Category Archives: Latest Tech

Google Glass Technology Stack

If you have been wondering on what would it take for someone to get up and running with google glass development. Following is a list of technologies that forms the technology stack for google glass: Web service protocol: REST Message format: JSON Google Client API: Java, .NET, PHP, Python, javascript, Ruby

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Google Glass – Mirror API – Glasswares – High Level Architecture

If you have been trying to understand the architecture around google glass, I have tried to put it in simpler manner. Feel free to share your comment. Lets try and understand the above architecture: Glass users subscription to your service: You develop one or more web-based service for google glass and publish. These services can be termed as glasswares. Glass users subscribes to your service by logging on to your website authenticating themselves using OAuth 2.0 Glassware updates using Mirror API: Your google glassware then starts publishing to google glass cloud using mirror API. To be able to that, you must register your service with google cloud. Google Glass synchronizes …

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Google Glass & Enterprise Adoption

With Google Glass Mirror API been published, all sorts of ideas have started floating around the internet. One such idea that I have been wondering upon is, how would enterprise adopt the Google glass. That means whether an enterprise would want to buy google glasses for its employees in the same way that some companies have been providing iPads to their employees in current scenario. There are multiple different reasons which may lead enterprise to adopt the google glass to certain class of employees to start with. Lets take a look at some of the scenarios. 1. Whiteboarding Pictures: As IT organizations have started moving to adoption of Agile SCRUM …

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What does Google Glass Menu Look Alike?

Following is how the Google Glass Menu look like? How to work with google glass menu? All you have to do is say, “Ok Glass”. Once you said that, following default google glass menu items appear on the little screen shown above: google take a picture record a video get directions to… How you go about selecting a particular menu item? All you do is say one of the following: ok glass, google … ok glass, take a picture ok glass, record a video ok glass, get directions to…

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Google Glass Development Kit for Developers At Large

Are you one of the hands-on types who is looking out to get their hands dirty with google glass project? Good news is that Google just released a set of webpages targeted for developers’ community only a few days back. You can access it here. What does this mean for developer community? We, developers, could get started on basic fundamentals and also, do some hands-on exercise. Currently, google development kit is only available for following two classes of developers: Java Python This essentially means that in case you are not familiar with Java or Python (open-source), you may have to quickly get on with these technologies to get started with …

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Google Glass to Revolutionize Big Data

Google glass project, once in full swing and with full acceptance by consumers, will turn out to be a biggest source of data which could be treated best by applying big data technologies. Simply speaking, Big Data is data set having following characteristics: Volume Velocity Variety Veracity That said, Google Glass will add variety of data in greater volume at much greater velocity. Some of the existing big data technologies that can be thought to help great deal to store and process data acquired by Google Glass are following: Hadoop (HDFS & MapReduce) HBase for non-relational database to work with data stored with Hadoop Hive for business analytics Solr (Lucene) …

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