Tag Archives: Maintainability
How to Measure Code Maintainability with Sonar

This article talks about 4 different quality parameters found on Sonar dashboard which could help measuring code maintainability. Following are those quality parameters: Unit Test Coverage: Unit Test Coverage depicts code coverage in terms of unit tests written for the classes in the project. Greater test coverage depicts that developers are focusing on writing good unit tests for their code which results in greater test coverage. This also depicts the fact that the code is testable and hence, easier to change as a bad change could lead the unit tests to fail and raise the red flag. And, a code easier to change becomes a code easier to maintain. One …
Stay Single and Get Admired for Your Code
You might be wondering on the relationship between staying single, getting admired and coding! And, then, staying single forever 🙂 is something which may not be liked by most of us. So, what is this blog all about? Well, with “single, I am trying to point at “Single Responsibility Principle” and with “stay single”, I am pointing towards writing code based on “single responsibility principle”. Well, as the title of this blog goes, if you keep the “Single” responsibility principle (SRP) in mind while writing your code, there are high chances that you will end up with a great piece of code which will get liked by many including your …
Test-Along Development (TAD): Unit testing technique
While talking to one of the client stakeholder, I came across this interesting term as Test-Along Development. Following are two different techniques I came across as common way of writing unit test: Test-driven development where we write unit tests first and then write enough code to make unit tests pass Write unit tests at the end once you are done with the development. Both of the above techniques presented enough challenges to the software developers. Some of them are following: Test-driven development: In agile development, in 2 week sprints, the design took much longer than 2-3 days. Thus, doing test-driven development was found to lead carry-overs for sprint given on …
They confuse between Module & Component
Ask software developers about what do they mean by a module and a component and, what is the difference between them? Ask them about how would they represent module or a component in their daily development activities? Most of the time the answer is quite confusing. Although they use these two words interchangeably, they remain confused on their actual meanings. Module can be defined as following: Represents a functionality Can be represented as a set of components Can have manifest file representing component configuration One or more modules make an application. Technically, a package can be termed as a module. There is something called as module oriented programming as well. …
Unit Tests & What do they say?
Ask software developers about what do they mean by unit testing, and if they believe in it? And, the answer you get are some of the following: Unit testing is about writing tests for each of the method of the class. It is written only when you get some extra time after the code completion? Unit testing is done only when we are asked by our customers. Unit testing takes additional time and hence, done only if time permits. Test-driven development… What is that? Not sure if there are any benefits by writing unit tests? Test coverage… What is that? Why do we write unit tests when we are software …
What is Software Maintainability?
What did software developers say about software code Maintainability? Software developers were found to emphasise more about changeability aspect of software source code when asked to define the Maintainability. Most of them were found to be unaware of Testability aspect. What is Software Maintainability? Maintainability of a software in terms of source code maintenance is considered to be one of the key criteria for acceptance of software delivery. This is also defined as one of the key characteristic of software quality as per ISO/IEC 9126, ISO/IEC 25010 standard specification. What may make a piece of code maintainable? Changeability: The code should be easy to change. This, in turn, may also …
I found it very helpful. However the differences are not too understandable for me