Tag Archives: mobile apps
Hello React Native! You Are So Cool!

This article represents a very high level introduction to React-Native platform and, highlights some of the key reasons as to why one would want to try and adopt this yet another mobile apps framework used for building native apps. Please feel free to comment/suggest if I missed to mention one or more important points. Also, sorry for the typos. React-Native is a framework for building native apps using ReactJS javascript framework. As of current release, it supports building iOS native apps using ReactJS framework. However, the primary objective has been to take the best of web and native platform and create a UIDeveloper-friendly framework that allows developers to write mobile …
Mobile Apps Testing Frameworks Used at LinkedIn

The article lists down tools & frameworks that are used for mobile app testing at LinkedIn. Vows: Vows is a behavior driven development framework for Node.js. It is used to do asynchronous testing with Node.js. The primary feature of the framework is its support for asynchronous testing with Node and, the ability to run concurrent tests. Vows also supports code coverage reporting. Robotium: Robotium is an Android test automation framework that has full support for native and hybrid applications. It supports black-box UI tests for android applications. It is used to test native LinkedIn android app. Selenium: Selenium is used to automate end-to-end testing with mobile web browsers. FoneMonkey: FoneMonkey …
I found it very helpful. However the differences are not too understandable for me