Tag Archives: meteorjs
Top 5 Performance So-called Concerns of Meteor JS
Many working with Meteor JS wonders about performance concerns associated with Meteor JS. This blog points some of those concerns and represents my opinion on why they are invalid concerns. Database as a Bottleneck Inability to handle heavy read-write loads, especially, write load/performance; However, with latest releases of MongoDB, MongoDB is good enough to easily handle very large data requirements of read/write. Following are related details: MongoDB supports different techniques to scale out appropriately based on the read-write requirements. They are as following: Secondary reads (reads from slaves, writes from primary/master). Sharding techniques MongoDB (3.0+) has come up with new storage engine, WiredTiger, which supports document-level concurrency control for write …
Top 4 Javascript Frameworks to Watch out in 2015

This article presents analytics on popular Javascript frameworks and call out top 4 javascript frameworks (event-handling) one should watch out in 2015. From the analysis below, AngularJS Rocks!!! Please feel free to comment/suggest if I missed to mention one or more important points. Also, sorry for the typos. Following are the top 7 Javascript frameworks that are considered in this analysis: AngularJS JQuery BackboneJS KnockoutJS ReactJS MeteorJS EmberJS The analytics presents data based on trends captured from Google Trends and Indeed.com job trends. Please feel free to suggest any javascript frameworks that I may have missed. From the analysis below, following are top 4 javascript frameworks that you may want to watch out …
I found it very helpful. However the differences are not too understandable for me