Tag Archives: spring boot
Java – Configure MySQL for Google Appengine (Standard)

In this post, you will learn about how to configure MySQL properties in your Spring Boot application for deploying it on Google AppEngine (Standard) environment. This article assumes that the MySQL database is set up as part of Google Cloud SQL fully-managed database service. The following will be covered: Configuration properties in Application.properties Configure POM entries in pom.xml file Configuration properties in Application.properties In application.properties file, while working with Spring Boot app with JPA repository, you need to have following configuration properties in application.properties file. The below assumes that you have a MySQL database with name as dbname and username/password as root/root. In above properties, the instance connection name can be …
Integrate MailGun with Spring Boot and Java App

In this post, you will learn about integrating your Spring Boot & Java app with MailGun REST API. The following are some of the points covered: Create & Configure/Load MailGun API details MailGun EmailService custom implementation Spring RestTemplate implementation Invoke/Test Email Service Create & Configure/Load MailGun API Details The following represents the Config class used to load the configuration beans by loading the properties from application.properties file. The following represents the code in application.properties file: You could get the above details from MailGun Dashboard. MailGun EmailService Custom Implementation Pay attention to some of the following in the code sample given below: Custom RestClient (Spring RestTemplate) is used for making calls …
Integrate Send Grid with Spring Boot & Java App

In this post, you will learn about integrating your Spring Boot & Java app with SendGrid Web API. The following are some of the points covered: Create & Configure/Load SendGrid API Key Configure SendGrid Maven entry in POM.xml SendGrid EmailService custom implementation Invoke/Test Email Service Create & Configure/Load SendGrid API Key Create an account with SendGrid.com Go to SendGrid Setup Guide using Web API page. Create an API key. Execute the following script in your development environment. Alternatively, you could also configure the SendGrid API key in your application.properties file and read the key details as part of loading configuration beans. The following is the sample code: In the above code …
AWS SNS Example with Spring Boot & Java

Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) is a fully managed pub/sub messaging and mobile notifications service for coordinating the delivery of messages to subscribing endpoints and clients. One can get started with Amazon SNS using AWS console or AWS CLI or AWS SDK. One example of how Amazon SNS can be used is the following: Publish a JSON message (consisting of phone no. and message) to Amazon SNS topic Above which will result in triggering an Amazon Lambda function which could in turn trigger Amazon Polly to generate text-to-speech, and, subsequently, invoke Twilio API to make the call to destined phone number. In this post, you will learn about how to …
Spring Boot & Angular 5 PWA Dev Environment Setup

In this post, you will learn about how to quickly create development environment to build an app using Spring Boot and Angular 5. Angular 5 app and Spring Boot is deployed as one single unit on Tomcat server. The following points are covered: Create a Spring Boot Spring Starter Project Create an Angular Service Worker Project Modify POM.xml for Copying Angular App Assets Create a deployment script for automated build and deployments Create a Spring Boot Spring Starter Project Within Eclipse IDE, create a Spring Starter Project for sample Spring Boot app. You may download to SpringSuite Tool Suite (STS) from Eclipse marketplace to have options such as Spring starter …
Spring Boot JPA MySQL Sample App – Code Example

Creating a Spring Boot app with MySQL data source is something every Java developer come across when thinking of creating a quick POC or app. This post is aimed to provide quick code samples which can be used to quickly create a MySQL-based Spring boot app. In this post, you will learn about code examples in relation to getting setup with Spring Boot app which interacts with MySQL database. The following are some of the topics covered: Define properties in application.properties file Create/Configure Database-related Beans Create Entity Classes (Domain) Create Database Implementation Classes (DAOs) Define Service Classes for interacting with Data Access Objects Invoke service class from SpringBoot main program …
I found it very helpful. However the differences are not too understandable for me