Tag Archives: oauth
OAuth Explained with Google OAuth 2.0 Playground

The article represents concepts around OAuth based authentication with help of Google OAuth 2.0 Playground, Thanks to Google! Google OAuth 2.0 playground could be accessed at https://developers.google.com/oauthplayground/ . It may be recommended to check the article on OAuth Authentication in order to understand the OAuth with the help of OAuth playground in a much better fashion. Google OAuth 2.0 Playground is a Google application put out there on the web for users to achieve some of the following objectives: Work with various different Google APIs and study/understand API feed data in form of request/response (JSON response). Understand OAuth based authentication and underlying technology consisting of concepts such as authorization code, authorization, request/refresh tokens etc. In …
What is OAuth-based Authentication?

Although there are several articles on the internet on OAuth including the pages on http://www.oauth.net , I was unable to understand the concept behind OAuth by going through any one of those pages and instead kept wandering to several pages. Maybe, because I was impatient soul and wanted to land onto one page which could help me understand it all at just one page without me to wander another set of pages including image searches in Google for keyword “oauth” or “oauth authentication”. The only pages which matched my appetite is http://hueniverse.com/oauth/ . However, one has to patiently go through all of these pages to understand OAuth. This is quite …
I found it very helpful. However the differences are not too understandable for me