Tag Archives: cloud native
Machine Learning – Cloud-native Model Deployments

In this post, we are going to learn about the cloud-native machine learning model deployments. Cloud-native Deployments First and foremost, let’s understand the meaning of cloud-native deployments? If we are building an application or a service and we can deploy this application or the service on any cloud platform without much ado, it could be said as cloud-native deployment. And the way it is made possible is through the container technologies such as Dockers. What basically is required to be done is to wrap the applications or the services within the containers and move the containers images onto the cloud services such as AWS ECS, AWS EKS or Google Kubernetes …
AWS EKS is the Way to Run Kubernetes on AWS ECS

AWS Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes, AWS EKS, is a new AWS fully managed service running Kubernetes out-of-box on AWS without needing to install and operate / manage our own Kubernetes clusters. . Gone are the days when we (63% of Kubernetes workloads as per CNCF spent time and effort setting up and running / managing Kubernetes (Master and a cluster of workers) on AWS EC2 instances with no support from AWS service. Not only this, there was whole lot of high availability requirements in relation with Kubernetes which needed to be managed by running Kubernetes master on different availability zones (AZs). Key Features of AWS EKS Support for existing plugins and …
I found it very helpful. However the differences are not too understandable for me