Category Archives: BlockChain
Top 6 BlockChain Peer-to-Peer Digital Currency
This article represents top 6 peer-to-peer digital currency which is based on BlockChain technology. In case, you quickly wanted to understand what is BlockChain, do check my other article, Hello BlockChain – Glad You Arrived in IT World. Please feel free to comment/suggest if I missed to mention one or more important points. Also, sorry for the typos. Bitcoin remaining the most popular one, following is a list of other four peer-to-peer digital currencies: BitCoin ( Goes without saying, it is the most popular P2P digital currency. It is BitCoin which started BlockChain platform. Ethereum ( Built on the BlockChain technology, Ethereum is seen as the rival to BitCoin. Most recently, it …
Hello BlockChain – Glad You Arrived in IT World

This article represents a very high level concept around what is BlockChain Technology. From the time I have latched on to this technology, trust me, I am glad I am investing my time into it. Whether it will live up to hype or not is something I do not care about. What I care is the cool manner it accomplishes transactions in decentralized manner thereby removing the need for third-party centralized system. Its truly amazing and fascinating technology. Please feel free to comment/suggest if I missed to mention one or more important points. Also, sorry for the typos. Following are the key points described later in this article: What is …
I found it very helpful. However the differences are not too understandable for me