The article presents recipe to create single page application with AngularJS & Spring MVC where different pages are required to do transactions with server using RESTful API. The demonstration is created on this page, http://hello-angularjs.appspot.com/angularjs-single-page-app-restful-apis.
Code samples and related concepts are presented for following requirements of single page app:
- Initially one page is loaded with side navigation.
- Clicking on side navigation loads new view (data) from server by consuming RESTful API using ngResource, $resource service with “query” action method
- Clicking on individual items link loads the related data from server, again by consuming RESTful API using ngResource, $resource service with “get” action method
- Submitting a set of data consumes a RESTful API and sends the data to the server for persistence. Here, $resource service with “save” action method is used.
The demo app presents a trivial app which allow users to do some of the following:
- Create new users
- Get all users
- Get users by Id
In this example, one userservice is created that does the RESTful transaction. This userservice is used in multiple different controllers used to load/manage different views.
Following are keys to creating AngularJS Single Page App that consumes RESTful APIs:
- Angular module dependencies
- Routing code that defines routes for different links.
- Code to manage the transactions with RESTful APIs. I created a custom User service that provides APIs to do transactions with RESTful APIs
- Controller code that defines how data will be retrieved/handled in each view
- Server side code to receive RESTful API request and send appropriate response
Angular Module Dependencies
Following are two different modules that will be required to be included when creating app:
- ngRoute
- ngResource
Following is the code sample:
var userApp = angular.module("userApp", [ 'ngRoute', 'ngResource' ]);
You would also have to include following withinelement:
<script type="text/javascript" src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.18/angular-route.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.18/angular-resource.js"></script>
Routing Code
Following represents the routing code which defines how each link/path will be processed (controller, templateURL)
userApp.config(function($routeProvider) {
$routeProvider.when('/users/new', {
controller : 'NewUserCtrl',
templateUrl : 'views/newuser.html'
}).when('/users/:userId', {
controller : 'UsersByIdCtrl',
templateUrl : 'views/userbyid.html'
}).when('/users', {
controller : 'UsersCtrl',
templateUrl : 'views/users.html'
controller : 'SpaCtrl',
templateUrl: 'views/spahome.html'
User Service – Transactions with RESTful APIs
Following code is used to userservice using AngularJS factory recipe. This userservice internally instantiates User class by passing $resource service to its constructor function. Note that $scope is passed to individual APIs/methods and that the value for model is set within each API. Once updated, the model values appear on the UI.
userApp.factory( 'userservice', [ '$resource', function( $resource ){
return new User( $resource );
}] );
function User( resource ) {
this.resource = resource;
this.createUser = function ( user, scope ) {
// Save Action Method
var User = resource('/users/new');
User.save(user, function(response){
scope.message = response.message;
this.getUser = function ( id, scope ) {
// GET Action Method
var User = resource('/users/:userId', {userId:'@userId'});
User.get( {userId:id}, function(user){
scope.user = user;
this.getUsers = function( scope ) {
// Query Action Method
var Users = resource('/users/all');
scope.users = users;
AngularJS Controller Code for Different Views
// Controller when the main page/view loads
userApp.controller("SpaCtrl", [ '$scope', function($scope) {
} ]);
// Controller for All Users View
userApp.controller("UsersCtrl", [ '$scope','userservice', function($scope, userservice) {
userservice.getUsers( $scope );
} ]);
// Controller for New User View
userApp.controller("NewUserCtrl", [ '$scope','userservice', function($scope, userservice) {
userservice.getUsers( $scope );
$scope.createNewUser = function(){
var newuser = { 'firstname':$scope.firstname, 'lastname': $scope.lastname, 'address':$scope.address, 'email':$scope.email };
// Call UserService to create a new user
userservice.createUser ( newuser, $scope );
// Push new user to existing table column
$scope.users.push( newuser );
// Reset fields values
