Tag Archives: Bonita REST API
Some Source Code for Bonita Rest API Implementation

[adsenseyu2] Following are key source code blocks/classes/APIs to consider for you to get started with Bonita REST API implementation: AccessorUtil: This is the gateway API which is used to get instance of key API implementations. For example, AccessorUtil.getRuntimeAPI() gets you an instance of RuntimeAPI to work with. ProcessDefinitionUUID: The ProcessDefinitionUUID (org.ow2.bonita.facade.uuid.ProcessDefinitionUUID) class is one of the important parameter required to create an instance of process, such as ProcessInstanceUUID. Following code helps instantiate the process: ProcessDefinitionUUID processDefinitionUUID = new ProcessDefinitionUUID(process, version); try { return runtimeAPI.instantiateProcess(processDefinitionUUID, params); } catch (ProcessNotFoundException e) { } catch (VariableNotFoundException e) { } LightTaskInstance: LightTaskInstance (org.ow2.bonita.light.LightTaskInstance) defines the tasks for the workflow. RuntimeAPI: RuntimeAPI (org.ow2.bonita.facade.RuntimeAPI) is used to …
I found it very helpful. However the differences are not too understandable for me