Tag Archives: Reasoning
First Principles Thinking Explained with Examples

Last updated: 23rd Jan, 2024 Can innovation be taught and learned methodically? Can there be an innovation playbook using which, given a need to create a thing, product, or solve a complex problem, a set of well-defined steps be followed? How has Elon Musk been super successful time and again in creating game-changing innovative products that created tremendous value for end-users and society at large? The answers to these questions can be found with a reasoning technique called first principles thinking. The first principles thinking is often associated with Elon Musk, who uses this approach to come up with his business ideas, create innovative product designs, and build winning products …
First Principles Understanding based on Physics

In this post, you will understand the concepts of first principles and first principles thinking based on physics concepts. Let’s jump in right away. In the meanwhile, you could also access one of my other posts on the first principles: First-principles thinking explained with examples. It will help you get started on what are first principles and what is first principle thinking. One of the most fundamental Physics concept to understand the first principle is this: Every physical quantity can be represented as the derived quantity or fundamental quantity. The fundamental quantities, also termed basic quantity, are most basic or fundamental and unique and there are no overlaps between them. …
I found it very helpful. However the differences are not too understandable for me