Category Archives: Cryptocurrency
Lessons on Blockchain & Cryptocurrency for MBA Students

Given that both, financial and non-financial businesses are trying to figure out how they could use Blockchain to impact their business in a positive manner, it is becoming imperative for MBA students to learn the basics of Blockchain & related technologies. The following are some of the topics which could be included in the course-curriculum for MBA courses related to Blockchain and cryptocurrency. Blockchain fundamentals Distributed ledger technology (DLT) Types of Blockchains (public, private/permissioned) Terminologies such as a unit of value, transaction, a block of transaction Consensus algorithms Authentication mechanisms for permissioned blockchain Blockchain platforms such as Ethereum, Hyperledger, Corda, EOS, Multichain etc. Smart Contracts Cryptocurrency – Bitcoin, Ether & Others Hard forks such as Bitcoin Cash Cryptocurrency exchanges Initial …
Cheat sheet – 1500 Cryptocurrency Tokens / Coins & Details – Part 4

This post lists down some of the following information related to different cryptocurrency coins/tokens. This could be used as a quick reference/cheat sheet to get quick information about any specific cryptocurrency coin. Token name Ticker Symbol used in cryptocurrency exchanges Company’s Website Explorer where details in relation to coins, tokens can be found Source code (Github) Twitter handle List of 400 Cryptocurrency Tokens / Coins S.No Token Name Explorer Source Code Twitter 1101 Cannation (CNNC) Explorer 1 GitHub 1102 Dogecoin (DOGE) Explorer 1 GitHub @dogecoin 1103 Delphy (DPY) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @delphy_org 1104 MicroMoney (AMM) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @micromoneyio 1105 AnarchistsPrime (ACP) Explorer 1 GitHub …
Cheat sheet – 1500 Cryptocurrency Tokens / Coins & Details – Part 3

This post lists down some of the following information related to 400 different cryptocurrency coins/tokens. This could be used as a quick reference/cheat sheet to get quick information about any specific cryptocurrency coin. Token name Ticker Symbol used in cryptocurrency exchanges Company’s Website Explorer where details in relation to coins, tokens can be found Source code (Github) Twitter handle List of 400 Cryptocurrency Tokens / Coins S.No Token Name Explorer Source Code Twitter 701 Sparks (SPK) Explorer 1 GitHub @Sparks_Crypro 702 ALQO (ALQO) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @ALQOCOIN 703 Curecoin (CURE) Explorer 1 GitHub @CureCoin_Team 704 NVO (NVST) Explorer 1 GitHub @nvoexchange 705 IslaCoin (ISL) Explorer 1 GitHub …
Cheat sheet – 1500 Cryptocurrency Tokens / Coins & Details – Part 2

This post lists down some of the following information related to different cryptocurrency coins / tokens. This could be used as a quick reference/cheatsheet to get quick information about any specific cryptocurrency coin. Token name Ticker Symbol used in cryptocurrency exchanges Company’s Website Explorer where details in relation to coins, tokens can be found Source code (Github) Twitter handle List of 400 Cryptocurrency Tokens / Coins S.No Token Name Explorer Source Code Twitter 301 SwagBucks (BUCKS) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @SwagSociety_me 302 Etherparty (FUEL) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @etherparty_com 303 Ripio Credit Network (RCN) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 GitHub @RCN_token 304 Revain (R) Explorer 1, Explorer 2 …
Cheat sheet – 1500 Cryptocurrency Tokens / Coins & Details

This post lists down some of the following information related to different cryptocurrency coins/tokens. This could be used as a quick reference/cheat sheet to get quick information about any specific cryptocurrency coin. Token name, Ticker Symbol used in cryptocurrency exchanges, Company’s Website Explorer where details in relation to coins, tokens can be found Source code (Github) Twitter handle This post lists down 300 tokens. The remaining 1200 tokens are split into another 3 pages such as below: 300-700 Cryptocurrency Tokens 700-1100 Cryptocurrency Tokens 1100-1500 Cryptocurrency Tokens List of 300 Cryptocurrency Tokens / Coins S.No Token Name Explorer Source Code Twitter 1 Primalbase Token (PBT) Explorer 1 @primalbasehq 2 CHIPS (CHIPS) …
Cryptocurrency – Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash Difference

Bitcoin is the first decentralized digital cryptocurrency which can be transacted between different users without the need for a trusted centralized bank. The bitcoin transactions are recorded in a shared distributed ledger which is maintained by the computer nodes (peer nodes) in a peer-to-peer (P2P) network. The underlying technology is called as distributed ledger technology (DLT) or Blockchain. The ticker symbol for Bitcoin is BTC. Last year in 2017, Bitcoin Cash came into existence. Having similar names, it may get confusing as to whether they are same? Can Bitcoins be converted into Bitcoin Cash based on any formula? Well, Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash are different. If you have come across …
Top 10 Global Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency Trading Platforms (2018)

Every other person interested in cryptocurrencies is looking out for trusted and popular cryptocurrency trading/exchange platforms where he/she could trade or exchange digital currencies such as Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC) etc. In this post, you are provided with the following list of digital currency exchange (in order of popularity) which is created based on Google Search trends. Please note that this list will be updated from time-to-time to maintain the data sanity. Feel free to suggest. Binance Coinbase – Enables buying and selling for Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC) Bittrex – Supports trading of some of the following currencies: Bitcoin (BTC) Ubiq (UBQ) Litecoin (LTC) Blackcoin (BLK) …
Cryptocurrency – Technology behind Ledger Hardware Wallet Blue

Ledger, a french cryptocurrency start-up has raised $75 million for taking their hardware wallets for securing storage and transactions of cryptocurrencies around the world, and, also invest further in research and development programs. The primary goal of these hardware wallets is to store the cryptocurrency such as bitcoin and ethereum holdings offline to remove the risk of being hacked. The following are couple of products by ledger in relation to securely storing and transacting cryptocurrencies: Ledger Blue (Bitcoins) Ledger Nano S (Bitcoin, ethereum, litecoin and other blockchain-based cryptocurrencies) In this post, you will learn about the technology behind Ledger’s Hardware Wallet product, namely, Ledger Wallet Blue. In one of the …
I found it very helpful. However the differences are not too understandable for me