} ]);
// Controller for Individual User View
userApp.controller("UsersByIdCtrl", [ '$scope','userservice', '$routeParams', function($scope, userservice, $routeParams) {
userservice.getUser($routeParams.userId, $scope);
} ]);
Spring MVC Controller Code for RESTful API
Following demonstrates the Spring MVC Controller code for three different RESTful APIs with URL written as part of RequestMapping value parameter:
- All Users (/users/all)
@RequestMapping(value = "/users/all", method = RequestMethod.GET) public @ResponseBody String getAllUsers( ModelMap model ) { String jsonData = "[{\"id\":\"3253123\",\"firstname\":\"Chris\",\"lastname\":\"Johnson\",\"address\":\"211, Geoffrey Drive\",\"city\":\"Newark\",\"phone\":\"999-888-6666\",\"email\":\"chrisj@yahoo.com\"},{\"id\":\"67643837\",\"firstname\":\"Bill\",\"lastname\":\"Derkson\",\"address\":\"201, Sleepy Hollow Drive\",\"city\":\"Newark\",\"phone\":\"999-777-2222\",\"email\":\"billd@gmail.com\"}]"; return jsonData; }
- New Users (/users/new)
@RequestMapping(value = "/users/new", method = RequestMethod.POST) public @ResponseBody String createNewUser( @RequestBody User user ) { // // Code processing the input parameters // String response = "{\"message\":\"Created New User - firstname: " + user.getFirstname() + ", lastname: " + user.getLastname() + ", address: " + user.getAddress() + ", email: " + user.getEmail()+"\"}"; return response; }
- User By Id (/users/{id}
@RequestMapping(value = "/users/{id}", method = RequestMethod.GET) public @ResponseBody String getUsersById( @PathVariable("id") long userId ) { // // Code processing the input parameters // String response = "{\"id\":\""+ userId + "\",\"firstname\":\"FirstName\",\"lastname\":\"LastName\",\"address\":\"Some Address\",\"age\":\"SomeNo\",\"email\":\"sometext@gmail.com\"}"; return response; }
After having found the recipe for creating single page app that could consume RESTful APIs, I am not sure if I would be using any other way to create single page app other than the way described in this article. Please feel free to share your ideas/suggestions/thoughts.
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Thanks for taking the time to put together this example. I just have a couple of suggestions for your implementation.
First, you User factory should not be dependent on scope. The controller is the best place to manage binding objects to the scope. Your factory should only be responsible for managing Users. This clear separation of responsibility will make it easier to test and maintain the project going forward.
Secondly, all operations for the user resource should simply use the ‘/user’ url, or ‘/user/:id’ for specific user actions. The ‘/user/new’ and ‘/user/all’ endpoints seem too much like ‘/noun/action’ descriptions. The REST specification states the url should be used to defined the resource and the HTTP verb should be used to describe the action.
Thanks again for taking the to put together this post.
Thanks for the suggestion. Makes sense.
Can I get the source code for this example? Thanks
Shall post the code on github and share the link.
It would be great.
Full code could help to easily understand the idea by newbies by making fast changes in ready code. One wouldn’t need to know everything to make this code parts runnable and test this solution.
I’d really appreciate this github link.
Thank You very much for Your articles.
thanks for your comment. I shall soon post the github link.
Sure, why not, why not???
Please do it.
Sir, the tutorial example what u have given here is very interesting and helpful too,,
it would be really great if at all u provide the complete source code of this example for my reference ..hope u provide it soon..
Sir can you please uplode the source code.
Hi Ajithesh,
Great tutor to start off, it ll be nice if you share the source code for reference if we stuck anywhere. TIA
source code ?
source code please!
really very nice tutorial….plz provide source code link. So I can understand very well and i can apply in my project..,…..plz source????
Hello ,
Please post source code link or email to me.
I’m new to Rest API, created api how do i call rest api from angularJS
Hi Rajesh,
I am also new in Java and Angular. I have created rest API. But dont know how to integrate it with Angular.
Can you please give me simple code sample if you have?
Hello ,
Please post source code link or email to me.
Thanks ! 🙂
Plase, can you share the source?
Can you please give the github link to get the code?