Unit Testing with JUnit & Mockito – Code Examples

unit testing

The article presents quick code example for doing unit testing with JUnit & Mockito mocking framework. It also represents unit testing naming convention where features text is used for naming the test methods thereby representing test class as alternate documentation for the class under test.

Following is done while defining Mock member variables

  • Use @Mock annotation ahead of member variable definitions

Following are steps done in the setup method:

  • Initialize the mock using MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this);
  • Object of class under test is initialized with the mock objects

Following steps are used in each of the unit test methods:

  • Create/Initialize required objects for working with mocks and methods under test
  • Set the mock behavior on dependent objects
  • Execute the method under test 
  • Perform assertions
  • Verify the program execution path by checking on whether a method is invoked or not

The code below represents the class under test and the unit test written to test the class. Take a look the unit test names which represents the card creation function and the scenarios in which it would pass or fail. Following are names. These are unlike the unit test names which uses the function name with state and execution result. I find it easy to understand the unit tests in this way.

  1. cardIsNotCreatedIfMandatoryUserDetailsNotProvided
  2. cardIsNotCreatedIfCardFailedToPersistInDatabase
  3. cardIsCreatedIfAllBusinessRulesAreSatisfied


Class Under Test


public CPResult createCard( Card card ) {

	CPResult cpResult = new CPResult();

	if( card != null ) {
		boolean validated = cdValidator.validate( card );
		if( validated ) {
			boolean cardCreated = cardDAO.createCard( card );
			if( !cardCreated ) {					
				cpResult.setMessage( CPResult.CARD_PERSISTENCE_FAILURE_MESSAGE );
		} else {				
			cpResult.setMessage( CPResult.CARD_VALIDATION_FAILURE_MESSAGE );
	} else {			
		cpResult.setMessage( CPResult.CARD_FATAL_ERROR_MESSAGE );
	if( cpResult.getMessage() != null ) {
		cpResult.setStatus( CPResult.CARD_OPERATION_FAILURE );
	return cpResult;		


Unit Test Class


public class PrepaidCardProcessorTest {

	private PrepaidCardProcessor prepaidCP;	
	@Mock private CardDetailsValidator cdValidator;
	@Mock private CardDAO cardDAO;

	public void setUp() throws Exception {
		prepaidCP = new PrepaidCardProcessor();
		prepaidCP.setCdValidator( cdValidator );
		prepaidCP.setCardDAO( cardDAO );

	public void tearDown() throws Exception {

	public void cardIsNotCreatedIfMandatoryUserDetailsNotProvided() {
		// Create required objects for working with mocks and methods under test
		Card card = new Card();		
		// Set the mock behavior on dependent objects
		Mockito.when( cdValidator.validate( card ) ).thenReturn( false );
		// Execute the method under test 
		CPResult cpresult = prepaidCP.createCard( card );
		// Perform assertions
		assertTrue( cpresult.getStatus() == CPResult.CARD_OPERATION_FAILURE );
		assertTrue( cpresult.getMessage().equals( CPResult.CARD_VALIDATION_FAILURE_MESSAGE ) );
		// Verify the program execution path by checking on whether a method is invoked or not
		Mockito.verify(cardDAO, Mockito.never() ).createCard( card );

	public void cardIsNotCreatedIfCardFailedToPersistInDatabase() {
		// Create required objects for working with mocks and methods under test
		Card card = new Card();		
		// Set the mock behavior on dependent objects
		Mockito.when( cdValidator.validate( card ) ).thenReturn( true );
		Mockito.when( cardDAO.createCard( card ) ).thenReturn( false );
		// Execute the method under test 
		CPResult cpresult = prepaidCP.createCard( card );
		// Perform assertions
		assertTrue( cpresult.getStatus() == CPResult.CARD_OPERATION_FAILURE );
		assertTrue( cpresult.getMessage().equals( CPResult.CARD_PERSISTENCE_FAILURE_MESSAGE ) );
		// Verify the program execution path by checking on whether a method is invoked or not
		Mockito.verify(cardDAO ).createCard( card );

	public void cardIsCreatedIfAllBusinessRulesAreSatisfied() {
		// Create required objects for working with mocks and methods under test
		Card card = new Card();		
		// Set the mock behavior on dependent objects
		Mockito.when( cdValidator.validate( card ) ).thenReturn( true );
		Mockito.when( cardDAO.createCard( card ) ).thenReturn( true );
		// Execute the method under test 
		CPResult cpresult = prepaidCP.createCard( card );
		// Perform assertions
		assertTrue( cpresult.getStatus() == CPResult.CARD_OPERATION_SUCCESS );	
		assertNull( cpresult.getMessage() );
		// Verify the program execution path by checking on whether a method is invoked or not
		Mockito.verify(cardDAO ).createCard( card );



Ajitesh Kumar

Ajitesh Kumar

I have been recently working in the area of Data analytics including Data Science and Machine Learning / Deep Learning. I am also passionate about different technologies including programming languages such as Java/JEE, Javascript, Python, R, Julia, etc, and technologies such as Blockchain, mobile computing, cloud-native technologies, application security, cloud computing platforms, big data, etc. I would love to connect with you on Linkedin. Check out my latest book titled as First Principles Thinking: Building winning products using first principles thinking.
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