Tag Archives: firebase

Angular – Firebase Authentication using Email Password

In this post, you will learn about angular code sample or example related to firebase authentication using email and password in an Angular app. The code has been tested with Angular 7.* and latest version of AngularFire. You will learn some of the following in this post: Login code example using Firebase Method, signInWithEmailAndPassword LoginComponent code for invoking Firebase Authentication using AuthService Login Code Example using Firebase Method, signInWithEmailAndPassword The code could be put inside a file such as auth.service.ts. Pay attention to the fact that an instance of Observable is returned from the login api. In the above code, a GenericResponse object is used for capturing the error message details. The following represents the code for GenericResponse object. …

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Posted in AngularJS, firebase, Javascript, Web. Tagged with , , , .

Java Code Sample to Access Firebase Data

This article represents Java code sample which can be used to access Firebase database. Please feel free to comment/suggest if I missed to mention one or more important points. Also, sorry for the typos. Pre-requisite for Firebase Database Access It is recommended to not allow anyone to access Firebase database without any kind of authentication. The minimum that could be done is enable “Anonymous Authentication” by logging in Firebase console. Java Code Sample for Firebase Database Access In the code below, note some of the following: Code for anonymous authentication Code for accessing a user object based on a given userId Firebase firebase = new Firebase(“https://dbname.firebaseio.com/”); firebase.authAnonymously(new Firebase.AuthResultHandler() { @Override …

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Posted in Java, Web. Tagged with , .