Tag Archives: angular 5
Angular 5 Bootstrap 4 Web App Template in 10 Minutes

This blog represents tips/concepts and code samples in relation with a quick starter web app project template using Angular 5 and Bootstrap 4. The following are key points described in this blog: Setup Angular development environment Create a new Angular template project Create components Add bootstrap file entries in index.html Place code in NavBar Component’s template Place code in Homepage Component’s template Run and Test the app Once done with the instructions, you should be able to get an Angular app such as that shown in the following screenshot, up and running in no time: Setup Angular Development Environment Install NodeJS and NPM if not present on your machine. Install …
Angular – Whether use Http or HttpClient Service
This blog represents tips and concepts on the whether to use Http or HttpClient service in your Angular app. Prior to Angular 4.3 versions, Angular Http service got used to invoke the server APIs to get the data. That meant inclusion of HttpModule for using Http Service. In Angular 4.3, HttpClient service (as part of HttpClientModule) got shipped in @angular/common as a smaller, easier, and more powerful way to make web requests in Angular. This got great acceptance in Angular developers community. From Angular 5.0.0 onwards, Angular has decided to deprecate Http service and recommends using HttpClient service for all applications. In order to start using HttpClient service, the following …
How to Upgrade from Angular 2 to Angular 5 Apps
This blog represents steps required to upgrade or update or migrate existing Angular 2 apps to Angular 5 apps. Greater details can be found on Angular 5 announcement blog. Upgrade/Update Preparation from Angular 2 to Angular 5 Apps The following are some of the activities which are recommended before the update/upgrade is done: Ensure that extends with lifecycle events are replaced with implements <lifecycle event> In case animation is used in the app, BrowserAnimationsModule from @angular/platform-browser/animations needs to be imported in NgModule OpaqueTokens should be replaced with InjectionTokens Rename the template tags to ng-template tag Update package.json file appropriately to update dependencies and devDependencies Update Package.json file for Dependencies/DevDependencies It is important to update package.json file for upgrading angular apps using Angular 4 …
How to Upgrade Angular 4 to Angular 5 Apps
This blog represents steps required to upgrade or update or migrate existing Angular 4 apps to Angular 5 apps. Greater details can be found on Angular 5 announcement blog. I must tell you that upgrading from angular 4 to angular 5 is not like the one represented below (from AngularJS to Angular 2.* and later versions). In this post, you will learn about some of the following: Preparation for upgrading from Angular 4 to Angular 5 Running the upgrade activity Post-upgrade activities Testing the Angular 5 App Upgrade/Update Preparation from Angular 4 to Angular 5 Apps The following are some of the activities which are recommended before the update/upgrade is done: Rename …
I found it very helpful. However the differences are not too understandable for me