Category Archives: Bookmarks
Quick Glance at Hyperledger Fabric Architecture Building Blocks
The diagram below represents application communication viewpoint at key building blocks of Hyperledger Fabric 1.0 architecture: Following are some of the key building blocks of Hyperledger Fabric 1.0 Architecture: Membership Services Provider: Enrolls the clients Peers: Peer nodes can be endorser (endorse proposal for transaction)and committer nodes (write block of transactions to ledger) Chaincode: Smart contract written in Java/Go which is invoked by a transaction. Peer nodes having chaincode becomes the endorser for that chaincode. ESCC (Endorser system chain code) executes the chaincode using proposal and read-write set information. Ledger: Ledger which holds the copy of transactions in form of blocks Ordering service: Consenter service which validates the transaction using VSCC (Validation system chaincode), orders …
My All-Time Web Application Security Favorites

Following are my all time favorites web pages I frequently visit for remaining up-to-date with web application security: Website I frequently visit to check out videos, presentations, Books etc. Website about building security in maturity model Website representing Web Application Security Consortium that publishes technical information, contributed articles, security guidelines, and other useful documentation. Businesses, educational institutions, governments, application developers, security professionals, and software vendors all over the world utilize their materials to assist with the challenges presented by web application security. Books: List of web application security books you would want to keep handy Web Application Security Interview Questions: List of some interesting web security interesting …
My Bookmarks (03/12/2013)
Following are some of the links in the areas of APIs and mobile that I found interesting while reading: How to go about creating your APIs: The article presents write up on API design issues and the guidelines. Came across “Mobile-first” keyword Got started with creating tutorials on PHP Programming: The OOPs way on ““. Considerations for choosing between mobile apps vs mobile websites.
I found it very helpful. However the differences are not too understandable for me