Tag Archives: springframework

Template – HTML5 BoilerPlate with Spring MVC & GAE

This article provides instructions on how to create your quick Google App Engine (GAE) based web application project using Eclipse IDE, based on Spring MVC and HTML5Boilerplate (or Initializr) HTML project templates. Note that this is my personal way to get started quickly with any GAE-based web projects within 5 minutes or so and upload the same on Google cloud. Please feel free to comment/suggest if I missed to mention one or more important points. Also, sorry for the typos. Following are key points described later in this article: Create HTML template projects using Initializr Create Google App Engine/Spring MVC template project Create Google Web Application project & Import Files …

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AngularJS – Single Page App with RESTful APIs & Spring MVC

Single Page App with AngularJS

The article presents recipe to create single page application with AngularJS & Spring MVC where different pages are required to do transactions with server using RESTful API. The demonstration is created on this page, http://hello-angularjs.appspot.com/angularjs-single-page-app-restful-apis. Code samples and related concepts are presented for following requirements of single page app: Initially one page is loaded with side navigation. Clicking on side navigation loads new view (data) from server by consuming RESTful API using ngResource, resourceservicewithqueryactionmethodClickingonindividualitemslinkloadstherelateddatafromserver,againbyconsumingRESTfulAPIusingngResource,resource service with “get” action method Submitting a set of data consumes a …

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Posted in Java, Javascript. Tagged with , .

AngularJS – Post Data with ngResource, RESTful APIs and Spring MVC

angularjs restful api

  The article presents concepts and some take-away code samples for developers wanting to POST data to RESTFul APIs using ngResource (resource)servicewithSpringMVConserverside.Thedemoforthisexamplecouldbefoundonthispage,http://helloangularjs.appspot.com/angularjsrestfulapispostmethodcodeexample.TheprimaryreasonwhyIlovedthisapproachratherthanusinghttp service is the fact that using ngResource allows you to have abstraction such as a Misplaced &resource class object, one could directly call action methods such as get, save. However, on …

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Posted in Java, Javascript, UI. Tagged with , .

AngularJS – How to Post JSON Data using AJAX & SpringMVC

The article presents code samples that one could use to quickly get started with posting JSON data using AngularJS  $http service while working with SpringMVC web application. The demo for the code below could be found on this page, http://hello-angularjs.appspot.com/angularjs-http-service-ajax-post-json-data-code-example.  Earlier, I posted this article where one could post the html data (text/html) using AJAX & SpringMVC. Following are key steps: Create SpringMVC Controller methods and a POJO Create AngularJS Controller Method Create View   SpringMVC Controller methods and a POJO Following are key steps: Create a controller method to access the page consisting of UI that will be posting using AJAX Create a controller method that shall be receiving the …

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Posted in Java, Javascript. Tagged with , , , .

AngularJS & SpringMVC – How to Fix 415 Unsupported Media Type Error

  The article presents tips on how to fix 415 Unsupported Media Type error while working with AngularJS & SpringMVC web application when one tries to POST JSON data using httpservice.ThesolereasonIwantedtowritethisblogistohelpmanyofmyfriendswhoaremostlikelytohitthisonewhentheyworkonpostingJSONdatatoSpringMVCwebcontrollerusinghttp service. Possible scenarios: Most likely, you might not have included Jackson libraries in the classpath. Thus, go to http://wiki.fasterxml.com/JacksonDownload and download all the jar files. Alternatively, get slightly back-dated version of all of the libraries in one jar file from http://www.java2s.com/Code/Jar/j/Downloadjacksonall199jar.htm. …

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Posted in Java, Javascript. Tagged with , , , .

AngularJS – How to POST Data using AJAX & Spring MVC – Part 1

The article presents the code example that one may use to post data to server using AngularJS httpservice,whileworkingwithSpringMVCwebapplication.Thesameisdemonstratedinthefollowingpage:http://helloangularjs.appspot.com/angularjshttpserviceajaxpostcodeexample.ThisarticleisfirstintheseriesofarticlesondifferenttechniquesthatcouldbeusedtoPOSTdifferentformatsofdatatotheserverwhenworkingwithAngularJSandSpringMVC.Inthisarticle,thecodesamplesdemonstratehowtopostplainHTMLtextdata(text/html)formattotheserver.Followingarekeysteps:CreateSpringMVCwebcontrollersmethodsCreateAngularJScontrollermethodusinghttp service to post data Create view to receive input …

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Posted in Java, Javascript. Tagged with , , , .

AngularJS – How to Get Data from AJAX & Spring MVC

  The article presents steps one need to code in order to get data from server using XMLHttpRequest (XHR) while working with Spring MVC Java web application. Watch the demo and code samples at http://hello-angularjs.appspot.com/angularjs-http-service-ajax-get-code-example. Following are key steps: Write two methods in Spring MVC controller, one to load the page and other to serve AJAX request Write AngularJS code to get the data (model) in the controller method using $http  Write the view to display the data   Spring MVC Controller Methods Following are two methods one need to write in the Spring MVC Controller: Method below serves the page, views/httpservice_get.jsp when accessed using the following URL: http://hello-angularjs.appspot.com/angularjs-http-service-ajax-get-code-example. Try …

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Posted in Java, Javascript. Tagged with , , , .

Spring MVC Web.xml & Spring-Servlet.xml – Code Example

The article presents information around two key configuration files and code samples that one could pickup, put in their web application folder and get up and running. What & Why Web.xml? Web.xml is a deployment descriptor file. Simply speaking, see web.xml as a file used to describe classes, resources and configurations which is used by web server to serve the requests. As the request reaches to the web server, the server uses web.xml to map the URL of the request to the code that would handle the request. While working with Spring MVC, the server, in turn, delegates the request to DispatcherServlet which retrieves appropriate controller that would be used …

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Posted in Java. Tagged with , , .