Category Archives: Freshers
Interns – Machine Learning Interview Questions & Answers: Set 1

This page lists down first set of machine learning / data science interview questions and answers for interns / freshers / beginners. If you are an intern or a fresher or a beginner in machine learning field, and, you are looking for some practice tests before appearing for your upcoming machine learning interview, these practice tests would prove to be very useful and handy. Machine Learning topics covered in Test In this set, some of the following topics have been covered: Machine learning fundamentals (Supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms) Different types of machine learning problems and related algorithms with examples Concepts related with regression, classification and clustering Practice Test (Questions …
10 Spring Framework Interview Questions for Freshers

Spring Framework is one of the most popular and widely used Java frameworks which makes it very easy to create a Java application/web application using several out-of-box framework components provided by Spring. Thus, it is imperative that beginners starting to do Java web app would end up using Spring framework for building the app. From that perspective, it becomes of great importance for beginners to take note of some of the basic concepts related to which interview questions can be asked. In this post, you will learn some of the Spring framework fundamentals concepts which could be asked in form of interview questions and answers. These questions and answers may …
70 Regression Analysis Interview Questions & Practice Tests

This page lists down practice tests (questions and answers), links to PDF files (consisting of interview questions) on Linear / Logistic Regression for machine learning / data scientist enthusiasts. These questions can prove to be useful, especially for machine learning / data science interns / freshers / beginners to check their knowledge from time-to-time or for upcoming interviews. Practice Tests on Linear / Multilinear Regression These are a set of four practice tests (consisting of 40 questions) covering linear (univariate) and multilinear (multivariate) regression in detail. Linear, Multiple regression interview questions and answers – Set 1 Linear, Multiple regression interview questions and answers – Set 2 Linear, Multiple regression interview …
Logistic Regression Interview Questions & Practice Tests

This page lists down a set of 30 interview questions on Logistic Regression (machine learning/data science) in form of objective questions and also provides links to a set of three practice tests that would help you test / check your knowledge on an ongoing basis. These questions and practice tests are intended to primarily help interns/freshers/beginners to help them brush up their knowledge in logistic regression from time to time. The following is a list of topics covered on this page. Introduction to logistic regression Logistic regression examples Evaluating performance of logistic regression and related techniques including AIC, deviance, ROC etc. Difference between linear and logistic regression Here is another post on …
Interview Questions – Angular Template Driven Form Set 1
This page presents interview questions in relation to creating template-driven forms using Angular (Angular 2/Angular 4) . Following concept is covered in this quiz: Template-driven forms ngModel for two-way data bindings Validation with using ngModel ngForm template reference variable [wp_quiz id=”5417″]
Interview Questions – Angular User Input Form Handling
This page represents interview questions in relation to the usage of basic primitives which can be used for handling user input and gestures while working with Angular forms. It covers some of the following topics: Usage of $event object for capturing user inputs Usage of template reference variable for handling user inputs Best practices in relation with using $event object or template reference variables Syntaxes in relation with both $event object and template reference variables [wp_quiz id=”5394″] In case you are developing web apps using Spring and Angular, check out my book, Building web apps with Spring 5 and Angular. Grab your ebook today and get started.
AngularJS Hello World Code Example

The article presents hello world code sample for AngularJS javascript framework. Following are important aspects to note while you are going through the Hello World demo and the code samples listed below. Directives ng-app, ng-controller, ng-model Template with double curly braces Step 1: Include Angular Javascript within <Head> Section Include following code within <head></head> to include Angularjs javascript file. Get the latest code such as below from Google hosted libraries page. <script src=”//”></script> Step 2: Apply ng-app directive to <Html> element Apply ng-app directive to <html> element such as following. Giving name of the app is optional. It could be written as simple as <html ng-app>. This directive is used to …
Template Project for Spring MVC 4 & Eclipse Dynamic Web Project

The article presents information, instructions and a downloadable eclipse dynamic web project that one could import in his/her Eclipse IDE and quickly get started with Spring MVC Hello World project. Web Application Folder Structure Following is the Eclipse dynamic web project folder structure based on which files in the template are laid out. Important Files Pay attention to some of the following important files: /WebContent/WEB-INF/web.xml: A file that cnsists of configuration related with how web requests will be handled using DispatcherServlet. /WebContent/WEB-INF/spring-servlet.xml: A file that consists of information on component model/lifecycle along with view handling. /WebContent/WEB-INF/views: A folder that consists of JSP files that acts as a view and referred …
Java Interview Questions (Part 1) – Rookies Series

