Tag Archives: certification
5 Reasons to get Docker Certified Associate Certification

Docker certification is about passing Docker Certified Associate (DCA) exam and getting recognition for your Docker skills. The following are some of the benefits mentioned on the Docker certification page. Recognition for your Docker skills with an official Docker credential Digital certificate and use of the Docker Certified Associate logo Exclusive access to the Docker Certified professional network on LinkedIn and invites to certified-only events However, I believe there is much more to why developers should consider going through the Docker certification exam preparation, if not, take the exam and get certified. In this post, I would like to present some perspectives in relation to Docker certification. In the process, …
Docker Certification Practice Questions – Dockerfile

Docker allows applications to run securely while being isolated in a container, packaged with all its dependencies and libraries. It has become extremely popular virtualization technology of recent times. Thus, it makes it much more important to learn this technology and complement your developer’s experience as it not only enhances your productivity but also help you in your career from an overall perspective. Read this post in relation to why you should consider adopting docker sooner than later. In this post, you will take a practice test and learn the related notes in relation to building Docker image using Dockerfile. This and several other practice tests which will be published …
Kubernetes Certification Practice Test (Storage Volumes)

Kubernetes storage volumes is a very important concept in relation to how data is managed within a Pod (consisting of one or more containers) and also the data lifecycle. In this post, you will learn about some of the following in relation to Kubernetes storage volumes. There is a practice test which will help you test your knowledge in relation to the storage volumes concept in Kubernetes. This test could prove to be useful and helpful for Kubernetes certification examination for Certified Kubernetes Administration (CKA). It may also prove to be useful for interviews. Revision notes on Kubernetes storage volumes Practice test Revision Notes Kubernetes different volume types such as some of the following …
Kubernetes Certification Exam (CKA) Sample Questions Sets

This article represents a series of practice / sample tests on some of the following topics as per the Kubernetes CKA exams syllabus. Kubernetes certification expert page also provides weightage associated with different topics. Topics Weightage Application Lifecycle Management 8% Installation, Configuration & Validation 12% Core Concepts 19% Networking 11% Scheduling 5% Security 12% Cluster Maintenance 11% Logging / Monitoring 5% Storage 7% Troubleshooting 10% These questions are intended to provide you with practice tests to test your knowledge on different Kubernetes concepts before appearing for Kubernetes certification (CKA) exams. This page will be updated from time-to-time as more practice tests are added. Practice / Sample Tests on Kubernetes Topics …
I found it very helpful. However the differences are not too understandable for me