Tag Archives: artificial intelligence
Security Attacks Analysis of Machine Learning Models

Have you wondered around what would it be like to have your machine learning (ML) models come under security attack? In other words, your machine learning models get hacked. Have you thought through how to check/monitor security attacks on your AI models? As a data scientist/machine learning researcher, it would be good to know some of the scenarios related to security/hacking attacks on ML models. In this post, you would learn about some of the following aspects related to security attacks (hacking) on machine learning models. Examples of Security Attacks on ML Models Hacking machine learning (ML) models means…? Different types of Security Attacks Monitoring security attacks Examples of Security Attacks on ML Models Most of …
Sentiment Analysis Examples using Google Cloud NLP API

Sentiment analysis of a text document such as speech, articles on websites etc is about assessing sentiments associated with the document as a function of overall emotions expressed in form of different words. Sentiment analysis is primarily used for tracking voice of customer (VOC) by analyzing customer reviews, survey responses, etc., in social media websites such as Facebook, Twitter etc. The VOC can be related to products in general, an event, movies etc. In this post, you will learn about how to use Google Cloud NLP API for performing sentiment analysis of a text document. Java code is used for programming the sentiment analysis. Google NLP API – Sentiment Analysis Metrics …
Artificial Intelligence – Where to Put Your Time & Money

As I looked around some of the artificial intelligence (AI) related acquisitions in last few years, I got convinced, at least, on the fact that majority of large companies such as Google, Facebook, IBM are seeing various different artificial intelligence topics to play a key role in impacting end users’ life (and hence, developers) in the future. With that as the background, it gave me good enough reasons to start doing research in relation with following: As students, what topics of artificial intelligence should they take up as one of their computer science courses while selecting under-graduate & post graduate courses? As developers/programmers, what topics of artificial intelligence should they …
Can Artificial Intelligence be the Next Big Bet for Developers?

The article presents an analysis on what’s trending in the world of artificial intelligence thereby providing food for thought for the developers if they would want to bet on engineering field such as artificial intelligence and develop their expertise around that. What is Artificial Intelligence? Artificial intelligence (AI) is the intelligence exhibited by machines or software, and the branch of computer science that develops machines and software with human-like intelligence. Read further on the Wikipedia page. In this article, we shall primarily focus upon the software that could have human-like intelligence. Following are some of the characteristics of AI-based software: Maintain ontology of knowledge representing concepts and their relationships. Should have …
I found it very helpful. However the differences are not too understandable for me