Tag Archives: programming

Liskov Substitution Principle with Java Code Examples

This article describes what is Liskov Substitution Principle along with code examples in Java. Please feel free to comment/suggest if I missed mentioning one or more important points. Also, sorry for the typos. In this post, you will learn some of the following: What is Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP)? Code Samples to Illustrate LSP What is code quality characteristic that represents by LSP? You may also want to check another code quality principle such as Single Responsibility Principle explained with Java Examples. What is Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP)? Take a look at this paper on Liskov Substitution Principle which provides great details on Liskov Substitution Principle. As per LSP, functions …

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Posted in Java, Programming, Software Quality. Tagged with , .

Developers Playgrounds to Play & Learn

The article lists down the details around different programming playgrounds that could be used by developers to learn while playing with different technologies (programming languages & APIs). What are Developers Playground? Developers playground are online applications that facilitates enhanced learning of different programming languages/API by providing developers with the IDEs like development platforms where different programs could be written and executed side-by-side and results could be studied/examined. Following is the broad classification of such playgrounds. Programming Playground In playgrounds related with programming languages, developers could learn languages while doing the coding and see the output side-by-side. Following are some of the programming playgrounds: Codecademy.com (It also presents playground for APIs …

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Posted in API Development, Software Engg. Tagged with , .

4 Reasons Why You Would Want to Create Custom Exceptions?

custom exceptions

Either you are writing a program in Java or .NET, the questions remains that why to create custom exceptions in the first place? I, in my initial years as IT professional, also kept wondering on why, at all, there is a need for custom exceptions whenever I use to come across one of these types. At the same time, I also wondered on how to come up with right names for custom exceptions if at all I want to create one. Please feel free to add to the below reasons if you believe that there are other points that should also be covered as part of benefits for creating custom …

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Posted in Software Engg. Tagged with , .