Category Archives: UI
Recipe for Non-UI Developers to Build Great Web UI

The article presents recipe for non-UI developers to build and serve great WEB UIs for their next Web projects. If ever you wanted to break free from your dependency on UI developers for small changes in UI, you may want to read the following. If you are a UI developer and believe that I have missed on one or more aspects, which I admit I may miss, please shout out loud. Ingredients HTML concepts including DIV (Key ingredient) CSS basic concepts Javascript basic concepts JQuery Bootstrap Preparation Time (2-3 Weeks) If focused for an hour a day on an average with possibly few extra hours in the weekend :-), …
Bootstrap UI TextField, Dropdown and Button – Code Examples

The article presents quick code samples on Bootstrap form and its elements such as textfield, dropdown, button etc that one could copy and paste and get started quickly. For those unaware of what is Bootstrap, following is a very brief write-up: Bootstrap is a popular UI framework which helps one to create great UI for both Web and Mobile projects. The information and code samples could be accessed on All I could say is that the day I came across Bootstrap, I managed to create great UIs for all of my Java projects in no time. Something that I always looked upon others to help me with. Something which …
I found it very helpful. However the differences are not too understandable for me