance of controller and its dependencies. Injector then looks out for any mechanism that has been specified by the user for creating the controller. In order to specify how the controller (HelloCtrl in current example) …
AngularJS Interview Questions – Questions Set 3

The article represents the 3rd set of 10 interview questions. Following are previous two sets that have been published earlier on our website. Following are other sets that we recommend you to go through. Interview questions Set 1 Interview questions Set 2 Interview questions Set 3 Question Set Q1: Directives can be applied to which all element type? Ans: Following represents the element type and directive declaration style: `E` – Element name: “ `A` – Attribute (default): ` ` `C` – Class: ` ` `M` – Comment: “ Q2. What is notion of “isolate” scope object when creating a custom directive? How is it different from the normal scope object? …
AngularJS Interview Questions – Set 2

The article presents another set of 10 interview questions for you to try your understanding of AngularJS fundamentals. You may find some of them as tricky ones. Questions below primarily focus on angular application initialization process. Do note that I shall be coming up with multiple such set of questions in the near future as I swim deeper into Angular Sea. 🙂 Please feel free to suggest/comment if you disagree with any of the answers below. Question Set Can the angular application be initialized on only HTML element or ANY element? Ans: ANY element Can an HTML page have multiple “ng-app” directive for bootstrapping multiple AngularJS application? Ans: Yes With more …
AngularJS Interview Questions – Questions Set 1

The article lists down some of the interview questions that could be asked in relation with AngularJS. Most of the answers can be found on the home site, Following are another set of questions that have already been published earlier. Also, feel free to take tests on this page. Interview questions – Set 2 Interview questions – Set 3 Interview questions – Set 4 Questions Set What is notion of directives in AngularJS? Ans: Name some of the most commonly used directives? What is uage of ng-app, ng-controller, ng-view, ng-model etc? Ans: Explain how MVC is achieved with AngularJS? What are the benefits of client-side MVC, in general? Ans: …
Java Unit Testing Interview Questions

The article presents some of the frequently asked interview questions in relation with unit testing with Java code. Please suggest other questions tthat you came across and I shall include in the list below. What is unit testing? Which unit testing framework did you use? What are some of the common Java unit testing frameworks? Ans: Read the definition of Unit testing on Wikipedia page for unit testing. Simply speaking, unit testing is about testing a block of code in isolation. There are two popular unit testing framework in Java named as Junit, TestNG. In SDLC, When is the right time to start writing unit tests? Ans: Test-along if …
Technical Architect Interview Questions – Part 2

Following is the list of questions that were discussed by me with some of the guys appearing for the position of technical lead or architect, in last few months. Please feel free to share your opinion on them. Architecture Define the roles and responsibilities of technical architect, application architect, solution architect and an enterprise architect? The reason I asked this question was that the interviewee ended up mentioning all of these roles while introducing himself. And, while answering the question, he was unable to clearly define these roles. As an advice, please take care of mentioning about your role when attending the interview for the role of an architect. For …
Technical Architect Interview Questions
Today, I happened to take an interview of a 9 years experienced guy in java technologies working as a senior tech lead in one of the global software services companies. Following are some of the questions that were discussed: 1. Define reliability and its different attributes. 2. If customer mentions reliability as one of the most important non functional requirements, what architecture and design strategy would you recommend to the team to achieve a high state of reliability? 3. If given a set of business requirements, what are done of the key steps you would undertake to reach uppity lowest most level of designing classes, interface etc? How would you …
I found it very helpful. However the differences are not too understandable for me