Category Archives: Pharma
Clinical Trials & Statistics Use Cases: Examples

Are you a statistician, data scientist or business analyst working in the field of clinical trials? Do you find yourself curious about how statistical analyses play a pivotal role in unlocking valuable actionable insights and driving critical decisions in drug development? If so, in this blog, we will learn about various different use cases where clinical trials and statistics intersect. Clinical trials are the backbone of evidence-based medicine, paving the way for the discovery and development of innovative therapies that can improve patient outcomes. Within this realm, statistics allows researchers and analysts to make sense of complex data, evaluate treatment efficacy, assess safety profiles, and optimize trial design. In this …
Clinical Trials & Predictive Analytics Use Cases

Analytics plays a big role in modeling clinical trials and predictive analytics is one such technique that has been embraced by clinical researchers. Machine learning algorithms can be applied at various stages in the drug discovery process – from early compound selection to clinical trial simulation. Data scientists have been applying machine learning algorithms to clinical trial data in order to identify predictive patterns and correlations between clinical outcomes, patient demographics, drug response phenotypes, medical history, and genetic information. Predictive analytics has the potential to enhance clinical research by helping accelerate clinical trials through predictive modeling of clinical outcome probability for better treatment decisions with reduced clinical trial costs. In …
I found it very helpful. However the differences are not too understandable for me