The article (first in the series) aims to present some tricky interview Java questions that could help you score high in your next Java interviews: Programming fundamentals Question: What is difference between object-oriented programming and functional programming? Answer: Following pages present good perspective on the differences: Java Objects Question: What is difference between comparing two objects using equals method and “==” operator? Answer: Question: What is the significance of equals and hash method in Object class? Answer:—a-pragmatic-concept.html Collections Question: What is difference between LinkedList and ArrayList? When would you want to use one and not the other? Answer: Question: How come you …
10 Training Topics to Transform Rookie Developers to Good Developers

The article represents different topics on which training could be given to the rookie developers to orient them appropriately and help them become highly effective developers by writing code of great quality, doing good communication, helping fellow developers etc. If you are one who is involved in planning training programs or you are one of the rookie developers, you may want to check out following topics and do the needful. Please feel free to share your thoughts/suggestions for any other topics that could be useful. Following is a list of 10 training topics that could be covered in 25-30 hours, and that could help developers imbibe some of the characteristics …
Top 5 Code Smells Newbies Developers Could Easily Identify & Avoid

Following is one very popular image which has been used to represent time and again for representing code smells. I am doing it again. Apologies if this one is repeat for some of you. But the image nicely represents how to find if your code really smells. The code smells listed in this article would certainly lead to increase in WTF count 😉 For newbie developers, it has always remained a challenge to write code of great quality from day one. One of the primary concerns they have been found to have is following: What kind of code could be termed as high quality code? There are several characteristics of good …
Top 5 Java Forums Worth Frequent Visits for Newbie Java Developers

If you are a newbie Java developer, and want to get your queries clarified quickly along with learning Java in a fast-paced manner, you may plan to visit to some of the following forums on the regular/frequent basis. These forums have been reviewed and listed below on the basis of number of discussion threads and participation/replies from the forum members. These forums could also be frequented by experienced Java developers owing to the fact that various interesting topics related to advanced level Java are also discussed in these forums. [adsenseyu2] ( A very active forum, for Java developers of all expertise level, I personally found this best of the …
Business Process or Workflow – Chicken or Egg – Who Comes First?

Many a times, you ask the definition of business process or workflow, it so happens that the mention of other happens while a person is trying to define any of them. And, the next moment the question is asked that what is the difference between business process or workflow, and that which contains which one. This article tries to define each one and relate them appropriately while mentioning distinct difference between them? At times, it tends to appear like a chicken or egg situation which represents the fact that whether workflow in your systems may be progressed to define and create business processes (bottoms-up) or business process, once defined, needs to …
Free Online Courses from MIT For Java Web Applications

[adsenseyu2] Following are 4 courses from MIT Open Courseware (OCW) that a newbie would consider for enhancing his concepts for working in Java web applications: Software Engineering for Web Applications: The objective of the course is to enhance the familiarity of students with some of the following key concepts: Concurrency Unpredictable load Security risks Opportunity for wide-area distributed computing Creating a reliable and stateful user experience on top of unreliable connections and stateless protocols Extreme requirements and absurd development schedules Requirements that change mid-way through a project, sometimes because of experience gained from testing with users User demands for a multi-modal interface The entire course can be downloaded from following link: …
Top 5 Computing Fundamentals to Learn for a Prosperous 2014

For those of you looking to find out what will be good to learn in this new year, it would be OK to believe that computing fundamentals has become more important than ever before and it would be good to learn the same in 2014 rather than any of the programming languages such as java, .NET, or languages belonging to open-source stack. Following are some key computing fundamentals to focus upon in the coming year: Performance Engineering: As every business is planning to move their applications to cloud for various different reasons including cost-cutting measures, it has become much more important to write efficient application which makes the optimized usage …
How to Design & Develop Cloud-Ready Applications?

I have come across many a developers who were seen to have blank face when talked about the fundamentals on how to design and develop cloud ready applications. Taking a step back, most of them are still unaware of what is meaning of cloud computing and, do they require to acquire one or more specific skill sets to design and develop cloud ready applications? In short, a cloud-ready applications can be developed using any programming language. All that is required is to keep in mind few design and development fundamentals in this relation. By the way, as per the technology trends for 2014 published by several analysts, it is high …
I found it very helpful. However the differences are not too understandable for me