Category Archives: Operability

Software Build & Release Versioning Strategy

The blog represents the software build and release versioning strategy which can be used to tag web or mobile releases with different version numbering schemes as illustrated later. The strategy can as well be used for software versioning. Build/Release Version Numbering Scheme – <major>.<minor>.<patch>.<buildnumber> A release version can be of type <major>.<minor>.<patch>.<buildnumber>. Following is what each of these keywords such as major, minor, patch and buildnumber represents: major: Indicates a significant change in the application which may essentially mean one of the following: The app is re-written The app has changed significantly so much so that backward compatibility with older versions gets broken. Large set of new features At times, …

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Posted in DevOps, Operability, Software Engg. Tagged with .

Solution to Permission Denied (Public Key) for Git Clone

Following error occurs while you are trying to clone a git project. I tried cloning a Github demo project in relation with ReactJS and NodeJS using command such as git clone In this blog, we will look into the solution of this github permission denied (public key) issue related with cloning a project using git clone command. Solution to Permission Denied (Public Key) Error Generated a new SSH Key The details can be found on this page, Generating a new SSH key and additing it to the ssh-agent Add the public key to your Github account As shown in the screenshot below, you would be required to add the …

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Posted in Operability, Software Engg.

How to Write Good Doc Comments for a Class/Method?

Well, software engineers love to jump to the code (minus document) once design is completed. Majority of them do not write the help text around the class or methods. Some of them do write but they do not provide enough information. There are various reasons for the lack of enough comments within a class. Some of them are lack of time, lack of writing/articulation skills etc. Following are some of the questions which would you like to answer as part of comments for method or a class: Functionality: What does the class or the method do? You may want to provide information regarding the business requirement that the component fulfills. …

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Posted in Operability, Software Quality. Tagged with , .

Software Quality Review – Scribe OAuth Library

Scribe OAuth Library helps you do quick OAuth based integration with some of the following web applications: Google Facebook Twitter LinkedIn and many more. You could find further details on following page on github. Following will present information on different perspectives: Structure   Maintainability The duplication percentage isn’t very high. Duplication is one of the key criteria that reflects on the maintainability of the code. Higher the duplication, difficult is the code to maintain. Duplication is also considered as one of the code smells. Also, due to unavailability of unit tests in the source code bundle, I could not find the test coverage. Otherwise, test coverage depicts the testability of …

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Posted in Maintainability, Metrics, Operability, Review, Software Quality. Tagged with .

Source code complexity: Operability Indicator

The complexity of source code can be used to represent the operability of source code. Before we look into various different techniques to measure code complexity, lets briefly understand the operability of source code. Operability is also one of the key characteristic of software quality requirements and evaluation standards (SQUARE). What is Source Code Operability The operability of source code can be defined in terms of ease of understandability and learn ability of the code. That, in turn, can represented in terms of how complex the code is, or, simply speaking, the code complexity. In another words, if the code is complex, it is difficult to understand & learn and …

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Posted in Operability, Software Quality. Tagged with .