Tag Archives: Bonita
Some Source Code for Bonita Rest API Implementation

[adsenseyu2] Following are key source code blocks/classes/APIs to consider for you to get started with Bonita REST API implementation: AccessorUtil: This is the gateway API which is used to get instance of key API implementations. For example, AccessorUtil.getRuntimeAPI() gets you an instance of RuntimeAPI to work with. ProcessDefinitionUUID: The ProcessDefinitionUUID (org.ow2.bonita.facade.uuid.ProcessDefinitionUUID) class is one of the important parameter required to create an instance of process, such as ProcessInstanceUUID. Following code helps instantiate the process: ProcessDefinitionUUID processDefinitionUUID = new ProcessDefinitionUUID(process, version); try { return runtimeAPI.instantiateProcess(processDefinitionUUID, params); } catch (ProcessNotFoundException e) { } catch (VariableNotFoundException e) { } LightTaskInstance: LightTaskInstance (org.ow2.bonita.light.LightTaskInstance) defines the tasks for the workflow. RuntimeAPI: RuntimeAPI (org.ow2.bonita.facade.RuntimeAPI) is used to …
Bonita REST API & Application Architecture

[adsenseyu2] I have been working on BonitaSoft REST API in order to meet following customers’ requirements: The customer has multiple line of business (LOB) applications. The customer has decided to make a strategic move to offer solutions to their existing and new customers rather than one or more products from their multiple LOBs which can be accessed by a web application dashboard. These solution span across multiple LOB applications and is envisioned to leverage functionality offered by these applications using service API. In this regard, one key fundamental architectural component that got introduced is workflow tool, BonitaSoft. The workflow tool is used to execute one or more workflows which forms …
I found it very helpful. However the differences are not too understandable for me