Category Archives: Search
ElasticSearch Create, Query, Delete Index – Java Example

ElasticSearch Java APIs can be used to create, update, query (retrieve items) and delete the index. In this post, you will learn about using Java APIs for performing CRUD operations in relation with managing indices and querying items in ElasticSearch. Create an empty index with data type mapping Create/update the index using BulkRequest APIs Search Index using QueryBuilder and SearchRequestBuilder APIs Delete the index Create an Empty Index with Data-type Mapping Create/Update the Index using BulkRequest APIs Pay attention to some of the following: Create an instance of TransportClient Prepare bulk request for inserting multiple entries in index Delete the Index Pay attention to some of the following: Create an …
ElasticSearch Fuzzy Query Example in Java

ElasticSearch fuzzy query can be used in scenarios when the user searches with mistyped keywords or misspellings. Alternatively, it can also be used for performing the search for similar words based on Levenshtein Edit Distance, which can be defined as the minimum number of single-character edits (insertions, deletions or substitutions) required to change one word into the other. In this post, Fuzzy Search using ElasticSearch Java API is demonstrated. Some of the following points are covered: Getting Setup with ElasticSearch and Kibana ElasticSearch Library POM Entries Using Fuzzy Query API for fuzzy search Using Match Query API for fuzzy search Using Bool Query API for Fuzzy Search Getting Setup with …
Get Started with ElasticSearch and Kibana on Windows

ElasticSearch is a distributed, restful analytics search engine which is used to provide faster search through your data than the traditional databases including RDBMS and NoSQL databases. It works by regularly creating data indices from the data stored in traditional databases and use Lucene library to search through the data. Kibana is the visualization client used to explore, visualize and discover the data. In this post, you would learn about some of the following: Setup ElasticSearch and Kibana on Windows Load Sample Data and play around Setup ElasticSearch and Kibana on Windows Setup ElasticSearch on Windows: Go to the elasticsearch installation page and download the file Follow the instructions on the page …
I found it very helpful. However the differences are not too understandable for me